Hii, I'm just curious, how old are you guys? :)

I just recently turned 27. I got into asian dramas, mostly kdramas in 2012.

This year I'm 21, and I start watching asian dramas since 2015.

I'm turning 19 this year and watched my first drama in 2013. However, my drama obsession didn't start until around 2015.

I'm 24 and I got into Asian dramas in 2017 after watching Hwarang. I watched couple of K-dramas before that on TV but never actively searched for them. 

I'm 20 and I started watching K-dramas when I was 18. I have a lot of content to catch up to but I'm slowly getting there hehe

Hi! I'm 22 and the drama that introduced me to this world was Hana Yori Dango, I was 10 at that time ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ

Hello! I'm 27.  I started watching asian dramas in 2015. My first drama ever was Cinderella's Sister with Ok Taecyeon. At the time, I used to be a huge 2PM fan when I was into kpop. Anyway, I don't think I ever finished watching the drama lol.  

Hello! I'm 51. Started watching sometime around the late 2000s, with my eldest (now 27) who was into BOF, Big Bang, Wonder Girls. Gong Yoo hooked me with Coffee Prince and the addiction is now full-blown thanks to Forest of Secrets :-). Have now gotten my youngest (14) on       board with Weightlifting Fairy and we're live watching Vincenzo. 

I'm 22 going on 23 and I didn't really get into asian dramas until I was about 18 or 19 !

live action adaptions of anime were my gateway drug, and from there I fell hard for k-drama ! 

26 now, started watching in 2008! I watched a looooot of shows for a few years but then it dwindled down to maybe 4 shows a year for a while. Now I'm back to watching more, but still not as much as back in the beginning (being an adult has its downsides, mainly the lack of free time and weeks off school!)

I'm 30, I started watching dramas when I was very little and mum used to put on the tv! my first ever drama was Waterboys♥ ♥ ♥

Almost 30 and I started watching Asian dramas because I had to live out of Asia but I wanted to feel this environment's mood at least from a distance before I am able to return there for good after pandemic. Also - my Chinese girl forced me to watch some.

I'm 35 and I started watching Asian dramas around 15 years ago, I think. It could've been sooner then that.

I am 13 started watching since 7 years old the first drama I watch was you are my sister, I can read , write ,and speak Chinese and cdramas made my reading better but know I am more interested in kdramas.