I was born in Australia so i naturally grew up speaking/learning english :3 But i have a bengali background so bengali was my second language :) However my parents had both stayed in Japan for 9 years previously so i grew up speaking japanese as well :D And then after watching dramas i was intrested in Korean so i taught myself from random websites and now i can read/write/speak in Korean too :D Then at school we had to learn German and French and Mandarin so i know a little of those too :D
Wow^^ It seems I was surrounded by geniuses here, multilingual at most** My first language is Filipino and second is English..In my country we have English subject from kinder till college...so basically school don't give us any other choice but to learn it...not to learn it means you will definitely dropped/failed the subject^^ and sadly you won't be able to get your diploma without passing it..but sadly, even though I faced this language since time immemorial, i can hardly say that I'm very fluent in it...specially in oral/verbal manner for we don't usually converse in this manner,so I don't have much confidence speaking this language..but we can understand well for we are used to watched numerous English film, unless it used highfalutin words (by this we grabbed a dictionary or in high tech society**typed on cp and find the meaning**)..As for writing**hmm maybe I can pass^^because we can always edit the one we write**kekeke!!!
My first language is British English and my second is German as I studied it for seven years although I've lost some my German ability since I haven't spoken it for such a long time. I learnt French and Latin too although I can't speak them at all so they hardly count. I would say Japanese is my third language as I can understand and read it although I never get much opportunity to speak it. Very impressed with the amount of multilingual users on MDL! p.s. Hello, this is my first ever post, nice to meet everyone!
I learned it by watching Anime at first ..I had it two years in school before but I was REALLY bad ...ny watching Animes and reading MAngas I learned it in a few months xDD
English is my first language as i was born in the Uk. I don't really have a second langauge bit I would love to become fluent in Korean thou I ain't sure i have the motivation too lol My obession all started with a mv from youtube xD
English? English....? Ah, I've heard of that one, it's a tea, isn't it?
My mother tongue is German and my first foreign language was French. I started learning it in school around age nine. My first English classes were two years later, so it is only my third language. Later on, I also had Spanish and Chinese in school and I have been trying to teach myself Romanian, Italian, Japanese, Korean and Cantonese over the past few years. However, I never got really far in the latter. I'm just too curious about foreign cultures, so I always end up tackling another language before I reach a decent level in the one(s) I studied before. I should get rid of this habit and concentrate more on those I already started learning till now^^.
My first language is also German. I started having English lessons in primary school when I was about 9 years old. Then I had those lessons until I was 16, started taking the English A-Level and had better lessons. Well, then I quit school and nowadays I don't speak English at ALL anymore, I only write it in forums and read it in subs. So my pronounciation has definitely worsened and I'm pretty sure my written skills aren't A-Level Level anymore, either. :( Third language was Latin, Fourth language was Spanish. I only had one year of Spanish until I quit school, though. ;)
My mother tongue is english, I used to speak english as a child.. I was born in Guyana and lived there till I was 7 years old. ( Guyana was a former colony of the British. It is the only state on South America, where English is an official language). Then I moved to France and to learn French my parents forbade us to speak english a home. The more I learn the French language the more I forget english. it was like I never spoke english. Then we start to learn english at scholl at it came back a little. But it mostly bacuse of dramas, movies and books. I used to speaks german too. I spends 6 months in germany and I was pretty good a it but now not so much anymore. I have to work on it. I want to learn korean. My dreams is to live in korea for a least a few years. Wachting dramas I can understand a bit but I definitly cannot speak or read.
My native language is Bulgarian and I started learning English in kinder garden, it was just the basic stuff like the alphabet, the "10 little indians" and other songs but with time (and Cartoon Network) I started understanding more and more, then when I was in 2nd grade my mother enrolled me in an English language course (which I'm still going to, hoping to get a certificate this year) and that's how I started learning the grammar. My third language is Spanish, in 4th grade I decided I wanted to learn it so when it was time to apply for high school (over here it's after grade 7) I wrote the Spanish High School as my first choice and I got in (just barely because my math exam grade was terrible) and for the last 4 years I've been studying it... actually it's an exaggeration, my Spanish teacher is around her retirement age so she's too lazy to teach us anything new so we're supposed to remember everything from the 8th grade and use it today but I still love the language and I wish I could get better at it. And last year my friends and I found out that there is a Korean woman who's created a Korean Educational Centre in our city so we signed up and now I'm studying hard for our 4th exam, hoping to pass to the next level. I'm also hoping to learn more languages with time but I guess compared to other 17 year olds in my country I'm rather advanced when it comes to learning and speaking foreign languages (not to mention that most of the people around me are extremely racist and when they see an Asian person they say "Oooh! A Chinese man! Does he eat dogs?")
Well, I live in the Netherlands so Dutch is my first language. English is my second language, followed by French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Latin. Although I must admit my Japanese and Korean is minimal and my Chinese and Latin suck : D We start here with English classes when you're about seven/eight years old on elementary school. When you go to secondary school you have 'levels'. At all levels you have to do German classes for at least two years, the two highest levels also have to do German and French for three years. And when I choose the subjects for my exams I also choose Spanish ^^ It's a little bit confusing so it's kinda like this: Everyone : Dutch Everyone (7/8 years old) : Dutch + English VMBO-B/VMBO-K : 4 years Dutch + English, minimal 2 years German VMBO-T/VMBO-T+ : 4 years Dutch + English, minimal 2 years German + French HAVO: 5 years Dutch + English, minimal 3 years German + French VWO: 6 years Dutch + English, minimal 3 years German + French, continued with 3 years German or French (both is also possible)
Windsong: Wow, that's complicated. o.O :D
My mother tongue is 'Tagalog', it's also known as 'Filipino', but it's wrong, Philippine language is 'Tagalog' and 'Filipino' is our nationality. Just to clear that out to those who didn't know :) So yeah, Back to the topic.. Everyone's first teacher is our parents. So basically, My parents are the ones who first taught me English. But I also learned my English at school. In philippines, we have that subject, Either you're a native filipino or a foreigner who's studying in philippines, you should take it whether you like it or not. After English, is Korean. I'm already in my intermediate level. I can speak, read and write korean. I can translate tweets of korean idols but sometimes i use dictionary if they use terms that i don't know. I also have nice korean friends on twitter and me2day, so i get to speak with some of them, but not too long and not too complicated. They know I'm not fluent and i'm very relieved that they still bare with me. lol I can also understand Taiwanese before. I only understand but i can't speak or write. Now, i completely forgot it all >_< I've been a translator of little parts of Let's go watch meteor shower and Down with love at viki. I don't know why i can understand some parts of it, i don't even have a Chinese background. Maybe because of watching alot of taiwanese dramas before. I learned little French when i was in elementary. Infact, I still keep my french notes. xD I'm supposed to study and live with my aunt in Paris, but i picked to stay here since i'm not confident that i will do well there. My aunt is working at a hotel called 'Westin'. If there are any french here who knows that. Haha~
My mother tongue is swiss german (yeah, there's a difference to german), but my school was in german so you could say that it's my second language.. but i consider english my second language because my father used to talk to me in english. he left when i was five though and because my mom didn't have enough confidence in her english and didn't want me to learn her mistakes I forgot all of it.. well i basically ended up learning it all anew in 7th grade like all the others.. was really bad at it at first as well :P i started reading books in english because i was far too impatient to wait for the german translation.. and well i started to read manga, not wanting to wait either so i read them on the internet in english (same with anime for that matter).. so yeah i basically learned english by myself.. right now i'm on an exchange year program as well and I've been living in england since august last year. so not really anything special haha -blush- °//^//°
will my story look like iam the nerd one since my main language is Arabic and second one is English, and i start to learn it due to school at 3rd grade and continue until i finished high school and then i start college which was in English so that improve my scale.

what improve the conversation is the TV movies and series which iam still watching until now then i start with music,,,, when you memorise the song and keep listen to it on your i pod you kan learn language, that what happen with Korean music haha..

after experience , if you can't live with people who speak the language watch there Drama that how i start learn Korean by Drama and the program "lets speak Korean" then to music after read the English lyric of the song