Native born English speaker here <3 I'm currently self teaching myself Chinese/Japanese/Korean so whatever one I'm more fluent in will be my second language. And I can tell you right now it's NOT Korean :(
I actually learned it naturally, I live in a dutch country so that's the 1st lang. my own mother lang(s) would be hindi&punjabi those are the two 2nd langs. and then there's english I guess you could say the 3rd lang. ^^
Oh yeah, and I'm trying to teach myself more langs. but currently not doing a very good job, also improving the ones I already know^^
I learned from watching American/English TV shows and listening to music. I've always had the advantage of remembering most stuff after reading it once, so I guess that helped too, but it's mostly to Norway not dubbing American shows.
I was born in the US, my parents only spoke Spanish so my first language was Spanish and once i started going to school I learned English. I am so grateful to my parents for teaching me Spanish, love the fact of being bilingual. I want to learn many languages :) but for right now I am learning Japanese and Korean :)
i'm from finland and here you learn english in school. we start study english when we're about 10 or 11 and we'll continue it till high school. and of course we'll continue it in university. in finland our mother language is of course finnish, but we have another mother language and it is swedish. and we also have to learn it which sucks. i'm really bad in swedish and my english isn't that good either. although my english isn't that good, i've noticed that it has got better after i started watch tv series in english (without subtitles) and when i read books and manga in english. also we learn english pretty well from tv, because in finland they don't dub programmes (like in french) we just have subtitles. here in finland almost everyone can speak english. and you have to, because in this world you really can't get along without english. although we can speak english pretty well, our accent is pretty weird :D
I'm from the US, so my native tongue is English. It is the language which I speak fluently and conduct my everyday business. However, I speak Spanish as a second language. I have studied Spanish for 11 years, all of which has been in school. I would say that I am close to fluency in Spanish, and it is my minor at the University of Dayton. My third language is Japanese. I studied it a bit in school, but now am independently studying it on my own time. I can speak very little, but I'm learning. My fourth and fifth languages are French and German, respectively. I am of German descent, so I wanted to learn the language of my forefathers, and I speak Romance languages well, so I learned French fairly easily. At my former community college, I tutor all 5 languages with regularity. Because of this, I am now considered a Master Tutor.
My first language learned was Hindi because I'm from India. But I moved to the US when I was three. So I learned English when I moved here. I stopped speaking Hindi around 6/7 years old because I thought it was uncool, but I picked it back up again around last year. My parents speak mostly Hindi in my household with some English mixed in. I'm also learning Punjabi from my Grandpa, which is another Indian language. I know a bit of French from 4 years of French classes, and I am trying to learn Korean by myself, but its sooo hard.
Well since I'm from Germany I speak german as my first language. In fourth class I started to learn english so for six years now and I think I'm quite good at it (well, I hope xD) and since we have a apartment in our house which we rent for vacation and so we already had guests from everywhere I have a lot of practise xD I'm learning French for 4 years now but i'm so bad at it that I decided to cut it off in eleventh grade^^
I am from Greece and so my first language is greek.Here the most of us (at least in my age) started to learn english at the age of 8.Also,in our school we learn(obviously not fluenty all of them) at least 3 languages so except from greek,we learn english and german or french.We have the opportunity to study italian or spanish in high school,too.
Hi everyone ~ Wow, at first I thought this would be annoying, but reading all yours stories was so fun ^^ So I decided to write my story, hoping that someone would find it interesting too ~ (not that my story is particularly special ahah) I'm Italian, so my first language in italian ^^ But I'm fluent in english, french and spanish too. Then i have to add tigrinia, which is the language spoken in Eritrea, my parents' mother country ^o^ So 'till now I can speak 5 languages, but next year I'll start university and i'll learn korean (that i'm already studying by myself) and japanese too ~
Weeeeeeell, my native language is Romanian and I"ve been learning english since I was like.. 5 years old I suppose. Here it's very common for young kids to learn english as early as possible because everyone is conscient that we can't do anything with our own language >.>. Formally, we start learning english in 2nd grade (at 8 years old) and we continue it till we graduate high school. I also speak French (not very fluently, but I can read and write without problems ^^), which I have been learning since 5th grade and I also learn Japanese for a year now. I speak a little spanish too, due to the fact that I spent half of my childhood watching telenovelas lol. I want to learn korean in the future too ^o^.
PEENUEHIERNIT wrote: Hello, I am very happy about this discussion, because i can read some really interesting stuff about you, people. Its amazing, how dramas can connect people from many different coutries and cultures. This is freaking amazing :)

So about me... I am from Czech republic (middle Europe) and our first language is Czech (so basically, almost no one would understand me :P exccept Slovakians and some Russians).

I might sort of understand you ^_^ , some words at least, I'm from Poland. Slavic Power ! hehehe :)

I've been learning English since elementary school, but the level at schools was not very high (I remember correcting my teacher during class in high school:) ). I learned a lot by myself. Mostly from translating songs and later reading books. As for speaking I took Callan Method courses at some point. After I went to University I learned English for 2 more years(Language schools and such) and then I got a Certificate in Advanced English and stopped learning. But I've been using it every single day ( for studies, for work, for pleasure, for MDL :)).

I've also learned German, quite intensively at times, but I don't use it very often, so I'm not fluent.
At some point I tried learning French and Russian - but I didn't like the two and I don't remember anything.

At the moment I'm learning Japanese at a language school (4h a week) and of course I'm loving it ^_^
I'm from England. Lol.... I think that explains the understanding English bit ^^ My second language is probably Bengali, my mother tongue. My grandparents are originally from Bangladesh but in our house, we mainly speak English. However, my parents made me and my older brother take classes from when i was 3 up to about 12. I speak more Bengali now than i've ever done in my life though. I think its mainly because i was reading something about Heritage and it made me realise i know almost nothing about Bangladesh. I probably know more about Japan. So i've been more interested in my culture recently. My 3rd language would be French, which i studied at school for 7ish years. I was actually pretty good at it and could have simple conversations in French but since i've started Japanese, i remember almost nothing. I studied Spanish for just over 2 years but dropped it at the age of 15.
My native language is French and both of my relatives are french so we speak french all the time at house. My second language is English, I learn it at school since 6 years but I never speak it and always write it so my pronunciation is terrible :\ My third language is German and I learn it at school too since 4 years. I had a great teacher in middle school and I loved this language but my teacher in high school now is just the worst teacher I have ever seen so I don't work like before and I forget a lot, I just want to stop it. My teacher disgusted me of German and it's a pity... My fourth language is Japanese and I learned it 1 year alone and at school since 2 years. I think that it's the language I understand the most after English. And I learn Korean during my past-time so I'm not great korean speaker but I like so...^.^