It seems I have to re-login for this web site every week or two.

This is not a security web sites, many forums or community web sites do not have login expiry.   So I just don't see the need to expire login and have to re-login so frequently.    I just find it quite annoying.



It appears there may be conflicting login cookies. Clearing your cookies for this website might resolve the issue.

I seem to be experiencing this as well. Is that normal or do they normally not expire?

They do expires in a month or a year if remember me is selected

Ah, it might be one month then. That's around the time I have to relogin and I always select remember me. It's only frustrating when I am typing up a post and suddenly get logged out when I hit reply.


They do expires in a month or a year if remember me is selected

Thanks, can you change it to at least a year?

Right now, it's definitely not more than a month.   Thanks!


Thanks, can you change it to at least a year?

Right now, it's definitely not more than a month.   Thanks!

It is set for a year if you select the "remember me" option.  You can try again by clearing your cookies for the website to resolve the conflicts.

Just out of curiosity, is login duration the only factor that affects the expiry? If my IP address changes, or something else changes, does this speed up the login expiry or affect it another way? We're assuming "remember me" has been selected.



Just out of curiosity, is login duration the only factor that affects the expiry? If my IP address changes, or something else changes, does this speed up the login expiry or affect it another way? We're assuming "remember me" has been selected.


Nope, it does not unless there are problems with the server.

Thanks, Ji-N. I do get logged out every several weeks or so, but I tend to tweak browser and other settings probably a bit much.

It's not a big deal for me. I think 1 year is a long time, anyway, and more frequent login requirements might help with security.