You guys know I'm not good at making reviews but here I am.

We Are 9/10 ⭐

I'm gonna miss this series so much! It was fresh, sweet and comfort. I know a lot of people didn't like that it had almost no drama but for me that was the thing that made it special.

PondPhuwin have a special place in my heart. I love seeing them as PhumPeem, their relationship was pretty real and sweet. 

Also loved WinnySatang, their story was really sweet, I think Satang really nailed it. I'll never forget that scene where Q found that Toey was Milk frappe boy. That was the most heartbreaking 'i love you' scene I ever watched.

I think is safe to say that AouBoom stole the show. Their chemistry is fire and I really hope GMMTV to realize how much do they deserve a main lead role. That scene on the bed in EP 16... God knows we need more of it.

MarcPoon... They did really really good. I thought we wouldn't get something but THAT KISS. That wasn't actually a kiss, that's what Koreans call mukbang because they ATE each other's mouths. I screamed hard.

I'm kind of sad that it ended :( I'll probably come back to it when I'm tired so I can get my dosis of serotonin. 

MarcPoon... They did really really good.

Marc & Poon are both in director's New next drama Perfect 10 liners, and I'm hoping  they'll be a couple again in that! 

Before I watch today's episodes of Meet You At The Blossom and Century of Love let me do this review.

Let me just say I have no idea what the rating is going to be so lets find out together :)

Since this series has multiple couples I find it would be a bit unfair to use my rating scheme generally so instead I am going to use what I like to call the "hybrid" version of it (I sound way to serious and like a nerd lol). Basically I am going to rate each couple's story individually with my usual rating scheme and then average the final ratings. However in this case the "special 10 scene" cannot veto the rating of the whole series so if one couple's story gets it only that story will get the 10; it will just be averaged with the rest as previously mentioned ( I am having way too much fun nerding out lol); also for the categories of Production and Music all stories will get the same amount of points since it is still one series; it just makes sense to me. With that being said lets get into it:

We Are the series - Rating & Review

Tan & Fang

Production - 2/2

Writing - 1.5/2

Acting - 2/2

Intimacy - 2/2

Music - 1/1

Special 10 scene - 0/1

Total Rating = 8.5/10

Q & Toey

Production - 2/2

Writing - 1.5/2

Acting - 2/2

Intimacy - 2/2

Music - 1/1

Special 10 scene - 0/1

Total Rating = 8.5/10

Chain & Pun

Production - 2/2

Writing - 1/2

Acting - 2/2

Intimacy - .5/2

Music - 1/1


Special 10 scene - 1/1 

Total rating = 10/10

Phum & Peem

Production - 2/2

Writing - 1.5/2

Acting - 2/2

Intimacy - 2/2

Music - 1/1

Special 10 scene - 0/1

Total Rating = 8.5/10

Final Rating score = 8.5 + 8.5 + 8.5 + 10 = 35.5/4 = 8.875 rounded off to 9

We Are the series 9/10

I will review in a second post shortly; couple by couple hehe as usual I will be short! Yes I will address the elephant in the room - Chain & Pun rating lol


What a fun ride it's been. I loved the beginning, then had a little trouble sticking with it midway through, (I'm doing that a lot lately) but I'm glad I did. 

This drama is more than individual couple relationships. There's always talk about how well romantic chemistry is btw couples in dramas, and I'd like to mention how well the friendship chemistry was with the whole gang in this drama. I'm going to miss that. 

When Peem & Phum were sitting at the water's edge on the boat, and exchanged a few serious words, it popped into my head that I would have liked to use two sentences they shared when we were doing the June Challenge quote day.

Phum: "Thank you for being a good story in my life."

Peem: "Thank you for allowing me to step into your life"

 I cracked up at the series ending with Peem's funny face frozen in the air with the flowers. It felt nice and warm to end like that. Plus the BTS takes. 

Wouldn't it be great to have a S2, after college/adult world with the gang & couples? And Beer!  The gang comes up with a plan to "help" and "advise" Beer to find a boyfriend. And maybe they can all rent flats in the same building. And Tan goes to therapy for co-dependency and learns how to use his indoor voice.

We Are is my 50th series watched in 2024. I know that cuz I do the 52 Weeks Drama Challenge, hehe. 

9/10. Could have been an 8, but the gang dynamics pushed it up a number.

 American Fan:
Wouldn't it be great to have a S2, after college/adult world with the gang & couples? And Beer!  The gang comes up with a plan to "help" and "advise" Beer to find a boyfriend. And maybe they can all rent flats in the same building.

THAT IS A LOVELY IDEA. Like Beer being the main character and they're all plotting around him and making more of a mess than things already are-- I propose multiple love interest until he finds the right one.

 American Fan:
And Tan goes to therapy for co-dependency and learns how to use his indoor voice.

You didn't-- lmao

today's episodes of Meet You At The Blossom

Is that today?!

I started Century of Love tonight, after a full day of art homework & class, then remembered it was the last day of We Are, so stopped after EP 1 to watch We Are.  I literally need to print out my drama schedule I  made just yesterday and pin it to my dang shirt. 

I propose multiple love interest until he finds the right one.

Exactly! Wouldn't that be a riot?

You didn't-- lmao

I did and I won't take it back.

 American Fan:
Exactly! Wouldn't that be a riot?

*whispers* write the fanfic


Now all I need is a special episode where Fang proposes to Tan !!

Nope I was not typing this entire time lol. I ended up going on and watching Meet You at the Blossom and Century of Love, which I will discuss now after this quick WE ARE review.

We Are the series Review

Now if when you see my reviews you normally hold your head and go, "Oh no here comes this foul mouth boy with his vulgar descriptions!", no need to worry lol this one is one of my tamer ones as there will be no NC scenes talk lol. 

I am surprised that so far there is a consensus in ratings with all of us handing out 9-9.5 ratings. I honestly thought I would be the odd one out with you guys dropping the 10s like hot biscuits but it seems we all watched the series together and had similar experiences so yayyy group watch. 

I enjoyed this series throughout the beginning to about episode 12. While I did not come to dislike it, my interest started to wane a bit. However I was more than satisfied with how it concluded. The friendship among the group of friends is endearing and genuine. We saw how much they supported and comforted each other no matter what. This is seen especially through Q and Toey's romantic development; even though they were helping Toey they did not leave Q out and make him the enemy even when Q got upset at them; that is true friendship. 

The Chain and Pun story-line was most definitely not all it could have been. I felt that some of the air time spent on Phum and Peem could have been reduced to facilitate Chain and Pun's story so as to give it a bit more body. It was hinted that there is a lot more to Pun than his silly personality; during the episodes where they went on the volunteer trip we saw him take charge as the leader of the volunteer programme and saw him step into a different shade of his personality. I would have loved to see more of his and Chain's friendship through flashback to see the developing feelings taking place on Chain's side. The kiss at the end between them was no doubt a game changer in how I thought of their story. No it did not negate my aforementioned thoughts but it did make for a makeup scene for them as a couple so that viewers at least got something to hang on to. It also created the possibility for me to think that, "Hey, these two obviously have some feelings toward each other and they may not have gotten the well needed time to develop as a couple but them diving in at the end is saying it is never too late to act upon feelings that are there and that it is okay because they can explore these feelings later." What is important is that the feelings between the two are strong enough for them to set the scene on fire with that kiss and so I am willing to let my imagination fill in the gaps. I really would have loved to see Pun's point of view on things though. Therefore me regarding their story as a 10 is really me giving that kiss a 10 because they stole the finale with their scene; they got one kiss scene and they delivered, so I can't argue with that especially when they out did some of the other couples' kisses.

Q and Toey's story-line was unique and cute. It was not really my preferred type of story-line and dynamic but even I can admit that their story is special. I loved how they had feelings for each  other even before knowing each other's real identity; it provides for the idea of them being fated to fall in love. I did think that their story dragged a bit especially when Q knew that Toey was the boy he was passing messages to. Later on I considered that Q should be given the opportunity to really settle his feelings and come to terms with the revelation and while I think this should be permitted to Q, I still think it could have taken less air time that could have been given to Chain and Pun's story. However I love their interactions after becoming an official couple. Their playfulness may seem really childish but it is their love language which is unique to them; I loved that it showed that even though they had upgraded their relationship to a romantic one, they still remained friends and not just lovers. I still remember their heart melting kiss in the cafe and what better venue for it to take place than where it all began.

I will now be ranting!

Tan and Fan  are definitely something; a special couple one might say. It takes great patience and tolerance to endure the sensory torture that is Tan's whole demeanour and voice. He is one of the most irritating characters I have ever had the displeasure of watching.  I truly believe that Tan went to bed at night and thought of ways to torture those around him with not just his voice but also his incessant, annoying and repulsive co-dependency on Fang. He is like a parasitic vine and Fang was the unfortunate tree that had to endure the life being squeezed out of him. I am convinced that Fang did something horrible in a past life to warrant having fallen in love with this ever grinning leach of a lover; honestly Fang should buy a leash for Tan and keep him at bay from others; just because he willingly puts up with his nauseating behaviour does not mean others should be forced to. Anyways I digress so let me continue the review. Tan and Fang have a very comforting relationship in terms of them finding a home in each other. We see this when Fang was having  family woes and he found solace in Tan (as ironic as that is). They loved openly and shamelessly. Their spaghetti kiss will cause blushes on fans cheeks for sure. One issue or rather concern I have about their relationship, which I also have with Phum and Peem's, is the parents situation. Fang never introduced Tan to his family at all and Phum never introduced Peem as his boyfriend to their parents which leaves the uncertainty of why. I would have loved for this to have been delved into. Is it that they fear their parents would not accept them; I would have just loved some mention of it to fill that gap.

Phum and Peem are the couple that were a couple even before they started dating. Their many kisses and tender moments were heart warming to watch. Their relationship has a solid foundation of trust and care that was established prior to them becoming official and I think that serves them well in their relationship. Peem became that safe haven for Phum when he had his family issues and Phum was also there to assist Peem in his daily life. In the episode where Phum and Peem sat on the beach when Phum fought with his dad, we see Peem being a listening ear and a shoulder of comfort and if that was not romantic then I do not know what is. In the finale where they were thanking each other for coming in each other's life, it felt fulfilling to see these two, who started out not liking each other, become such a loving couple. 

An issue I had with the finale is how the situation between Phum and his dad was handled. I will try to handle this as swiftly and carefully as possible as father issues can be a very sensitive topic for many. In the Caribbean society there is an abundance of matrifocal households largely due to father absenteeism. I say this to highlight my point that many children have complicated feelings towards their fathers because of abandonment or otherwise. Phum felt abandoned by his father when he was shipped off to a foreign country. He was an alien there and while his father may have had good intentions that does not negate or trivialize the fact that Phum felt abandoned and was entitled to at least a conversation regarding the matter. Seeing Phum "repairing" the relationship with his dad at the dinning table was like watching the hungry feed the satisfied because Phum made everyone at the table feel at peace but himself because forcing filiality and not having an open conversation about his feelings is avoiding the issue. It ultimately seemed to me as if he did it for Peem's sake rather than his own.

Anyways despite all my criticism, which i hope I delivered respectfully, I did enjoy the series while it aired and my 9 star rating reflects that. 

I will stop here because it is getting too long and I really want to talk about Century of Love and Meet You at the Blossom lol.

Meet You At The Blossom - Episode 3

I never thought I would say this about any BL couple but.....OMG they are just so cute!!!!! and adorable had me smiling at all there sweet moments. I am loving this series so far.

As I had said I would be reading along with watching and my oh my they certainly censured that bed scene in the episode. That ointment was used for more than just treating wounds; poor XiaBao. Listen! the series had to hold back to keep things air appropriate because the author said "let me get nasty". I have read hundreds of M/M books and BLs but damn those scenes were in need of holy water. They would make any virgin blush, i.e me. I think it is because I am watching and reading at the same time why those scenes seem so erotic. 

Century of Love - Episode 3

I also loved today's episode of this series. Red is slowly becoming my favourite colour now. The wedding scene was just so funny and beautiful to watch especially when the red cloth fell on Vee. The last part almost made me cry though which is shocking since I have only done that watching five shows in my entire short life so far. Vee's grandmother is dying. I am very close to mine and to see Vee going through the emotions of that possibly happening and reliving the good memories really sank into me. Any performance that can evoke emotion from the audience, whether it is acting, singing or otherwise, is a solid performance, so well done Offroad for portraying Vee with such depth of feeling which made the emotions real. 

Looking forward to the new episodes for both series today! - 3:08 am right now

Well I should think that is it. Oh, and who knows there might be a post from me today saying something along the lines of, "My Stand-In - Episode 1", lol we will see. 

I lost my grandmother in February and cried about it last night so I'll hold off on Century of Love for now lol I'm enjoying everyone's thought on the shows though <3

Century of Love - Episode 3

I can't believe that no one has commented on the hilarious bathtub/shower scene! I love series like this which combine drama and a compelling story with cuties, feel-good fluff and just the right dose of comedy.


Perhaps I should pop We Are  higher on my to-watch list. Now that I can binge watch it. I was worried with there being so many couples. Do you all feel like they each got the appropriate attention/time?

I think so. I'm a little disappointed there wasn't more romance by the Mls Phum & Peem (Peem could use coaching sessions in kissing), but overall it was pretty decent. Lots of screen time for friendship, so as it was mentioned, you'll see everyone quite often.

You guys know I'm not good at making reviews but here I am.

Not to worry! You did great! I don't "review" either, I just share my thoughts & impressions. I love reading everyone else's posts, even if I can't comment on every one of them. 

Final Rating score = 8.5 + 8.5 + 8.5 + 10 = 35.5/4 = 8.875 rounded off to 9

You nerdy person you!! I love a man with brains, lol.


*whispers* write the fanfic

Ha, you'll never catch me writing. I'm just an idea person. Maybe shirleycrow...???

One issue or rather concern I have about their relationship, which I also have with Phum and Peem's, is the parents situation. Fang never introduced Tan to his family at all and Phum never introduced Peem as his boyfriend to their parents which leaves the uncertainty of why. I would have loved for this to have been delved into. Is it that they fear their parents would not accept them; I would have just loved some mention of it to fill that gap.

I totally agree! I wondered the same thing and thought for sure part of the scene with Phum & family at the end would be to intro Peem to the fam.


Meet You At The Blossom - Episode 3

I never thought I would say this about any BL couple but.....OMG they are just so cute!!!!! and adorable had me smiling at all there sweet moments. I am loving this series so far.

I'm happy that you are enjoying this series! So far so good...but now that WG burned me a bit, I'm a little gun shy about being too excited too quickly. Although I think I was anyway, haha. Blame it on a BL HISTORICAL!!!

Century of Love - Episode 3

I've only seen EP 1. I was NOT ready for the scene of blood and a bullet popping out of San's arm. Ugh. Did anyone notice that Wat had no blood on her outfit after helping San get away from the bad guys?

I'll keep watching but that scene put me off a bit. 


Hidamari ga Kikoeru EP 1

I can't decide if I like the cast in the 2017 movie better or not... but it's only the first ep. I shouldn't compare. I gave the movie a 7/10, but I'm going to guess the series might be better since there's time to go deeper. I heard there's heartbreak ahead so I might drag it out a little so the timing is right to watch EP 4 & 5 together.

Thailand trip photos part 3 

The second row is Wat Phra Yai temple in Pattaya, also known as "Big Buddha".  When I saw the We Are gang walking up the temple stairs I could relate! 

The bottom two rows are a Bangkok neighborhood temple that my friend drops in to every morning on her way to work. She's a professor at one of the big uni's there, which is kinda cool since I've watched so many Thai university BL's!!

I got to visit a few temples, but my favorite is my friend's (my host) since it was more personal. And very beautiful too. We lite incense and shook the little red bamboo container for luck & blessings. The first rod in the container that comes out is your destiny, at least for that day. :-) (RX, my luck winning a legal case was very poor. haha )

Every time we went around Bangkok and happened to pass a university, I would wonder if THAT one was a location for a BL! Most of the uni buildings were white and had lovely green landscaping on the property. I got a little excited when I saw the students in their uniforms. (Oh, that sounds kinda pervy. But no, not in that way.) It's the little things, lol.

PS - The sunset is from a Pattaya beach. I love taking photos of sunrises & sunsets. My windows face East so I can see sunrises...when I'm up that early. There aren't really sunsets since the mountains are close.