Ask me What if and Reply with a GIF

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What if you meet your Idol backstage after a concert and then eat togehter but the next day all your memories are deleted?

What if your beliefs were suddenly shattered whether they be proven true, false or smt else entirely?

what if no matter what you order, cook or someone cooks for you the minute you start to eat your food turns into mint chocolate chip ice cream, everytime?

What if an unknown number calls you and when you answer it turns out to be the president/king/queen of your country who accidentally called the wrong number but asks you to have small talk with him/her about life/the country/politics etc anyway?

and then this

What if you could suddenly hear and understand all animal's thoughts but could no longer understand any human language in any form? 

What if you suddenly see subtitles in real life?

What if you can't recognize peoples faces anymore?


What if you only ate one type of food?

What if you fell out of your bed while sleeping?

What if you understand and speak every language except your own (your countries language)?

What if you had nothing to eat at home and couldn't leave your home for 2 days because a huge storm is outside and all the stores/markets would be closed anyway?

what if you wake up all geared up, sword and shield in your hands in the middle of an medieval battlefield?

What if you woke up in the body of an Eskimo and that was your life from then on? 

What if you woke up and thought it was a holiday and only realised it was in fact a work day when you got a call from your boss asking why you're not at work?

What if everyone could hear your thoughts?