I first joined MDL in April this year. I can't remember exactly how I found this cool website but I am pretty sure I was searching for kdramas to watch and was reading information on particular kdramas. And then I somehow ended up making an account and everything XD
Everyone else have a similar situation to me with how they joined MDL or something entirely different? I'm really curious with how everyone did.
I love this site XD
I think everyone's story is more or less the same.

I joined MDL with my friend (IRL) as a sort of "I join if you join" thing. We liked how the format of this site was most similar to another site (myanimelist or MAL) in which we were very familiar with. The idea of organizing everything into lists online is what made us create an account and everything. Somehow I assimilated quite well into the MDL community, and well here I am.
I was searching for a website to store all the doramas I have seen and I found this one :) I like how its formated and easy to use.
I'm not too sure but I had already made a list on my computer. I think I looked for "gender-bender drama list" or something on Google and ended up on this website. Then I thought the informations on this website were very complete and bookmarked it. But I wanted to post comment here so I had to register... And one thing leading to another, I just recreated my drama list here. If my computer went down, this way I still had a backup.
I was also searching on Google for drama recommendations and this popped up! I'm so glad I found MDL. 
I was on another forum in another site, back early sometime last year
2015  talking about k-dramas  giving recs getting recs etc. when i saw someone link their drama list from here and i was like o/0 omg...all this time there was a site out there like this that allowed me to keep track of my dramas and rate them too! and talk about them with other people, yet there i was trying to keep track of my dramas i watched in a silly paper notebook....x.x  needless to say i got rid of the notebook and got on here and my life changed for the better...lulz i love MDL ♥
It was a process over few years .... I already had a spreadsheet of my watched dramas, and a list of Plan to Watch   ....
Occasionally, I would look for more info on certain dramas, and would find their pages on MDL ....
Few years went by, tired of K-dramas, I searched for info on C-dramas and found MDL .... I wanted to comment and ask for recommendations, so I made an account ....
Months and months later, I made more and more comments, some friends w/ whom to share opinions, then eventually filled out my profile completely, added all the dramas, etc...

MDL is best place for Asian drama lovers.... Not only to find recommendations and have a database, but also to discuss and share opinions, and find people who share common tastes and opinions
I don't really remember, but i think it was through the late Dramacrazy website (those two websites will definitely be linked in my memory).
I came here from time to time to have more informations about japanese dramas and actors, and it soon became obvious i would need a better way to keep track of my completed dramas than my small sheet of paper (yes, i'm old school).
I think it took me around six months before deciding to make an account ( i'm not the kind to belong to any community), but i'm really happy i've finally applied.
Whenever I google "kdrama list" or something similar, MDL is ALWAYS in the first page. The name kinda got engraved in my mind. Took me a VERY long time to actually sign up lol.
It's been too long for me to actually remember but I guess I just stumbled across it one day and probably signed up right away to get rid of the word document i kept until then :P

Through Kissasian. I want to request a drama and it requires using the URL of the drama from this site... I'm so glad I discovered MDL <33

I had discovered mdl after my animelist but while when i was searching for "A love so beautiful" in 2017 so i thought that i only searched for dramas while this acc. was made in 2020.

Google search engine. 

Came across the site from watching kdrama top 10s on youtube.

A friend of mine introduced me to the site.