Hey so I wanted to create a discussion where we could all talk about the episodes and say what we thought about it ect..

Just finished watching ep12 and  have a couple things I would like to mention:

1-I love the little uncle and miss song, i hope they become friends with the female lead.

2-Im glad the little uncle is aware that the cousin or miss dei is evil and he warned miss song since we all know miss dei was using her to get rid of our fm.

3- Wow so he is in love already

4- have a feeling miss dei is the one who is going to expose the fake pregnancy

I personally think that Miss Dai deserves to be punished harshly soon because she technically attempted to kill her cousin in-law  too many times. I really do hope that Song Qin and Little Uncle join the good side.

In episode 28, the mother-in-law says "I was killing men in battle before Song Zhi was born." Like...what? Lol...I thought this part was so ridiculous.