i like both character, but i would like jung hwan to be the future husband & i already know he is... cause his dad and deok sun have a good relationship while teak's dad, they barely talk. And she have a great relationship with jung bong also & jung bong have a good relationship with no eul... deok sun sees teak like a little brother that needs protection. i don't think that ship will make it 
i like taek all of a sudden since ep 17 but jh always looked like the winner to me.
I like both of them. However, I want Jung Hwan to be the husband. He is so caring, and loves Deok Sun for who she is. Taek is sweet, but I feel like he looks at Deok Sun like a motherly figure; since she treats him like she is his mom. Especially in the beginning, I felt like he cared more about baduk, then he did for her. For instance when he forgot to buy her Christmas present, but Jung Hwan bought her gloves even though she wasn't his secret santa.

100% with Taek kii

always TAEK . he loved more beautiful. clear in his love. he made time for her.

Just recently finished watching this series, and I know I'm so late to this... I thought they were both really compelling in separate ways like they both are amazing and neither one is better than the other. That's how I appreciate this love triangle. Of course, as the viewer I try to figure out who she will end up marrying and I think it was quite predictable once we reach the obvious foreshadowing scene midway.

I was just a bit conflicted because the character of Taek as a husband is nothing like his character in his youth. I read that this choice was deliberate as the writer change the stories while it was airing, but still, I wasn't completely satisfied because I feel they kind of wrecked his adult character.