The Corrupted Wishing Game

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Granted, but your family will think that you're cheating to get those good grades.

I wish I had a cat

Granted but it hates you and everytime you try to cuddle and give it some love it always scratches you and gives you the "grumpy cat" look. 

I wish pokemon were real .... lol seriously tho I really do :') my childhood wish x

granted but it wont we human catch pokemon but pokeman catch human, pokemon will enslave human and make them fight each other.

i wish this is all just a dream

granted but it's the nightmare variety

I wish I was the best at everything

granted but everyone will envy you and you won't have any friends

i wish i had more money for albums

granted but you cant listen to any of them

I wish I could calm down

 russian white bear:

granted but it wont we human catch pokemon but pokeman catch human, pokemon will enslave human and make them fight each other.

i wish this is all just a dream

Brilliant. Pure genuis I love it :D lol sorry for interrupting the thread just had to say it

@ oneesama Granted but you can never feel any strong emotion ever again   

I wish I could breathe underwater

Your wish is granted, but it will taste worse than a sewer.

I wish I could meet a korean actor by my choice and make him fall in love with me *sighs*

Granted, but you'll be deported within 24 hours

I wish I could eat as much chocolate as I want

Granted, but all of your teeth will go bad and will have to wear denture like an old person

I wish I was a superhero

granted, but you'd have really uncool powers, simple & boring

I wish I could change my hair color at will

granted, but you can only change the color of your armpit hair.

I wish I could talk to animals

(im sorry but im still dying at this one reply omfg)


granted, but you can only change the color of your armpit hair.

I wish I could talk to animals 

Granted. but you find out they all hate you.

I wish I my mental and physical health were perfect.

Granted,  but since you're so perfect you got locked up in some secret place by the government to perform experiments on you to find out just why you're so unnaturally healthy

I wish my orchids would bloom at least for once