Before I die, I WILL visit South Korea
I want to watch a hockey game in all the arenas in the NHL.
Before I die I want to attend a kpop concert
Before I die I want to fly to the moon
Before I die I want to visit pluto
B4 we both die we will try to see Mars & Moon then back to Earth and die peacefully oh not yet! yeah Pluto as well and take some ricecake to feast in our small adventure then fell on the ground head first w a booming sound of thunder lol accompanied by electrifying lightning, then we can call it dying in a manner of craziness.
Before I die I want to sing with GD, Key and Woohyun xD
Before I die I want to go to Jupiter and see whether I get more stupider!!! :D
before i die i would like to see the Pyramids & the Sphinx
Before i die i would like to complete my education
Before I die I want to get over my fear of heights and spiders!
Before I die I want to go on a holiday in 5 countries.
Before I die I want to buy a sports car and the trash it!!
lol Shambles :p

B4 I die I will surely want to see you :D
I will try to graduate first.