Just finished this week's epi of both I Hear the Sun Spot and I Saw You in My Dreams. Cried for the first and going by the preview of next week I best have TWO whole damn boxes of tissues at the ready, and I cheered for the second and I bounced and squealed out loud for next weeks epi...lol. Clearly next week is gonna be one massive emotional rollercoaster ride for me!

I Hear the Sun Spot

I'm putting off watching this week's episode because I know it's going to be tough. I'm not ready for the tears; I need my favorite characters to be happy.


I love green flags. So Cherry Magic and Kiseki: Dear To Me. Got it. Thanks Guys LOL

Also my review for Manner of Death

I know you guys post your reviews in here but I always review on the mdl page so I'll just link from now on, if anyone cares LOL

Lol Kiseki: Dear To Me is AMAZING imo, I binged the whole thing in one night and I LOVED it XD lmk what u think when u watch it!!


This was the moment that completely destroyed me UGH! I'm a sucker for lap kisses.

Bai Zong Yi's affection for strawberry cake is absolutely adorable! This drama was a pleasant surprise for me. I didn't expect to love both couples equally, as I usually favor one over the other. The relationships were so cute. The bromance between Ai Di and Bai Zong Yi is 1000 times YES, I need more. Also, my baby Ai Di must be protected at all costs!!! LOL

I agree! Omg I LOVED that kiss lol And the kiss at the end of the series when Zong Yi carried Ze Rui killed me lmao XD 

I just watched Peaceful Property ep 1 and I know it’s not BL but IT IS SO GOOD. (@American Fan you should stay well away from this series lol even I was surprised by the horror scenes) TayNew’s characters r hilarious and I urge my fellow Horror fans and Polcas to watch this drama immediately! XD

he kiss at the end of the series


OKAY. FINALLY. MY SON! I am back for your love story. Please. Continue to be adorable.

First Note of Love Ep 4. Live Reactions

OK who is this cute little baby boy? Is this my son? Are you going home to an empty house baby? My Son is such a good child, sitting to do his homework. 

Now, don't hurt my feelings like this.

Enter our random music hero to uplift this little boy's hopes and dreams

Ok rude. Little boy could start screaming Stranger! at any minute LOL

LMAO MY SON! Coming in with the SASS. Yes. Baby. 

You're not as cool as you think you are. I know you're my son's future husband but NO lol

Son, where are you and where are you going? 

Awwwwww, sweetie......also, again, why you by yourself? 

Don't hurt my feelings like this, show.

uggh, here comes that falsetto

oh yeah, that's right LOL this poor girl LOL

Shameless self promotion. I love it LOL

Well......LMAO the cool vibe just went waaaaaaaaay down LOL 

Did she just offer him a balloon? OMG LMAO OK. that one made me laugh

Awwwww, my son is so sweet ^_^

He uplifted my son's little lonely heart and now My son is about to do it for him <3 daww

ooooooooo, clever 

ohhh, girls.....he's already taken, he just doesn't know it yet LOL

LOL I like this side character. He is legit funny to me LOL I don't think she's offering for you sweetie lol

ohhh, we already feeding my son now? 

hmmmmm, and so it begins....with french fries....or whatever that was 

he knows....you were very cruel to him....remember? Listen you're cute, but my son is cuter. 

ahh, interesting choice of song title lol

the biggest, gayest heart eyes right now 

ohhh, just some random weirdo on the street, no one in a leather jacket i'm giving heart eyes to right now.

he sang a song to me by a beautiful sun lit river and my little queer heart awoke LOL I remember my first moment too LOL <3

ummhmmmm, Sir. I seen that little heart flutter.  

Michael Chang is the most adorable little human. I fkn love him and it's only episode 4 LOL

EXCUSE ME....SIR??? what is this fangirl behaviour I see??? 

ooh, he has panic attacks to? 

I have a panic disorder too and music is the biggest safety net so this show, hitting my soul right now ....

So one needs safety and the other needs courage .... and he is not about to give him.....he gave him his necklace. OK.....OK........alright....we doing this , let's go ...

LOL did he have to slap it in his hand so damn hard LOL

oh he's going to keep it right next to his little rainbow heart 

ooh, STAWP. MY BOY <3

I may have stopped breathing

MY SONNNNN!!! STOP BEING SO DAMN CUTE! Michael Chang's real Mumma must be so Proud because damn LOL

ooof...yeah...the curse of the young idol. you get past a certain age and suddenly youre dirt. fickle idol business. 

They did not use the MDL graph did they? LMAO It kind of looks like mine and all my dropped shows LOL

He's been out for 8 years was it? Or 6? and it's only up for renewal now? Is this like the 7 year idol contract in kpop because, it seems like he's a had a number of years still contracted, even though he hasnt been performing. 

ohh, nice, no pressure or anything.

look at my son's little face =(

ohhh, ohhh, My son coming in with the strategy. Don't argue Sir. 

That's a nice guitar

I was actually going to say, he does indeed sound a little off LOL and I'm not a musician LOL

I'm breathing with you son

OHHH DAMN... Forget the guitar, the plot's speeding up now LOL


.......ok, who the hell is this in this outfit?

So, judging by the preview, that's our side couple...fair enough

Another adorable episode made possible by my adorable Son. I just spent the whole damn episode squeeing over how cute he is LOL

This was the moment that completely destroyed me UGH! I'm a sucker for lap kisses.

I too am a sucker for those lap kisses *fan* (is it hot in here?) But I'm sorry the 2nd couple was the whole reason I watched KDTM. Chen Yi and Ai Di together was everything. Once I saw them together, it was game over and I could've cared less about the MLs...lol. I can't even tell you how bad I want them to have their own series. *praying to the BL Gods* Their level of chemistry is a level that all aspire to, but very few ever achieve. Now all that remains is to see if what they had together there translates so somewhere else with a different storyline to be told. 


I just watched Peaceful Property ep 1 and I know it’s not BL but IT IS SO GOOD. (@American Fan you should stay well away from this series lol even I was surprised by the horror scenes) TayNew’s characters r hilarious and I urge my fellow Horror fans and Polcas to watch this drama immediately! XD

Bummer. I love me some TayNew thanks to Cherry Magic, but I'm not a fan of horror. Still haven't watched DFF because of that...lol

Bummer. I love me some TayNew thanks to Cherry Magic, but I'm not a fan of horror. Still haven't watched DFF because of that...lol

You quoted me earlier putting Manner of Death of your watch list. It's a real life horror, with some upsetting stuff. Just fore warning in case it upsets you <3


GOOOOOOOD Morning my new found friends! Thank you all for being so welcoming and making my first day here so much fun. I already love it here and I look forward to being a part of this lively group from here on out. Big smooches to you all! ???

As the resident bad boy/gangsta here I do not do the whole emotions thing however I am happy to have you join us. *fist bump*

Another adorable episode made possible by my adorable Son. I just spent the whole damn episode squeeing over how cute he is LOL

Ok I seriously just loved your post so much...lmao. It's like you were sitting right beside me watching it with me and I was seeing all the reactions in real time, even tho I'd already watched this a few days ago and it took me a moment to remember what each comment was reacting to. Too fun! Pssst.... I agree he's just too freaking adorable for words. Since he's your son, can he be my.... nephew? 


You quoted me earlier putting Manner of Death of your watch list. It's a real life horror, with some upsetting stuff. Just fore warning in case it upsets you <3

Well ish.... I should've read the summary then first. I just saw Max and Tul and said I'm in...lol. Oh well, I'll get to it eventually then along with DFF. It just won't be an immediate watch. *grin*

Regarding today's challenge question I will be sitting this one out.

Re: First Note of Love - ep. 4

In all honesty I was distracted; not because the episode was boring but because I was playing a game on my laptop. I however did see them bickering as well as the preview for next week's episode. I look forward to seeing the interactions between the second couple.

Re: Manner of Death recommendations - I highly recommend this series. As much as I love Together With Me, MaxTul's break out series, I must admit that Manner of Death objectively was better.

I can't even tell you how bad I want them to have their own series.

Yes! I loved them as well. I hope they get lead roles together in a series soon.

I am planning to make some updates to my profile. It may or may not get more raunchy hehehe


Ok I seriously just loved your post so much...lmao. It's like you were sitting right beside me watching it with me and I was seeing all the reactions in real time, even tho I'd already watched this a few days ago and it took me a moment to remember what each comment was reacting to. Too fun! Pssst.... I agree he's just too freaking adorable for words. Since he's your son, can he be my.... nephew? 

You'll find a lot of actors have been 'claimed' in here LOL in good jest ofc. Well, I do LOL Not to sure about P4 and RX LOL 

I have claims on Michael Cheng, Babe and Billy. I co parent Boun and Prem with Ash LOL

And since I'm not as greedy as some in here * looks at a few in particular *  Yes, you can adopt him as your nephew lol

he sang a song to me by a beautiful sun lit river and my little queer heart awoke LOL I remember my first moment too LOL <3

OMG LOL! <3 

oh he's going to keep it right next to his little rainbow heart 

Your notes are giving me butterflies, haha!

@ GelfyFaeth222: Have you seen the behind-the-scenes on GagaOOLala? Michael Chang's personality is even more playful and adorable in real life. My cheeks hurt from smiling every time I watch them.