Someone grabbing a knife/ sword by the blade to stop someone...

AMNESIA   ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ?????? .....

foreign actor/actress who acts tbh really badly.

oh and the:

"you can sleep on the bed, it's yours."

"oh no! it's okay. you're a guest"

*both of them ends up on the bed*

someone fainting and ending up in hospital because of a cold lmaoo

evil second female lead

Rich mother in law hates female lead

A character flipping the table over or throwing stuff across the room in anger.

... a subdural hematoma (there's got to be at least one in every medical drama)

... someone violently shaking an unconscious person who's just been in a terrible accident, and yelling at them, "Get a hold of yourself!"

  • A- They're unconscious.  They can't hear you...
  • B- If they had a snowball's chance in hell of recovering without brain damage or not being paralyzed for life, you just snuffed that out by violently shaking them!