Day 27 Challenge: "BL drama you dropped"

"Crazy Handsome Rich". It's very rare for me to drop something once I've started, even if it's mediocre (or worse). And if I had been able to watch it, "Crazy Handsome Rich" would probably have been solidly mediocre - but the voice dubbing was so bad as to make it literally unwatchable.

Voice dubbing in Chinese productions (whether to ensure that characters are speaking legally required putonghua, or just to make shooting faster/cheaper) can also be pretty irritating, but in the case of "Crazy Handsome Rich", it's quite inexplicable, as it didn't seem to be an especially low-budget production.


Hey guys I had a sad and disappointing day so I am feeling crappy and I need a good bl movie rec please.

I have a list of Favourite BL/LGBTQ+ Films & Shorts from which you may find something.

Day 26 of April Challenge

BL Drama that made Me Cry (Buckets)

See my answer to the Day 25 of April challenge on page 734. All three dramas fall into that category.

Day 27 of April Challenge

BL Drama I Dropped

I've only ever dropped one BL Drama, being "War of Y" (Thailand, 2022). It was pure torture and I just could not continue. If you look at my dropped list, it is the only drama (BL or otherwise) there. I've sat through some dire series and films in my time, but "War of Ywas the worst.

 Chun Mo Rionnag:
I've only ever dropped one BL Drama, being "War of Y" (Thailand, 2022). It was pure torture and I just could not continue.

I never even tried watching it because the synopsis sounded so negative and tabloidy. If I wanted a cold splash of sordid "reality", I wouldn't be watching fluffy escapist fantasies.

 American Fan:
If you happen to pick a dud, it's only a click away from disappearing. And another click to try a new drama. Simple! 

You make the rules :-)

Thanks my dear. I often don't dare to click. :D
Well, but you're right. I make the rules. Can you remind me of this from time to time? :-*
I usually forget that I'm the queen of my life and can always click the stop, pause, repeat or play button at any time.^^

To be a bit dramatic in a drama forum:
We are all queens or kings of our lives.
And we are living in our BL wonderland... :-)


Ohh how sweet of you! Thank you @angeliviki2022 for taking your time to list the recommendations. I appreciate this a lot. They will be added to my bookmarks... and excel list. :-)
They all sound heart-wrenching. Special thanks goes to mentioning episode 37 of Word of Honor.
I might not have recognized that.^^

Day 26 Challenge: BL drama that made you cry buckets 

Vietnamese BL so it's not on mdl  it's called "Love Bill"  it's on the youtube account o2 production it was AMAZING ! Truly recommend it!

I love it that you mention this Vietname BL. You have sparked my interest. So thank you! :-)
I like getting to know dramas/ movies from different countries and getting to know what makes them special and maybe distinguishes them from others.


Omg I miss watching BLs so much TT

I've been studying and stress-eating non-stop for the past few days and it's getting exhausting 

I just have to hold on till Friday, and then after that I'm just gonna binge a WHOLE bunch of BL to satisfy my BL-thirst lmao

It might be a bit late, but I wish you all the best, my fingers are crossed.
I'm sure you were great! So, let me look at the calendar... , Friday is probably over in your part of the world, too? Let us know, what dramas you're binge watching, please? :D  :D :D 


Hey guys I had a sad and disappointing day so I am feeling crappy and I need a good bl movie rec please.

I've only just read it and I am sorry to hear that. Sending you hugs and comfort.
Cancel the day, things will be better from now on.
And look at this... what I've found in my front garden... ? - It's a little virtual cloverleaf and a daisy for you.
Since I'm not there to cheer you up in person, you can carry them around with you instead. :-) Maybe. If you like.^^

OK, OK, you twisted my arm. The BL which made me cry the most is definitely "Until We Meet Again", which I don't see anywhere on your list. *poke poke* It's also my all-time favourite BL. Actually, although the backstory (events of three decades before) is ultra ultra tragic, it disturbs and upsets me more than it makes me teary. It's the main, present-day story (Pharm/Dean) that make me totally go to pieces - yes, the three scenes that Axdxex mentions on p. 738 (behind the spoiler blocks), and many more, starting from that first moment in Episode 1 when Pharm sees Dean in the distance. (I'm totally tearing up right now just thinking about it.) These aren't necessarily sad scenes, just very deeply emotional - and also very well acted (e.g. Dean's grandmother).

So, as to your request for something to make you cry, I don't know what your cry triggers are, but this would be my recommendation.

Awww, it means a lot to me, that you've shared the drama what made you cry.
Of course hypothetically speaking. *blink :-)
I really appreciate it and will watch it. I don't know yet when I'll watch it.
But when I've finished it or perhaps even before, I'll let you know and I'll tell you wether it made me cry.
To be honest, I'm not sure about my cry triggers, so it's fine.^^

Hey, I'm married!  ... So you have to flirt with me discreetly. Haha.

Oh, I wasn't aware of that. I sincerely apologize. I am sorry (*blush *embarrased) 

Perhaps we can call it just friendly flirting then.  :-)

Hey, I'm married!  ... So you have to flirt with me discreetly. Haha.


I sincerely apologize.

No need to apologise. It's good for my self-confidence. *hair flip*


Really, I'm married? Or really, anyone who flirts with me has to do so discreetly?  ("Yes" to both.)

No need to apologise. It's good for my self-confidence. *hair flip*

Ahh, sigh... what a relief. Thanks.

If you want me to make it secretly, then I have the brilliant idea of using the spoiler function, haha, lol. :-)  

 So let me say, pssst... always at your service! :D 

I'm still working my way through the list you gave me. I'm really slow, not least because I re-watch so much, but rest assured, I am specifically keeping track of it.

No pressure and no rush from this side! I'm a go with the flow whatever works kind of person. Anything that's low stress, haha

Day 27 - BL Dramas I Dropped

I proudly state that I'm a drama dropping fool and I'm not sorry.

If this was a competition for most dropped BLs maybe I would win? I checked my dropped list for BLs and stopped counting at 25. I won't single out any one title since I feel most of the series I dropped deserved it, imo. The rest I just didn't like. 

Life is short and I want to be happy. 


No need to apologise. It's good for my self-confidence. *hair flip*

Really, I'm married? Or really, anyone who flirts with me has to do so discreetly?  ("Yes" to both.)