catnip wrote: I think the main problem why this issue arises is because the Korean producers choose to have way too many members in a band.
Yes, I agree. Why having so many members to pay and take care of (like accomodate, dress,...)?
I think that the majority of cases of bullying lies within the concept of "older is superior to younger" which comes from Confucianism's 5 basic relationships (ruler and subject; (2) father and son; (3) elder brother and younger brother; (4) husband and wife; and (5) friend and friend. All, except the last, involve the authority of one person over another.) The dude who we call Confucius lived hell of a time ago so I can imagine that society and relationships is general were in a bit of a mess so he set up these principles. However, when this philosophy spread to Japan, for example, the status of women was lowered because before that they had been even allowed to inherit property (I mean, that's awesome such things happening in Middle Ages...)
So today you're basically allowed to treat the people younger than you like crap but I'm sure Confucius wouldn't be pleased to see this.