Well I will leave all the what ifs and the attempts at a deeper meaning , the so on and so forth to y'all .

I shall retrieve the tv remote from where it ended up after I unapologetically fair launched it across the room in utter disgust . I mean seriously . 

C'mon now.

What's with that for an ending ?! For real  .

Look  in all honesty I'm not usually a huge Yu Shuxin fan plus I was still worried nothing would get me over Lost You Forever and yet it had me so thoroughly invested , totally utterly immersed . Within the first 15 minutes I was unashamedly  singing it's praises to any who would listen as well as those who wouldn't . 

And then that ending happened .  

It's just not right , 

Sigh . Best be seeing if remote withstood the assault .

I know I'm late to the party since I waited with the regular VIP schedule.

  • I was expecting a crazy bloodbath and while several characters did die from both sides, I was honestly expecting more. However, the last few episodes made me care for the Gong family more than I had felt previously. So it's cool that the 4 lineages can work together as the new generation. 
  • I absolutely loved all the scenes where characters saw their dead loved ones. I cried when GZY saw them all standing together and then when Yue saw Yun Que and the bird.
  • Got a total BL feeling between the two Xue guys. Sad that the one died, but the child actor did an awesome job acting in this show!!
  • I don't believe Shangguan Qian is pregnant. I believe she had some feelings for Shangjue but she cannot put anyone else above her love for herself. I wish she died but her character was very interesting and I couldn't bring myself to hate her 100% although I did grow tired of her.
  • I dislike the whole twin thing. I have twin girls myself and it's just off-putting to me personally. Lol 
  • I don't really understand what exactly the Infinite Fire is. Nor the "infidels" back there. Do they even still exist? At least they explained the significance of the back tattoo. Again, what is so bad about this Infinite Fire that they don't even want to use it against Wufeng? 
  • Disappointed that Huanyu turned out to be a villain, even though he had his reason. Everything was revealed nicely.
  • I'll have to go back and look, but I think most of my questions were answered. I do think they should've revealed the whole working relationship between the Gong men a few episodes sooner because I really didn't like GZY character much until towards the final episodes. I think many viewers felt the same. He seemed like a better leader at the end but so many things happened behind the scenes that you just saw him being a whiny kid fighting with the other guys in his family.

Also found it stupid that no one accompanied her to Lixi Town. It brings back the naivete I felt GZY had during most of the show. It sucks after seeing him be so knowledgeable and clever at the end. Now it's right back to "wtf is wrong with you?"

I don't think YWS would be able to escape the room with the Wufeng people in there. So either they had a plan/mission already in mind for her or she is dead. I think if she is dead, they would send her body back missing limbs like Zhuo Mei's lover. If they tried to do a twin switch by sending her sister back to the valley as the YWS everyone knows, I don't think that would work. GZY knows she has a twin now and would be suspicious if the girl wasn't acting exactly like YWS.

So yeah. I could've done without those last few minutes. It's fine if they showed scenes of the Wufeng leader still being around so you know there could be more issues in the future, but I really don't like not knowing 100% what happened to YWS in that final scene.

Disappointed that Huanyu turned out to be a villain, even though he had his reason. Everything was revealed nicely.

GHY had the patience of a God who was willing to do a verbal presentation to his relatives-turned-enemies when he was desperate to find YWS in order to use her as a ransom for getting hold of the other half of the Infinite Heat manuscript.


GHY had the patience of a God who was willing to do a verbal presentation to his relatives-turned-enemies when he was desperate to find YWS in order to use her as a ransom for getting hold of the other half of the Infinite Heat manuscript.

Hahaha. Surprised power point slides weren't shown on the walls during his reveal.

Hahaha. Surprised power point slides weren't shown on the walls during his reveal.

Agree.  I thought that scene was absurd.  I wouldn't wait for him to do that presentation.  I would just catch and send him to jail.  That would be it.


Agree.  I thought that scene was absurd.  I wouldn't wait for him to do that presentation.  I would just catch and send him to jail.  That would be it.

There’s a few scenes that were absurd too, when it suppose to be nail bitting moment but the character was there, cool as cucumber, delivering speech. One example was when YWS was trying to escape from Gong residence through the secret path. She had to say a slow goodbye speech first with the whole family and guards there doing nothing, listening patiently to her. lol

Speaking of the secret path, why aren't there always guards watching the tunnel?? They watched GZY and YWS and Jin Fan and Zishang  use it and told Shangjue, but the rest of the time people have used it... no one seems to be watching.

oh and another scene was Elder Hua’s death scene. Both Elder and YM Hua has such a long farewell moment, while the Wang assassin waiting patiently. lol


There’s a few scenes that were absurd too, when it suppose to be nail bitting moment but the character was there, cool as cucumber, delivering speech. One example was when YWS was trying to escape from Gong residence through the secret path. She had to say a slow goodbye speech first with the whole family and guards there doing nothing, listening patiently to her. lol

That's a grand show from Gong mansion for Shangguan Qian who was eavesdropping  behind. They wanna show that YWS was the last remaining Wufeng spy they wanna kill. In fact, they already knew that SGQ was a Wufeng too. They showed deep discord between the Gongs  so SGQ would ignite the interest of Wufeng's senior to immediately attack Gong mansion. YWS and the Gong men planned carefully to lure Wufengs to the Gong territory so they could ambush and assassinate them. Too bad only Wang level of Wufeng showed up. The remaining of the most powerful Wufeng were still at large.


Speaking of the secret path, why aren't there always guards watching the tunnel?? They watched GZY and YWS and Jin Fan and Zishang  use it and told Shangjue, but the rest of the time people have used it... no one seems to be watching.

Young and reckless  GZY used to sneak out of the mansion using that secret tunnel. That's not a secret. The guards usually turn a blind eye.  However when he became a Sword Wielder and Gong mansion in dire situation, they tighten the security. GZY was able to sneak out again on the lantern festival using a pretext that none can defy the SW's order (what a selfish guy). So Shangjue told them to watch YWS secretly instead of argue with GZY. The way GSJ acted, proving that he had no ill intention towards GZY.


That's a grand show from Gong mansion for Shangguan Qian who was eavesdropping  behind. They wanna show that YWS was the last remaining Wufeng spy they wanna kill. In fact, they already knew that SGQ was a Wufeng too. They showed deep discord between the Gongs  so SGQ would ignite the interest of Wufeng's senior to immediately attack Gong mansion. YWS and the Gong men planned carefully to lure Wufengs to the Gong territory so they could ambush and assassinate them. Too bad only Wang level of Wufeng showed up. The remaining of the most powerful Wufeng were still at large.

hahaha I know that is for SGQ to see. Everything is fine until YWS stopped right infront of the secret door and said goodbye and escape too easily. I find it weird that a smart SGQ couldn’t see through that. But if the script need her to be dumb at that moment, then she be dumb. ?


I know there is a huge outcry over the ending but I actually quite liked it.  It makes sense and is consistent with the genre. Wufeng was never gonna let her get away with betraying them like that. Knowing that, it was really dumb of her to go back to visit her home town like that all by herself and so openly. That part just seems complacent and out of character.

I always enjoy your postings!

Anyway I didn't have time to read the entire over 250 comments here, so I will quickly post this.  I saw one theory from my X-follower who told me this.  She thought that the last one female WF who was with bodyguard waiting at the last house is actually the MOTHER of twins! Did you hear this theory? I thought that was interesting. 

 U-chan U-chan:

I always enjoy your postings!

Anyway I didn't have time to read the entire over 250 comments here, so I will quickly post this.  I saw one theory from my X-follower who told me this.  She thought that the last one female WF who was with bodyguard waiting at the last house is actually the MOTHER of twins! Did you hear this theory? I thought that was interesting. 

Ah thank you for reading. 

Its definitely interesting and equally chilling alhtough I guess in that case YWS probably survives.? The only question would be why did YWS's twin look so terrified?  I do think there is a high chance that both YWS and her twin were either Dian Zhu or Zhuo Mei's children. I think Zhuo Mei is more likely bc she had a lover whereas Dian Zhu sounds more to me like Jin Yong's bitter old spinster Emei sect master. I would like to see maybe a movie or something that wraps up that whole story, I am not sure its worth another 24 episodes.


Ah thank you for reading. 

Its definitely interesting and equally chilling alhtough I guess in that case YWS probably survives.? The only question would be why did YWS's twin look so terrified?  I do think there is a high chance that both YWS and her twin were either Dian Zhu or Zhuo Mei's children. I think Zhuo Mei is more likely bc she had a lover whereas Dian Zhu sounds more to me like Jin Yong's bitter old spinster Emei sect master. I would like to see maybe a movie or something that wraps up that whole story, I am not sure its worth another 24 episodes.

Arerrggghhh, I see.  Boy this ending is really killing everyone. I just wish they will make just ONE special episode to clear the gray area, but dir. wanted OE, so we are just stuck with own theory I guess.  Thx.