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May 5, 2021
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
What a beautiful, compelling, moving and often witty drama.
The acting was a little wooden in early episodes, but as this wonderful story progressed, the actors became more comfortable with their roles.
Pharm, character becomes very emotional, but considering what he's going through and the fact he has no apparent control over the memories that activate those emotions, it's not surprising.
Win and Team were adorable. The former was certainly persistent. I felt the latter could never seriously reject him; it was more like rejection of feelings Team was afraid of.
I absolutely loved it; not perfect by any means, but I adored the actors and the characters they portrayed, the plot, plus had a few good cries and will really miss it.

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Mar 31, 2021
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
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Until We Meet Again!

I loved this drama so much. I cried a lot. It's one of those dramas that the story is so intense and so deep, that you feel the characters so much that you empathize with them to the point that you share their pain. It does deal with the heavy topic of suicide. So if this is triggering for someone to see, I do recommend skipping this one.

I also want to say that another reason that I loved this drama was the introduction to many Thai beliefs and culture being shared--especially food culture through dishes and deserts.
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Proud Bibliophile
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Nov 18, 2022
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 1.5

It had promise & it was too long

I liked the premis of the show.
It was interesting & had great potential.
The main couple was cute, their love story was kinda tragic yet cute and honestly overall a little boring towards the end.

The secondary couple is them in their past lives & I enjoyed watching their story. I love InTouch. Their story was heartbreakingly beautiful & just as tragic. The actors who played In & Touch were absolutely brilliant. Cooheart is the standout actor in this show.

After InTouch's part of the story was told, the series relied heavily on DeanPharm's story & them as a couple. There was so much crying. Too much crying. To the point that though you understand why they are sad & crying, as a watcher, you no longer care & just want it to stop.
I struggled to finish the series & by episode 14, I had given up.
It genuinely felt like the series was too long. It should've been like 10/12 episodes long, not 17.
You could argue that they had a lot of story to tell, I could argue that a lot of the episodes were filler and thus didn't need the 17 episodes.

HOWEVER WinTeam stole my heart. Was it the sexy angel wings back tattoo? Probably but I was more infatuated with that couple than the main couple and I am so excited for Between Us💃🏾

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Feb 16, 2023
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 4.5

almost dropped this series but luckily i didnt!!

just to preface - i was like halfway through between us before i realized that this series was supposed to (not really) be watched first. but i dont think it really effected my view on the show itself.

was okay. there wasn't a lot that sticked out to me but the overuse of the same music got SUPER annoying after awhile. 17ish hours of the same handful of background music playing on loop was super annoying. also the pacing was abnoxiously slow sometimes and scenes dragged on for way too long.

i am a HUGE sucker for reincarnation stories so this whole idea was my jam. but i really wish that it wasnt dragged out for so long. it was confusing sometimes i didnt really understand how much they knew of their past lives at some points. i luckily didnt ever feel like the characters were dumb but the slow pace of the show sometimes made it hard to sit through. which is why i can't really see myself ever rewatching this series in the near future. i felt like for awhile just nothing was happening - it wasnt until episode 9 that i really felt engaged in what was happening.

fluke (pharm) does super well with emotional scenes especially at the end i was really stunned with his acting. however near the beginning when he was moreso acting shy it more felt like he was cringing to me. sometimes i wondered if pharm was actually comfortable around dean. i did sorta think he wasnt my favorite but i appericate him a lot more now. i do wish we got more development at the end with his fears but oh well.

ohm (dean) i have a soft spot for kinda reserved characters. i did think he pulled off emotional scenes until the end - maybe bc he just was right next to fluke who was giving his all haha. i also didnt really feel like we develed deep enough into his feelings. they did a little but and i really liked it when they did but they couldve given us that a little bit more.

together they were sweet but like i kinda said i sometimes wondered if they were truly comfortable around each other. i did feel like their physical actions with each other felt a little too scripted sometimes but it didnt distract me completely. in the end i was happy for them.

earth (intouch) really was such a perfect comparison of fluke. i really am glad they didnt make intouch and pharm extremely similiar. i did have a problem with intouch being kinda annoying but it didnt last very long and im pretty sure he's my favorite from the series. just very cute and lovable.

kao (korn) was a lot like dean. which given that pharm and intouch were different didnt make a lot of sense. i also didnt really understand korn's motivations that well in the end (beginning). i dont really think it ever got properly explained why he did what he did. i also feel like the changing for his feelings for intouch kinda came out of nowhere.

but their scenes together worked really well i felt like intouch's character was so much stronger when he played off of korn. their beach scene really sold me. i liked their happiness and it really made me appreciate them and feel for them when all the sad stuff happens.

i liked the side characters - i do feel like the continuity when it comes to win/team is pretty rough when it comes to between us. but this was made first so i dont blame this series for that. they are just much more light-hearted here than they are their own story. manaow is best girl i absolutely love her. and seeing ja playing sin made me brust that WIG bdgahwhshwh. i love u ja but omg i couldnt help it.

im glad i stuck through the series i loved the concept for the story and while i have my issues with it i think they pulled it off a lot better than most people would. i probably wont rewatch this anytime soon but im excited that ill finally get back to watching between us haha!

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semantic correction
1 people found this review helpful
Feb 9, 2023
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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A masterpiece among BLs

I'm writing this review after watching this series several months ago and then rewatching it after watching a few more BLs. My view of it remains the same. This drama was a masterpiece. This drama was actually the second BL drama I ever watched, with the first one being a few years prior. I was actually thoroughly surprised at the depth that this story held, and the sad and tragic way this story was told. It's a melodrama among BLs. which I cant say is uncommon, however none have made me weep like this one has.

The writer's choice to make the reincarnated In and Korn into modern day characters that fall in love once after committing double suicide due to the homophobia of their parents by itself is just genius. The looks, the feelings that each of them had when they saw each other for the first time, the flashbacks of their past life, wow. It was a story that flowed so well to me. and one that manages to address most of the grey areas that one has. Opening the drama with the double suicide was absolutely wild but set the tone for the entire series. It was not going to only be cute and happy. It was grief, longing, desperation and ill fated love.

Some things I loved:

- Fluke was acting his behind off. He put his all into Pharm's character, and the trauma he got from In witnessing Korn kill himself stays true throughout the entire series. I felt his sadness, his fear. I was captivated by his character.
-traditional Thai desserts. This was a good little addition to the story, and the way each of the desserts he made was connected to his past life just made it even more enjoyable. a story with proper connections!
- Opposite personalities. Dean taking In's confidence and pursuing Pharm and Pharm taking Korn's reserved nature but opening up to Dean was also a refreshing take. Of course each person has their own personality, but this was just a little treat.
- storytelling, just overall the way the story was unveiled I was on the edge of my seat

Things I disliked

-Manaow. I'm sorry, fight me! I could not get behind her over acting and antics like girl please sit down!
- Family tree. Confused us all with the mixing of families in the reincarnation process, like are they distant cousins now? (i know theyre not related by blood technically but also hmm) They couldve just kept it in the same families lol.
- Reincarnation after 1 generation. I mean I get that theres no hard n fast rules to reincarnation but 1 generation seems real quick to me. But anyway

The things I disliked were ignorable and thats why I only took off half point for the story. Overall I really liked it and have been recommending to many people. worth the watch.

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Jul 12, 2024
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
This was my first BL show, and it holds a very special place in my heart. I remember loving it a lot back then. My review is a little late, haha, but it was amazing.

The series captivated me from the start with its heartfelt story and memorable characters. As my introduction to the BL genre, it set the bar high and left a lasting impression.
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Apr 12, 2021
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
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Loved this BL series

Loved the premise of the series. Together in death is at the very core of romantic literature. The storyline was very well thought out and it had very powerful moments. Not the best acting I've ever seen in my life, but it was a solid effort. Although I need to give a shoutout to Kao... he lights up the screen whenever he's on it.

*Kinda spoilers*
(I mean who doesn't know they end up together though)
The most annoying thing for me was Pharm... You are in a relationship, you can't get shy every time he tries to touch you. It's cute at first, but it gets tiresome very soon. I mean, you're talking about living together. Come on! Other than that it was great

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Jul 10, 2021
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 10
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You're crazy if you didn't enjoy this.

I think it was fate for me to watch this series. It was amazing.
I'm not very good at writing reviews and I don't really know how to put into words how much I enjoyed this. I don't really know the fundamentals for making a good drama. However, I'm going to review this based on how this drama made me feel and OH did it make me feel MANY things. I feel like I felt every single emotion there is out there when watching this series. I really appreciate a BL with a good story or plot because sometimes, they can really lack that. A lot of companies make BL because its very popular amongst young girls and usually all they care about are the kiss/sexy time scenes. This series has so much more than that. I really like the idea of reincarnation, though I personally don't believe in it. But it fascinates me. I like the idea of love giving you a second chance in life. I also think mental health and suicide are things people need to talk more about. I mean it literally had a double suicide and had me crying within the first 7 minutes(I'm a baby though). The thing is, suicide is a very touchy subject but its definitely not a foreign idea when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community. Its taken a long time for the community to come as far as it has and for people to live their lives comfortably in their sexuality. This series really shows the progression of society, even if it is only 30 years. Time can heal a lot more than we think it can. If you want to watch a series that has love so strong that it really overcomes all obstacles, this is the drama for you for sure.

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1 people found this review helpful
Apr 10, 2021
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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emotional and touching

April 9, 2021

Until We Meet Again is a very touching and emotional series. Be prepared to watch this with boxes of tissues as it is tragic and may lead to a mild feeling of depression. Though, I must say that be prepared for some spicy and steamy scenes that will make you faint.

Dean and Win, the strong "alpha" men who are very protective to their wives, Pharm and Team. Dean is so caring to Pharm and very thoughtful. He kept blaming his past life as he hurt Pharm so much. Also, a lot of people have been criticizing their chemistry and I must say that. They have pretty good chemistry, but I understand since Korn(Dean) and In(Pharm), their past selves really delivered through their story. It's so funny how they basically swapped families after they were reincarnated. Pharm is born into Korn's family while Dean is born into In's family. I am just happy that their families are accepting as they witness how Korn and In both committed suicides due to the disapproval of their family.

Though, the reason why I gave a lower rating in terms of the storyline as the execution was a bit messy. I feel like constant crying of Pharm due recollecting his memories as In had bored in the latter half of the story. I felt that every minute he cries and I try to understand but I just got more annoyed. Also, when Pharm asked for a 3-month break and pointed the gun to himself while confronting Dean just triggered my anger even more. I felt that Pharm was a bit selfish in his action and did not even bother to understand Dean.

Anyway, WIN AND TEAM!! I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO THEIR OWN SERIES. I HOPE IT GETS RELEASED SOON. Win is so caring to Team. It's so funny how Team is so loyal to his lays. I feel like Win might get jealous in their own series. Also, when Manaow finally got herself a boo and ALEX OUR BI KING AND DEL STARTED DATING I WAS SO HAPPY. I highkey wish that each couple from the squad will get their own series. Also, they are all cuffed up. Can I join their squad maybe I won't be single anymore? We have Dean&Pharm, Win&Team, Alex&Del, and Manaow&her boo ( I forgot his name lol)

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1 people found this review helpful
Jun 17, 2021
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
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An actual meaningful BL

I started this show with the more simple mindset, a search of each other in the current life.
This is not wrong but the show reminds me of how your simple actions could have so much impact on the people who loves you. And I didn't/forgot that so much sadness could eventually turn into anger. The story went from a usual love story in a life lesson for me. I hope GMMTV or Thailand makes more meaningful BL.

I highly recommend watching the interviews and pov of each actor at the end. The interviews at the the senior actors are also extremely knowledgable. Gen z grew up in a different way, they need a ton of attention and love

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Oct 8, 2022
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
OhmFluke and BounPrem absolutely make this drama for me. I watched it two years ago, but with Between Us coming out next month, I decided to watch it again as a refresher. If you haven't seen it yet, be prepared to tear up starting in the first episode. Cooheart plays such a complex character beautifully. And I usually don't care for the female support roles they put in BL series, but I adore Samantha in almost every role she plays. She's one of the most talented Thai actress I've come across. You will go through every emotion in this series, happy, sad, angry, hopeful, heartbreak, and you may even fall in love. 🥰

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2 people found this review helpful
Aug 17, 2020
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
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UWMA is very interesting drama however i do think that they did a big mistake in choosing the casting. I feel like they should have put Earth X Kao as the present main pairing because i feel their chemistry is more strong and i could easily read their emotion. They are showing a small act of emotion but gives off a very strong impact. I keep on skipping the part where Fluke x Ohm appears because i found Ohm to be robot-like and there's no emotion in his acting. Whenever he cry, i feel like he is faking it. Everyone is faking it but your job is to make the audience to believe it. Anyway, EARTH IS SO CUTEEEE!!!! HNYAAAAAS I FELL FOR HIM ISTG!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕 UGHHH HE IS SO CUTE AND HE LOOKS SO TINY COMPARED TO KAO. The plot somehow doesn't have the climax and the acting is very cringe? There's no real problem between them but i have to say that i almost cry at the part In and Korn committed suicide because of their parents pressuring them. Its the truth what happened to gay people during old time.

Anyway, LET'S TALK ABOUT THE OTHER CAST. I AM LOVING ALL THE SIDE PAIRING HERE. FUCKKKKK Except Alex and Del? Like they never show love line but suddenly they are together???? I was like hello? Never heard of 2 Wish? OKAY JOKING AHHAAH Its so good to see LBC cast in the series but it's a little bit off. It's something missing. I know it's totally a different plot but you can't blame me when they use the whole LBC cast except for Saint. CAN I ALSO SAY HOW MUCH I LOVE IT WHEN SAMANTHA FINALLY HAVE HER OWN LOVE LINE?! Ugh she is so cutee! And she is the one that makes me laugh all the time in the series. She is so real istg! 💕

Overall, i don't think I'll be re-watching this again. Its not my cup of tea. I found the reincarnated main pairing is very cringe and there's no emotion in it, but i love the past main pairing, boring plot, and i don't really hate it but i don't like it either. If you plan to watch it, go watch it. Maybe you'll like it or maybe you don't.

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