Would you rather?

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Ej101 wrote: Whats the difference aren't they both the same? Fine Ill go for curry chicken cup noodles then.. :p

would you rather give your enemy a killer look or just roll your eyes when they pass by?

I was going for japanese or korean. I think the difference is an egg and cooking the noodles with the broth

Neither i rather kill them with kindness. So i guess a killer smile would work

would you rather get revenge or let it go
Let it go...I always let everything go!! Cant be bothered to get revenge!! Would you rather lie to protect someone or just tell the truth?
Depends on what they did. But i'd tell the truth if it wasn't that big. If in a group study project and you don't like how some of the people are treating you, would you rather just stick with it or tell the teacher if you could switch groups.
tell the teacher to switch groups.. let those people suffer without my knowledge! MUH HA HA HA! Would you rather be in the rain with a korean hottie or "accidentally" fall on a korean hottie that is famous in school? (either way, the girls are going to bully you! :(
Be in the rain with a Korean hottie. Would you rather star in a drama with your bias or date your bias?
I would rather star in a drama with my bias Would you rather have ban on computer or phone?
Hands down the phone. Would you rather drink something really gross or eat something equally as gross?
Great! now i cant even think of any grosses answer as that lol

Would you rather pretend your not affected by all this grossness or puke in front of everyone to show ur disapproval lol
not affected by all this grossness (Lol, why is that cat thing puking blood?) Would you rather vomit stomach acid or blood?
lol its the closest image i have in here lol I hate vomiting specially if there's nothing will come out only the pain.. none of the above.. would you rather spend the holiday alone or join them but you still end up being left out.
Hmmm, I end up being pitiful both ways, so I rather just spend it alone and hide my pitifulness from my fake friends and distant relatives. Would you rather be spiteful or depressed?
Ill be both.. spiteful and depressed in that way I generously express my feeling on this special occasions lol would you rather choose approach me or ignore me, if you see me in public wondering around & I am looking like a crazy clueless person? .
I'd approach you because you'd look so clueless. ;p Would you rather teach English in Korea or in South Africa?
isn't it Obvious what my answer is lol Jackie you tell me!, would you rather teach English in South Africa or in South Korea?
South Korea of course, but Japan even more would you rather see a tapping live of one episode of the drama you are watching or have the production company send you a copy of every episode as soon as it is edited before its aired