Atropagr wrote: He wasn't in those. Sam Worthington was in those two. But they are both Australian.

really? Damn...I'm all over it.
fries89 wrote: really? Damn...I'm all over it.

Lol well they are both handsome :P
I'll watch it too as it seems to be good. And about sneaking snacks into the theatre..I always have my purse full of food and drinks for the whole gang. That's the whole idea of being a girl..You can carry around a humongous purse and no one would look at you as if you're crazy. After all a girl needs a big purse to have all the things she wants in there :))
fitri_fredriksz wrote: I'll watch it too as it seems to be good. And about sneaking snacks into the theatre..I always have my purse full of food and drinks for the whole gang. That's the whole idea of being a girl..You can carry around a humongous purse and no one would look at you as if you're crazy. After all a girl needs a big purse to have all the things she wants in there :))

Hehe. Well if you are a guy and don't have any fashion sense, you can always wear sweatpants and incredibly baggy jackets :D
i wa palnning to watch it but my baby brother suggested to watch Fast 5 .. :D ... Maaannn it was all worth it :P