the person above me was pretending to be dead so damn good that she actually died eventually! she did a good job
the person above me won't stop giving sex changes
the person above is in live with the person above them.
the person above me just accused me of being in a rock band with the person above the person above me
the person above is panicking right now because he think I'm capable to change his sex If I wanted to!
some person who was above think it's possible for another person to live inside me because I'm too large LOl
the person above me reads all your emails before you do. this is true for anyone reading this because he reads al the worlds emails
the person above has a long lost twin
the person above me was the first one who placed a gum in the gum wall
the person above sleeps in my glove box and showers in my kitchen sink
the person above me is orphan
the person above me was adapted by princess Diana and she was the reason behind her awful death
the person above me is an orphan who lost her parent because they thought she is too cute an wanted to eat her so they got shot by the police…. or at less that what she always tell people around her
the person above me isn't a person at all but pile of dirty cloth that has some how develop sentience
this 2 person above me are both puppets that like pulling each other strings..[nothing good coming out in my sleepy brain]