The Corrupted Wishing Game

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Granted, but you have to wait until later to answer this post.

I wish I had a big screen TV.

granted but it ominously chants sometimes

I wish I was a tasty apple ;)

Granted, you are...complete with a giant worm!

I wish I had some chocolate right about now.

Granted, except it can only be pictures of chocolate.

I wish the next drama I watch tonite is worth my time. 

granted....time has skipped to tmrw morning

I wish I could control time


Granted, except it can only be pictures of chocolate.

I wish the next drama I watch tonite is worth my time. 

WOW!!!! Look how cute the lower right ones are ..little shirts and jackets. thank you!!!


granted....time has skipped to tmrw morning

I wish I could control time

Granted! but every time you control time an annoying song starts to play in the background

I wish i won the lottery

Granted! you win 1 dollar and a piece of gum

I wish I could shapeshift into whatever I want

Granted! but you can only maintain that form for 3 minutes

I wish I got a new phone

Granted!! But u can only use it to make calls nothing else...

I wish that i go on a long vacation...

Granted, but you can never return home. 

I wish that I could be invisible..

Granted but you can never take off your underwear so people will see an underwear floating around whenever you're invisible. 

I wish that I could read people's minds.

Granted, but then they can read your mind too.

I wish that emotions could be turned off. 

Granted but they can't turned back on again.

I wish there was a passionate new romance drama starting...

Granted but the two main leads are played by two actors that you hate the most.

I wish I can go on a Korean Variety show (New Journey to the west)