2018 Watch Challenge Discussion

This discussion has been closed.


So, I watched a drama with ghosts..does that count as "Watch a drama/movie about Gods, demons, angels, or divine creatures" or "Watch a drama/movie about zombie, vampires, werewolves, aliens, or monsters."..Like, are ghosts monsters?

Monsters are defined as "an imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening." So ghosts are unfortunately not monsters. Can you perhaps put the drama/movie in another category?


Monsters are defined as "an imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening." So ghosts are unfortunately not monsters. Can you perhaps put the drama/movie in another category?

ahh :( well, I think I can put it in another category then, thank you for the answer!

Hi, Hessa! Just want to point out that if that first user who finished the Merciless challenge has been disqualified for whatever reason, I noticed that there's still another user, ShotaSidePart, who finished it before I did and should be on the leaderboard~ Here's her turn-in post.

Anyway, thanks for making the challenge again this year! Helped me get through a good chunk of my (ridiculously long) PTW list. ;D

Hessa Volunteer Staff

Thanks. I did not notice the turn-in post. Will add it in a little while.

Is speed watching not allowed? Im sorry cause im fond of doing that, like a lot :)

And my sign up form is still there, i did not delete it. But its just fine, I really enjoyed this challenge and that is all that matters :) I was able to watch my 1st asadora and lakorn. Thanks <3


I don't want to be that person but I think I've seen a post on the challenge that I think is cheating for some reason.

Either that or they missed the point that you had to start all dramas after starting the challenge.

The maths doesn't add up to make it possible to have completed the amount of long dramas they have in the time frame they're saying they have.

It's just a bit of fun so I don't think they're doing it for any reason other than they missed that one point but yeah.

Someone had asked if they had watched a movie/drama in 2018 before signing up for the challenge, could said movie/drama count when they do sign up, and Hessa said it can count. So for example in my case I started watching dramas in January but I decided to join the challenge in June, so all of the dramas I’ve watched from Jan-June are counted towards the challenge. Perhaps the person did the same thing as I did :)

Yes, this is how I imagined the challenge to be - I didn't find out about the challenge (or sign up for it) until late spring but of course, had started watching things in 2018.  It's the dramas that started in 2017 and continued to 2018 that trip people up, I thought. To me, those ones don't count.

Hessa Volunteer Staff

Just remember to add the date as the start of the year or when you watched the first thing in 2018, not the date you signed up for the challenge. This is to make it fair for others.

Hessa, I've been keeping track of when I finished dramas (on my own spreadsheet) but is there a way to see when I first put "currently watching" on my list? Or is this something only administrators can check up? 

Hessa Volunteer Staff

You can use the history feature or if you have used the advance options and marked the day you started and ended the drama/movie.


Just remember to add the date as the start of the year or when you watched the first thing in 2018, not the date you signed up for the challenge. This is to make it fair for others.

Thanks Hessa for clarifying this. 


You can use the history feature or if you have used the advance options and marked the day you started and ended the drama/movie.

Okay, I probably just need directed to a different forum for this question but - what is the history feature and where are the advance options?  I was just poking around and hoping to find this but I need some help!

Hessa Volunteer Staff



Okay, I probably just need directed to a different forum for this question but - what is the history feature and where are the advance options?  I was just poking around and hoping to find this but I need some help!