130 people found this review helpful
Apr 18, 2012
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I watched Secret Garden about a year ago.. But sometimes I rewatch and still feel great..
Honestly, my consideration for watching Secret Garden was the two main characters Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin..
But after that I found the story was amazing..
I was hooked and finished this only in 2 days.. until my eyes being swollen at that time..
It makes me laughed and cried at the same time.. The storyline made me curios to watch this until the end..
Both Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin plays the role very well.. Especially when their bodies switched.. The chemistry between them looks so real..
The music also very good.. the placement for the ost at every scene can play our emotion..
For me, it’s one of the best K-drama.. Love it so much!!!

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Apr 10, 2011
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I don't think I have ever written as much about a show as I have about Secret Garden.

I even managed to regain my composure after the initial excitement, let some time pass and cool down, in order to look at it with a less passionate, more objective stance. The result is, SG remains my all time favourite, a drama I have watched and rewatched and will watch again until the characters and the script will be integral part of my life - perhaps they already are.

The plot speaks fot itself. There is fun, romance, magic, tragic, twists and literary references. It flows without interruptions, making you laugh like crazy and cry like a baby, at times flooding you like high tide, but it never leaves one dry or unsatisfied: questions are answered, references fulfilled, all spiced up with a little magic.

The script is unique and brilliant. The funny lines are hilarious, the serious ones thought-provoking. Nothing about this script is either predictable or shallow, making the characters come to life and become realistic in a fantasy world.

Which inevitably leads me to the acting, which is outstanding. The main leads have to play the part of themeselves, then that of the other, then that of the other playing the part of themselves. Lesser actors would have screwed up, but Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin both do a fantastic job, providing laughters in heaps and tears in the same amount. And their love story is just as beautiful as their chemistry on screen is sizzling.

The secondary characters are not mere supporters. They are all interesting, complex personalities who adds to the plot and the dynamic wonderfully.

The music is addicting, even for a K-pop ignorant as myself. Songs and lyrics are never chosen randomly but highlight and define the scenes they soundtrack.

I can't ask more of a drama. In fact, I doubt I'll find something to fully compensate for the end of this wonderful show.

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May 29, 2015
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I think in some ways I'm preaching to a pretty large choir here, but I can't help but write this. I feel as if I owe it to the drama and to myself.

When I started Secret Garden, I really didn't read the description. And, maybe that's a good thing. I might not have given it a fair shot. Because of that, the twists and turns that I experienced (especially after episode 5 or so) had such a big impact. My train of thought when things started to get interesting: "Wait, did they...did that really...did she just grab her own boobs? Wait a minute, did they just switch bodies? What? WTF? What just happened here?!" In all honesty, I should start watching everything now without reading descriptions. So much more emotional build-up and surprise. But, anyway, I digress.

With very few exceptions, Secret Garden did everything right. An unexpected plot journey, a phenomenal cast (even down to the supporting actors - Lee Jong Suk isn't just brilliant as a main lead in dramas...), beautiful settings, an evocative and unique soundtrack, heaps of awkward comedy, tear-jerking drama, and more. It was (and still is) everything I could ask for in a show.

Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won are simply incredible. Their chemistry is immediate, and it becomes an excellent foundation for the remainder of the story. Honestly, though, while I have a certifiable girl crush on Ha Ji Won, Hyun Bin truly made this drama. Completely. From the comedy of the body switching to the drama of the later episodes, he NAILS IT. The growth and changes that his character experiences are so fun to watch.

If you are unfamiliar with kdramas and would like to start, give Secret Garden a try. It's a great example of when things are done right. Even if you are a kdrama veteran and still have not managed to see it, I would still recommend it. There's a reason why so many dramas include bits from it.

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Dropped 20/20
42 people found this review helpful
Jul 11, 2016
20 of 20 episodes seen
Dropped 2
Overall 4.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.5
This is a very subjective and different review seeing how much love this show has gotten.

This is probably the most boring highly-rated Kdrama I have ever had the displeasure of viewing, without completion. It has taken me over a year to finish, and I'm only on episode 11.
I must be doing something wrong, I must be missing something. But I just don't feel the magic in this show like everyone else does.
The plot is extremely repetitive from what I've seen and the typical rude, cold demeanor of the wealthy male stereotype just wasn't working for me like it usually does. The male and female lead were so off putting that I couldn't enjoy the apparent comedic chemistry they share. The gender-swapping plot line was so slow and uninspiring, drawing out the tiring push and pull between the annoying leads.

Don't know what it is, I have watched some pretty unknown dramas and have enjoyed myself more.

Every scene honestly felt so damn cringe-worthy.

Anyway just my 2 cents, different things for different people I guess.

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Mar 26, 2017
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
To be honest, I had to do a lot of thinking regarding the rating I wanted to give this show. For even though there were numerous moments that I had loved, the few pesky one's did manage to thoroughly piss me off. So, it's only right that I elaborate on both.

The Lovable aspects of SG:

1) Comedy
This is the most hilarious K-drama I have ever watched. Period.
For it almost caused me a wonderful death by laughter. Now, I know you're thinking that I'm being over-dramatic by saying that, but I assure that I truly am not. One fine midnight, I was lying on my bed, devouring popcorn and happily watching Secret Garden and before you know, utter hilarity ensued between the main characters for the umpteenth of time. Now, I, a mere mortal tried but failed to keep some semblance of calm and so chortle after chortle helplessly spewed out of my mouth. In all this mess, the poor popcorn tried to waddle along my esophagus but my spasmodic movements halted its journey and suddenly, I choked.

And I kid you not, it was surely a full-on deadly choke. My lungs were burning, I couldn't breathe, eyes were flooding and dread had encompassed my heart in a tight fist. Now, a less motivated Koreaboo would have given up on life there and then but I persevered for the ending was still there to finish and hence, became a survivor.

Moral of the story: Secret Garden is a life hazard. Keep oxygen masks nearby.

2) Acting
At this point, Ha-Ji Won can dress up in one of those cringey Teletubbies costumes and go around screaming Friday by Rebecca Black in her Korean accent and I would still be a die-hard fan. I really don't know how she does it. There is always so much sincerity in her acting and she can control her facial expressions in such a way that all that the character is feeling is openly displayed on her features. It's simply captivating to watch her in action.

Hyun Bin- Ah, one of those beautiful creatures who communicate with their eyes. He has such soulful eyes that half of the time, I deluded myself into thinking that President Kim and I were having a telepathic conversation through the screen.

Bottom line: Both of the actors brought their best to the table and I simply couldn't get enough of them.

3) Romance
There is such genuine and honest romance in this drama. It's filled with swoon worthy, butterflies in your tummy- dirt in your mind sweet yet burning moments that you can't help but fangirl throughout. The characters have deep understanding with each other and their chemistry is tangible. Every K-drama watcher probably cried in gratitude because of the make out sessions because finally, they had witnessed a couple who didn't kiss like dead entrails of catfish. The love story is so believable and authentic, that it's a must to root for them.

Bottom Line: You can't get a better ship than President Kim and Gil Ra Im, so get sailing.

The Not So Lovable Aspects:
1) Episode 17 and 18
Basically everything I didn't like happened in these two episodes. Examples:

a) Over-Crying:
Now this is a drama where there was so much love and merriment throughout, so if they were going to make it sad, they needed to be very careful in order to give maximum impact but I'm sorry to say they failed big time. Aside from that one part where President Kim gives his shoes and watches to OSKA, literally every other emotional scene fell flat. SG went from 0 to 100 real quick and I was caught bewildered in the midst of it all. Everybody suddenly started crying like a baby and doing it over and over again. Sure, give me sobs once or twice and I'll sob with you, but give me sobs a hundred of times and I'll want to shove a sock in your mouth to shut you up.

It was a horrible feeling because due to the excessive sobbing and lack of emotional connection, I started to develop a mild annoyance towards both of my beloved main characters and was consequently upset because of that fact.

b) Rise of the cliches:
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against cliches. I firmly believe that if you yourself haven't used the idea then it isn't old. Some of my favorite film pieces are those where writers took an over-used plot, put their own spin on it and turned it into a unique masterpiece. SG's plot, while not something never-before seen was already pretty unique in itself. However, in these two episodes suddenly the cliches started piling up. It would've been okay if they were one at a time but bring them all in together and it's a hot mess.

The "I love you so I'll let you go" scene followed by that one jarring accident, followed by excessive crying, followed by the infamous coma, followed by the hero being the martyr, followed by some more crying, followed by amnesia and then finally a convenient plot device to make everything dandy and sunshine. Please no.

2) Im Jong Soo:
My God, I have wanted to repeatedly slap this dude in the face. I mean I get that he was just there as man candy, ready to flaunt his English speaking skills when ordered, portraying a supposedly cool love interest for Gil Ra Im but like, did they really have to cast someone who couldn't act to save his life? It's so painfully obvious that he's a model and not an actor because he literally posed and bullshitted his way through the show. Plus, he just had one of those faces that can annoy you with a mere glance.

One of the more interesting characters was Joo Won's mother. She's probably the worst mom in K-drama history; extremely cruel and selfish. The actress who played her did an excellent job and I loved how much she made me hate the character. No joke, I wanted to grind her into mince meat, barbecue over a scorching grill and then feed her to rodents.

The supporting characters brought their fair share of fun. OSKA, Yoon Seul, Secretary Kim, Secretary park, Han Tae Seon and Gil Ra Im's action school sunbaes were all simply hilarious. Even though I was more interested in the side character's interactions with the main leads instead of their own stories, I didn't think that the drama dragged on more than was necessary.

So yes, there were some downs that came with SG but the ups more than made up for them. This is a sweet and beautiful story and I recommend it as a refreshing dessert to some spicy and tragic tearjerker of a drama.


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21 people found this review helpful
Feb 10, 2015
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
Let's start off by saying that this dramas strengths lie not with its story, but with its other areas. The basic story trope has been done before. Rich and selfish boy gets enchanted by poor and humble girl. We've seen it before. This drama attempts something fresh though, namely body swapping. Now, body swapping as a plot device isn't anything new in itself, but it has in this drama a condition for occurring.

The story's biggest weakness is its characters. Characters make or break a story, and Kim Joo Won just isn't as romantic as he is made out to be. Repeatedly seeking out a girl that has made it clear that there is no mutual interest isn't the way to go. Invading personal space and not laying off her when she is obviously extremely uncomfortable isn't the way to go, either. I do dig his sparkly tracksuit, though. Not only aesthetically, but as a recurring gag. I'm not saying that all characters are 100% trash, because that's not it. There are several good characters, like Ah Young, Han Tae Sung and Oska, to name a few. The acting and the cast, on the other hand, is great. No complaints. Hyun Bin especially did a great job with the body swapping, and Ha Ji Won's emotional performance was up there, but there's only so much you can do with shallow characters.

The story did drag on for half an eternity during the middle episodes 8-12. I would have dropped it if it had dragged on for one more episode. After that, the pace is quickly picked up again and sustained throughout the rest of the series, though. So be warned. There are a few snooze-episodes that are about as fun as watching paint dry. Or something.

The comedy during the body swapping is great. There are several scenes that had me laughing out loud.

The music wasn't anything special. It wasn't bad, it definitively wasn't, it just wasn't great either. It did its job well, and that's what's important. I just won't add it to my iPod, is all.

I personally won't watch it again, because I suspect I might become so frustrated that I'll do something I regret, like eating 15 tangerines, again. I shall avoid that if possible. But if I were stranded on a deserted island, or snowed in or something, and could watch only this to pass the time, of course I would. Just not as a first choice. And who knows, maybe it would enchant me on a second go? Like Kim Joo Won? I won't take the risk.

Did I just completely waste 20+ hours? No. I'd say this drama is worth a watch, even if it's just to be able to say you've seen it.

Final score: 6.5 / 10

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Doha Al-Haddad
18 people found this review helpful
Apr 12, 2016
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 2.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
I tried to love this drama so much .. I really tried but I hated everything about it .. the story was just overly dramatic and the actors weren't convincing because the main actress looked so much older than the main actor !!
and also I don't like how the rich guy is forcing himself over the poor girl thinking she will fall for him no matter how many times he trashes her and treats her badly .. I really don't know why the girl fell for this guy he seemed like a bad person until the end
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16 people found this review helpful
Apr 6, 2013
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I just marathon rewatched Secret Garden. I looked at my rating for this drama when I watched it back in 2011 and was not sure why I gave it an 8. I have watched a lot of drama since then. I would say this ranks as an outstanding drama. Sure Joo Won is a total jerk at the beginning of this drama, but he more than redeems himself by the end. Some may feel like Ra Im lets him walk all over her. I think she stands up for herself and finally can tell the difference between him being an ass and just stating facts in his own direct (sometimes harsh) way. I prefer harsh truth to kind lies...those lies would have hurt her worse. Plus this drama has one of the best endings ever.

The acting is, of course, off the chain. Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won had great chemistry and they both played the body switch to perfection. I usually hate body switch stories, but because of the great acting, I really enjoyed it. Yoon Sang Hyun as Oska and Yoo In Na as Ah Young were also good and I loved their story. Lee Philip as Jong Soo is just too manly. I liked the other side characters also. I had forgotten just what kind of evil mom Park Joon Geum played as Joo Won's mom. Total crazy.

The music is good.

It is rewatchable. Obviously, since I just rewatched it.

I think every one should watch it.

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14 people found this review helpful
Apr 14, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This drama is beyond great. do i really need to say this again??? Everyone know right??? this is Secret Garden. Hyun Bin & Ha Ji Won's fantastic drama that shook thousands of drama lovers. i have to say that everything in SG is just great. the actors are exceptional, the music is incomparable and the story line is definitely unique and unlike any others. It bring me laughter, tears and joy. so glad i watched this. it never became boring and trust me, i'm not just bluffing stuff but i actually watched this over and over so many times without getting bored.
To be honest, at first i didn't really get it but then wow... so glad i choose to rewatch it. believe me, the time you spend watching this won't be for nothing. surely it will trully make your mood goes up and down!!!
Give it a try and you'll be so happy with yourself for doing so. :)

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11 people found this review helpful
Feb 21, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
my cousin told me about this series a long time ago but i didn't watch it right away. i was thinking... one of these days I'm gonna be so bored that i'd want to watch any series.

sure enough around September 2013... i wanted a distraction from work. so i chose to watch Secret Garden.

i wasn't expecting anything. however, when i got started, I was hooked.

Secret Garden is about a snobish rich guy who falls in love at first sight with a poor stunts woman.

he tries to stop his feelings but ends up stalking her. when he finds her house, he spends the whole night watching the apartment as if wondering how a person could fit in it. he walks out and tells her to forget about him when he sees her coming out of the house.

she was more than happy to disappear from his life. but some how they wind up in a secret garden where they get a magical potion. to their horror, they find their bodies got switched.

put a rich CEO in a poor stunts womans body and a poor woman in a rich man's body and imagine the chaos that will follow.


i was laughing, sighing and crying throughout the whole series.
this series is so good that the lead actor and actress both won an award.
nough said. watch it for yourself and discover the magic of Secret Garden.

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Apr 8, 2012
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
What can I say really? It's hard to find the words to explain how amazing this drama really is. The storyline...different and unique. The romance...intense and real. The action (haha I wish there was more!). The music....AWESOME! One of the best k-dramas out there and I'm sure it will remain that way. At least to me. Great drama! :)
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13 people found this review helpful
Jun 28, 2013
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I was very reluctant to watch this show at first, since the first kdrama that made me fall in love with it was Love Rain, I only wanted to watch shows with Jang Keun Suk or Yoona in it. My tutor kept recommending me this, so in the end, there was an offer and I bought this cd.
I was just going to watch it to pass time. BOY, that was one of the most dangerous decisions ever. After the 2nd episode, I stuffed my homework in a corner and started racing through this show like crazy. I couldn't stop.Whenever I stopped I thought bout this day in day out! I marathonned this show till I couldn't remember where I stopped, and though I told my mum I would watch it with her, I hehe didn't. (though i still rewathced it with her after that). Okay, all these aside. i think you get my drift, this drama was hands-down AMAZING.

Plot: It's the typical rich-guy-poor-girl drama, but I happen to love those dramas a lot! It absolutely doesn't hurt that the leads have an AMAZING CHEMISTRY THERE

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Secret Garden (2010) poster



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