The person above me is ms moody.
the person above me is secretly planning to steal everyone's socks
The person above me is Zeus of mount Olympus
the person above me is an oompa loompa escaped from willie wonka
The person above me is trying to kidnap me
the person above me wishes i was trying to kidnap her so she could be around my level of awesome
The person above me likes to eat helium and so has an unusually high squeaky voice.
the person above me thinks they are a balloon
The person above me is mickey mouse
the person above me is made of cheese
The person avobe me can speak finnish.
The person above me is one of the many servants in my Kingdom!
the person above me believes that the big cardboard box she sits in is a kingdom
The person above me lives in a house made of straw.
the person above me lives in a house made of twigs