Day 02: Favorite  BL Drama ( Pick Only One)  ---> Love for Love's Sake

   I have never seen a drama unfold like this; every episode had me glued to my computer, hoping that more of the plot would be explained. While I do love the cast, it is the replay value that does it for me. I will be honest: I was so confused the first time I completed this series that I needed clarification. However, this confusion led me to start from the beginning, thinking I missed some details.  And Boy, did I miss things!! This drama has so many easter eggs hidden in each episode that you could watch it a dozen times and still find hidden treasures.
Another thing that I find intriguing is the way this drama was written to create an opportunity for fans to discuss their interpretations of this plotline. They all could make sense. It's fascinating to me how masterfully written it is. If you have not seen this one, it's a quick watch, but it will have you thinking for months.

Re: Kiseki Chapter 2 (uncut)

Uhhhhhmmm....YESSSSSSSS I FEEL FULFILLED and by the looks of it I am not the only one except they felt fulfilled for different reasons.  Hold on:

Now, I was just watching taking in the fine scenery when my eyes where presented with another type of scenery, one that had me salivating, had my jaw on the floor, one that had Rain crying "daddy" in my mind, one that I know had a few fans wet, can I get an Amen because holy water is needed for us fans and not for the scene because that scene is wet enough. Let me tell you something a whole math class took place; clothes were subtracted and legs were divided. When Plai said to Beboy that he would teach him to kiss I did not expect Plai to straddle Beboy and ride and those hips don't lie. Secondly when Pan said he would teach P how to play a guitar I did not expect him to play with another instrument, few seconds later Pan is in position and P took him from the back.

The above text is just me expressing what I witnessed this is the real review of the watch:

In the beginning I was a little annoyed with Beboy's character but it eventually blended in so I did not mind as much. There was a lot of exaggeration in the acting in the first 1  episode which I assume was meant for comedy; I did not find it fully but I did not cringe either and eventually it stopped as the series started to flow and get a little more serious and more tourist activities took stage. I loved the build up of tension between the couples although I did not expect it to combust so soon and so wild. My favourite so far is P and Pan their chemistry is good, as well as other things lol, but I digress. I can see many people dropping it at the first episode but watch on because it did start to build on something that I think is worth the watch before that uhmmm explosion. Anyways I am now dying to see the aftermath in episode four the wait is going to kill me. @axdxes thank you so much for posting about it, you made my day.  

Message for screenshots!

And Boy, did I miss things!! This drama has so many easter eggs hidden in each episode that you could watch it a dozen times and still find hidden treasures.

Love for Love's Sake. This is such an excellent description of this beautiful series! I almost feel I should change my number 1 favorite series choice but I already didn't follow the rules and chose 2 so this would make a 3rd :)

I kinda regret starting it but now that I have I can’t stop coz no matter how much I want to I just CAN’T drop a drama TT

@axdxes thank you so much for posting about it, you made my day.  

I guess this means I'll see you all in a few days for ep4 because now I feel responsible for taking you all down this path I'm scared lol

Message for screenshots!


I am now dying to see the aftermath in episode four the wait is going to kill me.


All this talk about dead and dying. Must be some drama for you to have so many lives! 

I kinda regret starting it but now that I have I can’t stop c

I'm afraid to start it now. (Kiseki Chapter 2 (uncut or cut). Making notes in my little book.

Sorry to change the subject to an OST, BUT! For HIStory: Trapped fans have you seen this vid of the cast singing together?

I almost feel I should change my number 1 favorite series choice but I already didn't follow the rules and chose 2 so this would make a 3rd :)

I'm sorry, did I miss your Day 2 post?  Which are your favorites? :)


I'm sorry, did I miss your Day 2 post?  Which are your favorites? :)

I chose Semantic Error and Taikan Yoho. Adding Love for Love's Sake for my own personal reference :)

Taikan Yoho

I loved Taikan Yoho, and it saddens me that some people think it is a toxic romance. The two male leads' personalities mesh well together, and I couldn't understand why the drama got the rating it did.
Also, Higuchi Kouhei is so chefs kiss  ???



Yeah, Its true, I like him too :)
*chanting* We need more Nut content!!

I loved Taikan Yoho, and it saddens me that some people think it is a toxic romance. The two male leads' personalities mesh well together, and I couldn't understand why the drama got the rating it did.

Indeed. It's actually a love story. And this is a good example of what I posted a few pages back about how MDL ratings are sometimes skewed because (a) people post a rating based on an episode or two before dropping, and (b) people give bad ratings based on their "triggers", which may (in the case of a series like "Taikan Yohou") even be totally misunderstood because they didn't watch the whole thing.


Hello! It's so hard to pick just one :) I really liked when Manju shows up at Yoh's house to check on him because Mizuki made Yoh cancel his plans with her. The way that played out with Manju being in awe of her idol and Yoh getting upset because he felt Mizuki never smiled at him the way he smiled at Manju was just a wonderfully directed and acted scene.

Yeah, she is fun, I like her too!! Especially the way she waves those cards whenever Mizuki comes on screen, hahaha; I love her :)


I loved Taikan Yoho, and it saddens me that some people think it is a toxic romance. The two male leads' personalities mesh well together, and I couldn't understand why the drama got the rating it did.
Also, Higuchi Kouhei is so chefs kiss  ???

Yeahhh, its isnt really toxic... its just mere miscommunication... its a little scary at times for real life, but that can be ignored since its on the screen... 

Yeah, I love Higuchi Kouhei's acting in that... he did a good job :)

I just want to say that I’m so ready to see ponytail Phuwin in “We Are” in a few hours! I’ll probably have to wait until after work tomorrow to watch, but I’m so excited!

and (b) people give bad ratings based on their "triggers",

I never really understood this part of MDL; I often read comments that have me shaking my head. Somebody will write a negative review on a series based on a tag they don't like. 90% of the time, they don't even watch the series. They just automatically read the summary and think this is crap and then rate it down. I understand that specific tags can trigger most people with a moral compass. I can even understand that cultural differences have to be taken into consideration. I enjoy agreeing to disagree and having a long discussion. Sometimes, if I have a fascinating conversation, my opinion on the topic can switch, and I become more open. The love language in Taikan Yoho is an example of cultural behaviors and language not being perceived well.  Side note I think that the quiet longing stairs between the two male leads were too freaking adorable, and we know that our artist loves the position he finds himself in LOL