
Editing posts

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I know it's really minor (and not majorly important) but whenever I edit my own posts anything with an apostrophe shows up as '&#39 etc', it's obviously not a big deal but idk if it's showing just for me like that or for other people too.

also cannot edit my posts to be friends only once posted, in case i accidentally post under the wrong setting.

For a bit I couldn't edit my posts at all..

Yeah I think that problem must have been fixed. Luckily it's just a minor annoyance so it's not a big deal but I still thought I'd mention it :P

Ah, okay, didn't see this, but thank you for letting me know <3

There's still currently this issue when we edit feed posts and comments.

Although now it seems to occur only on the first edit, whereas if we realise we want to change/add in something else, then thankfully the second edit onwards it's working as normal.  But still frustrating with the initial edit, having to change all those &#39 and such.

I noticed this issue is still currently happening, especially on comments for me! I was gonna report it again but didn't wanna be a pain in the ass haha. 

No it's fine to remind us.

It's Ok,  b/c once it is saved they go back to being apostrophe, etc....

BUt, while editing Reviews .... they don't go back, so u have to keep replacing them all, everytime before you save.


I noticed this issue is still currently happening, especially on comments for me! I was gonna report it again but didn't wanna be a pain in the ass haha. 

Best to report things again if it's been a while and there's still the issues, as after all there's quite a number of issues being reported and worked on at the moment, and it's good to remind about those earlier ones if they are still ongoing.


No it's fine to remind us.

And thanks Ji-N for all your hard work and being so quick to reply as well.

I cant edit any of my comments made int he section underneath a dramas home details. Is this normal?

Hi, it shouldn't be normal.

Where and how do I find the option to edit my own comments on the comments section on the details page of a drama then?

When you hover on your comment you should see a drop-down arrow to open the drop-down menu

Yeah, I see the arrow but it just shows the arrow even when I click on it. I will try a different browser. I'll let you know if I keep encountering a problem on here. This isn't the first problem I have had with the site. It has erased full and parts of notes I have put on dramas on me. So I dunno when it did that I checked multiple devices and browsers and the info was just gone. And hasn't come back yet so maybe this is another new thing going wrong. I did open a ticket about the other thing but haven't gotten an email so hopefully, this isn't another problem. Thanks again for the reply and I will update you asap.

I will be closing this thread since its an old one. Please create a new one if you found any issue. We did also reply to your email regarding the missing notes last week.