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Nov 28, 2016

Such a sweet episode!! But I'm getting really nervous for the ending.

So I always say I'm happy when a book/show is brave enough to kill the main characters off! (I'm blood thirsty.) However, I really want this drama to have a cute and happy ending. I'm starting to get nervous as the accident creeps closer.

That said this episode was awesome!! Yes it was mainly do to them being happy which equals less time spent moping. The whole first official date they had back together as a couple was brilliant. I love the way it went! Which makes me wonder if her mom is really mad at her? I think her quiet dad knows her best. I think he realizes that the first broken heart was the idea, this second one is the real deal and that they are great together.

Either way brilliant. I also love that Lee Ji Sang now knows! Their frank discussion after Park Soo Kyeong saves Ji Sang from his days of the weeks is wonderful. Their interactions may not be as carefree and hilarious as usual, but I love that we're seeing them being more real. What did happen to Ji Sang? What will he do now that he's connected the dots? Hmmmmm?

Beautiful episode. I love seeing this happy and carefree (for him) side to Do Kyeong. It was also refreshing to see more of what Oh Hae Yeong #2 was envious of number #1 over. Oh Hae Yeong #2 may have been lucky because for her hardships she had family and love.

Though I'm really wondering what's up with Do Kyeong's mom? She hasn't been around and would that guy really divorce her that fast? Wowza. I really want Tae Jin to find out the truth while plotting his revenge. Then he can move on. Plus, that would just suck that everyone kept thinking that Do Kyeong was 100% to blame.

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Nov 27, 2016

Oh my drama, Oh Hae Yeong #1's dad grabbed Do Kyeong wrist!!

Oh my drama, Oh Hae Yeong #1's dad grabbed Do Kyeong wrist!! The awesomeness of that alone. Not to mention the duration of how long it lasted as he ran away from his wife.

This episode was great moving a long nicely. It didn't have to much lag until toward the end. However, suddenly Anna is back with Park Hoon! Talk about jump. Hae Yeong #1 best friend was trying to seduce him! If that wasn't her goal, girl needs help. At least Park Soo Kyeong and Lee Ji Sang's wonderful story isn't being cut and jumped. Though I wish it wouldn't be dragged out so long! Tell him. I miss their happy scenes together.

Oh Hae Yeong #1 decides that killing her feet and having a super high fever is the way to go. This girl truly loves misery. Say you're going to move on and that torturing yourself is not the way to do it. I know number #2 tells her that she could cry and then smile later, it's not because she forgot. It's because she's quietly finding a way to torture herself.

So I'm not sure if Do Kyeong is in a car accident and flashing back. I don't think he is because we're getting the full story. However, it doesn't matter right now I guess. What I like is that he's decided to open up. He's changing his actions and they're creating small changes that eventually lead into a big change. Which I think is a great message. No matter how silly or insignificant you think the current decision or action you're making has it will in the end have a big affect on your life. So don't live to regret them.

This pacing here is what makes the self torture of the characters seem better. I don't have to boringly sit through it waiting for the good stuff. See there's a way to let us know they're suffering with out wasting screen time.

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Nov 27, 2016

Hmmmmmm. The duck line was hilarous.

I do feel like this episode had a lot of dragging. Especially with our beloved Oh Hae Yeong #1. Firstly I am very greatful that she is not hitting the bottle. What I don't like is that I still get unless time to watch her wallow in misery. I suppose that's another disconnect for me. I don't believe in drinking to solve your problems, and there's only so long I can wallow. I get her pain though. To take someone else's "rocks" your whole life and especially when you finally thought it was over.

When Oh Hae Yeong #2 said she didn't care about what happened, basically what happened to #1, I wanted to punch her. she was just so relieved that she had some tangible proof that her dumping Do Kyeong meant that he had loved her. She's so self absorbed she can't realize that she made someone else's life horrible, she's probably clueless that while her life has been pretty happy someone has been taking all her "rocks".

With this phrasing you understand Oh Hae Yeong #1 even more. The fact that she would have to say "the ugly one lives here" or lower herself because she had become used to it. To know that she only ever got #2's rocks and not flowers. That would be harsh. I respect her for the ablitiy to keep going. Though I would have hoped she'd have thicker skin after all of this.

Now back to Do Kyeong. He got his answer not just from his best friend, but from #2. He doesn't let anyone in. Most annoyingly, for me because I have dealt with people llike this, he can't even give an answer. He doesn't actually tell people things. Maybe if Oh Hae Yeong #2 had heard the words and new with out a doubt that he loved her she wouldn't have been swayed and left. Oh Hae Yeong #1 wasn't begging him to beg, she was begging him to let her in. To say that he loves her and that was why things went that way. Sorry would never be enough for his actions, love would be though.

Overall there were some brilliant moments! A lot of sad stuff though. Such as Anna and Park Hoon darn it!!!! I do feel like the director and writer are spending too much time showing the characters in misery. The subway scene of self pity dragged on and on! Even though it was supposed to be a scene to shorten how long she was in shock.

I do like that the key players and the ones that the wedding breakup affected are aware. Han Tae Jin's breakdown when he realized that it was an accident and that it was a simple error that tore his whole world down. Hey, he understands Oh Hae Yeong #1 more now.

I love this show, it's brilliant and original. But there's too many things that keep me at arms length. I hope the pacing won't stay like this. We get the emotions with out long drawn out scenes.

That said I am getting so nervous as to what is truly happening with Do Kyeong and the visions. Will the next episode pick up after the wreck? Or do we get to see what happens leading up to it.

Things that made me happy: Park Hoon's nails! The whole scene with the "boys" trying to help Do Kyeong out.

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Nov 26, 2016

A little convoluted and unclear, but it is a perfect ending to this drama.

A little convoluted and unclear, but it is a perfect ending to this drama. The good is that it touch base with all of the characters and gives closure. Again wonderful acting and I loved that I could laugh while feeling the sadness and longing.

What I didn't like was how he just vanished. Because he was suddenly dissipating in the forest I assumed he didn't make it on the UFO. However, when he comes back it kind of sounds like he went home. Then they flashed back when he was explaining how he's back. Not sure if some of it got jumbled in the translation of the subtitles. I would think Dramafever did a good job.

"Three years ago, when I left this place, I was sucked into somewhere. It's called a wormhole. After I went back and recovered everything I tried really hard to comeback. I didn't need the long time over there. I only needed the short time on earth."

So he did vanish, apparently into a wormhole. Which somehow took him to his home planet. He doesn't need the "long time" because he's adapted to earth's "short time". So now he's learned to use his teleporting powers with the wormhole, but he still can't control it? Either way it's fitting for the drama and their love story.

Sure the science fiction elements leave a lot to be desired. (And if he isn't going back to his home planet is he in vast darkness in space until he gets enough energy to come back. That could be scary and lonely depending on how long he lives. See it's too lose.) But, hey that's kind of the open question of the whole alien aspect here.

Despite that being totally unclear it is a perfect ending. Like Song Yi said it makes her love him more and cherish there time. Not to mention be dazzled as every time he comes back he's got new clothes on. (So if he's in the wormhole can he just alien magic new clothes, or if he's going to his planet are the making him earth clothes?) My only regret is that I didn't get to see Yoon Jae reunite with Do Min Joon again! Come on they are so cute together.

Things to note I adored their final dramatic kiss scene! Ah, so glamorous and fitting now that they alien is out of the bag.

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Nov 24, 2016

Let's be honest, Hui Kyung totally defeated the villain. Min Joon was the sidekick.

Let's be honest, Hui Kyung totally defeated the villain. Min Joon was the sidekick. Hui Kyung even solved the case for the police. Though in the end Min Joon saves the girl and gets her.

No matter what Song Yi has done, or said up until now, you have to respect her now. It's so odd seeing her so serious. Yes, she is having fun and enjoying her moments with Min Joon. But this woman is on a mission and now that she understands everything she's showing us her true colors. She might be dump at somethings, but she's wise in others.

I also loved the flashback to Min Joon and that writer. At first I thought I had missed an episode. It's interesting to see this writers insights to love. That love is mischievous, and that those who don't believe in it are the ones who feel it strongest. Wise words indeed.

Overall there are many great things about this episode. However, what I didn't like were the dumb things. Such as Song Yi being poisoned and having Min Joon have to pump her stomach. Firstly, there was away for Min Joon to teleport and keep it on the down low. He's smart enough to know how. Secondly, if she had been poisoned and stomach pumped she would not be feeling that well already. She'd be sick for a while from the poison and the stomach pumping. It's soooooo poorly done that it really ticked me off.

Poor Hui Kyung. You deserve an epic love story. Especially after everything you did for your dad. Heck, you probably saved his life from a few years down the line. Serial killers gotta kill.

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Nov 22, 2016

Finger kiss! (Okay, ET reinactment, but still finger kiss!!)

Finger kiss! (Okay, ET reinactment, but still finger kiss!!) The whole thing with Min Joon and Yoon Jae was hilarious! From Yoon Jae confessing that he likes Min Joon to Yoon Jae deciding he will marry his sister. Ha-ha, Song Yi and Yoon Jae both jumped the gun, but they were truly thinking a like.

I think it will just be Min Joon's superpowers that fade. Then he will become a normal man. I think they should kiss again while his powers are down. Then click.

Hui Kyung is really being awesome. I feel so bad for him with his father. With a creep dad like that no wonder that Jae Kyung turned out that way. I think his dad likes him being this scary ass killer. Of course then what if his son decides he's in the way? Didn't think that through.

Anywho I'm really proud of Hui Kyung this episode. I also like seeing him do more than just pine for Song Yi. I also like Song Yi interacting a bit more with her friend and getting sage advice instead of just mean insults. I've enjoyed how their relationship feels like a real friendship now.

Even better is that Song Yi now knows the truth. Hopefully the whole truth and the director/writer isn't going to magically leave out learning that Jae Kyung is a villain. Please, don't be that sloppy. I'm very curious how much more leave-back-together-leave-back-together drama they'll drag out in the last 3 episodes?

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Nov 21, 2016

Hui Kyung, maybe the better guy.

Hui Kyung may really be the better guy! Look at all this grunt work he's doing. Heck, he's doing more--and a better job of it--to protect Song Yi than Min Joon did. Once he got the right info! He even enlisted Min Joon to help him with his brilliant plan!

Working it!

That said there were some cute scenes with Song Yi and Min Joon. Boy are they yo-yoing, it's a bit tiring. I'm not sure if that's how it's supposed to be or due to the script having to be lengthened.

What really bothers me is that Song Yi doesn't really wait to listen to Min Joon's answer for why he can't leave. Then Min Joon doesn't try to tell her the truth. I hate plots that evelove around characters not revealing information. It just seems ridicuoulous. "I don't want to leave you, but I'll day if I don't." That's good.

Okay so I have theories. Min Joon didn't pass out when Song Yi kissed him this time. So I'm thinking that maybe when his alien powers/life force fade he becomes a normal human. That way he can be with her and they both grow old. Huh? I think that's good! Of course than my theory about the 100 day anniversary is out. But I do like to theorize how it will end.

Either way I hope it's happy and that things are picking up a bit more.

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Nov 21, 2016

Actually pretty solid.

First I have to say it's nice to see Hui Kyung doing something other than pine for Song Yi! He's figuring out and at this rate may be the one to actually crack the case against his brother.

That said I felt like if Song Yi isn't going to pretend to be nice to Se Mi she should have responded to her comment with something like, "You told me we were never friends? Has this now changed for the sake of this interview?" Or something.

I like that Song Yi doesn't pretend be something she's not. Why do they have to make the leads with all the classic flaws that make them undesirable and their beauty is one of the "apparent" desirable traits? It does make Song Yi fun and hilarious, but it saddens me that she can't see the trap Se Mi set for her. Though I do like that she takes her job seriously. Doing that scene over and over. Though the director/crew almost killed her, why on earth would they still be that horrible?


Interesting ending scene. I feel like it meant that Min Joon will leave and then after time goes on he will show up for the 100th day or something.

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So sweet, now something tragic will happen.

The 10th Prince and his Bear Bride have such amazing time here. I'm very saddened that it's all likely going to go bad.

I'm also wondering why even after the pep talk from Bear Bride why she still won't fully trust So? Or maybe the letter had a plan? I also like that allude to the fact that the future has changed. Even with Soo deciding not to affect it. So why doesn't she try to actively do it now?

This was a very moving episode and I like seeing all the gears going seamlessly. You have to admire how well Wook is as a dastardly villain. He knew I'd think he was such a charming prince to a villainess one! Well done. Wook's sister is also playing the game well. I have to give her points, even though I'd like nothing more than to off her.

It was also a treat to see So, Moo, and the Astronomer together like that. It was wonderful to see them happy even knowing the tragedy that awaits. The time is coming for more Princes to die. It's so heart breaking when most of them are really great. Though I'm still waiting for 9th Prince to come out and truly strike. He might seem like the used and stupid, but he's working everyone. Even the great Wook.

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Intense begining and ending!

Going in to episode 10 I was very fearful. I thought things where gonna hit the fan in a big way, and that we had hit a turning point after the forced kiss. Personally I hate forced kisses. However, I give the writer and director props. That moment when So realized he had done something wrong. Then when he says he doesn't think like others and he wouldn't be sorry for it. Well played. Even later when talking to the 13th brother he mentions that he doesn't think the same as everyone else. When you're a friend or potentially something more, his emotions for you are intense. So doesn't have an in-between. Again. Well played.

I do like seeing how Soo is handling her romantic love triangle--well technically there are two other princes who dig her, but they don't really count and they are being handled well.

Oh, that moment with Wook! It was beautiful and I'm so happy about it. It makes me so sad that we're up to episode 10 and So side of the triangle really hasn't been developed. So much time and emotions have been setup for Wook and Soo. Sure we can argue for So, but it's true.

In the end I did find this episode a bit duller and the plot to be . . . not that great. I see where things are turning. Right now I think someone needs to knock off the Queen and Princess. End the scheming right there! After all everyone else is just a pawn. The previews for the next episode are scary! However, it's a silly ploy as we know that So and Soo can't be killed off. That's why the plot is dull, though from mean people kind of leaking spoilers I think I know where it may be going and I do like that. Soo shouldn't be so sure that So is going to be the killer. A lot of people are going to be wronged and ticked soon. Who knows how many people will end up seeking vengeance?

I bet the role of second wife will be looking really good soon.

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Sep 17, 2016

A bit slower, but . . .

This episode was a bit slower, but moving things along for the characters nicely.

I take back what I said for Er Xi to maybe couple up with Shao Xiang. Boy is not worthy. At least Er Xi is starting to see that her friendship is more important! Let us hope it's dragged out passed the next episode.

Cao Guang stepped up to the plate once he realized he was wrong, so at least I feel better about my long standing positions that he and Er Xi should be a couple.

Overall the gaming politics are really taking over. I hope that the "spy" has already confided in Xiao Nai about what is happening. That way he's a double agent. Though maybe now Xiao Nai will have an idea.

It's a bit sad about Shao Xiang finally getting fired up about the bid for New Ghost Story, but he's still a jerk.

I loved the guys in the office playing around! I've missed all the friendships/bromances! KO is so cool I want him to have more time. With the timeline now being bumped I'm worried about the story a bit.

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Sep 17, 2016

I get both sides.

The writer has done an excellent job of showing Er Xi's reasons for being made. She doesn't want to be jealous of Wei Wei or blame her. However, you can see why unconsciously she does. You can also see how it's wrong and that Wei Wei is not at fault.

The reality is that they both need to realize that you don't like conniving men break up a friendship.

I thought it was sweet that Xiao Nai says he's Wei Wei's "everything" now. However, I think it's cold to say Er Xi is just a small part of Wei Wei's life. They're best friends and have lived together how long. Friendships are a big part of life, just like a boyfriend/husband you choose those relationships and important they are to you. While it's never confirmed whether Er Xi and Wei Wei are simply college friends or life long, they clearly are very important to one another.

I don't like seeing the two fight! Make up soon girls.

Shao Xiang is already scheming and so is my mind. I could see him turning out to be a good match for Er Xi.

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Sep 16, 2016

Ahhhhhh! OMG! What a scene.

Okay, Xiao Nai's facial expressions after Wei Wei bit him were . . . well my ovaries have not been the same for a while now. >_< Not to mention the rest of that scene. Don't worry Wei Wei we're all questioning his experience! Dang.

I will congratulate Wei Wei in actually kissing back. Baby steps. It's coming I know it is . . . a really passionate drama kiss. I need Wei Wei and Xiao Nai to have one. Some bad. *_*

Oooooooo, it's happening. My dear sweet Er Xi's charm is growing on Cao Guang. Soon he will not be able to resist her allure! Ha-ha. The whole cat thing was pretty funny. Is rabies a really big issue in China? We don't worry too much unless it's a nocturnal mammal in the day, or it's foaming at the mouth. Especially if it's vaccinated. (Or maybe as a country bumpkin I'm jaded.)

Overall I really like the character development of this episode. Things are really building up well on the romantic fronts, work, politics, and so on. Really great.

Now what will Wei Wei do while "watching" the house. Ha-ha.

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Sep 15, 2016

Well the kissing isn't as awkward, but dang Xiao Nai!

Well Wei Wei wasn't quite as awkward this time. It's just that Xiao Nai is really working it! Phew, hot dang. It just seems so odd she's so cold fish yet. Though I am impressed that there was a hickey! Skinship is good. Maybe this means Wei Wei will warm up.

All the wrong identity around Er Xi is really building up! I wonder if Shao Xiang is gonna make some kind of move? Oh, and things are building up between her and Guang! Even if they're not getting there in real life.

I'm a little disappointed about one of the employees being a spy, but curious to see how it plays out. A fun episode and things are moving along nicely. I like seeing Wei Wei handle herself.

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Sep 10, 2016

This whole episode felt a little off.

Wei Wei felt a little off. I especially found it odd that Wei Wei was so proud before that she could eat and eat and not gain weight. But she was so unwilling to eat too much in front of Xiao Nai.

This whole episode felt a little off.

Not to mention that Wei Wei was thinking that now they're entering a relationship. When I thought they were already courting each other. I'm thinking some of the translation is off. Maybe that by eating with each other's friends that act alone made it truly official and real. When before it seemed like a dream?

Overall I was a little disappointed by some of the characters actions/reactions. This episode dragged a bit in some places. My dear Er Xi was still as awesome as ever, it's Okay to be a glutton!

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