Oh, I forgot to add. How cute is it that Jin Fan is now the clingy one in the relationship. BAHAHAHA The tables have turned!

Shangjue has to live his life wondering if Qian is really pregnant and he has a kid out there.

No he will find her and discover the truth. Don't forget he has massive Jianghu resources and Wufeng has been dealt a crushing blow. He let her go bc it is not safe to keep a viper like her in Gongmen. But there is nothing to stop them from setting up house somewhere outside. As master of the Jue line, it is his job to come and go. That way he protects his family from her but can still keep her if he so chooses. I personally think he can do better though and unlike poor Ziyu, he can go out there and look for someone else that he likes.

The ending is not so bad. But give it some time and it will mostly come together for you. I don't consider it open. I think in all the ways that matter it is complete.


No he will find her and discover the truth. Don't forget he has massive Jianghu resources and Wufeng has been dealt a crushing blow. He let her go bc it is not safe to keep a viper like her in Gongmen. But there is nothing to stop them from setting up house somewhere outside. As master of the Jue line, it is his job to come and go. That way he protects his family from her but can still keep her if he so chooses. I personally think he can do better though and unlike poor Ziyu, he can go out there and look for someone else that he likes.

The ending is not so bad. But give it some time and it will mostly come together for you. I don't consider it open. I think in all the ways that matter it is complete.

I guess that is why Shangjue never really coveted the SW position. He knows he's meant for the Jianghu and he's better out there than stuck in the valley for life. I think Shangjue can do better too, in fact, he's way too good for Qian, she doesn't deserve him and didn't really do anything to warrant his love. She was willing to sacrifice him in order to achieve her ambition, clearly she didn't love him. I despise the scene where she's living dandy watering the flowers, while everyone else suffers worst fate.

If there's no real resolution to the main characters' fate and I have to interpretate a scene, then it is very much an open ending for me, especially considering how out of characters Weishan and Ziyu were in the final episode. If I erase the last 4 minutes from my mind, it was a really solid drama.

She was willing to sacrifice him in order to achieve her ambition

They are a toxic couple. He also sacrificed her to trick Wufeng. She got the 4 Wings killed. And he took back the Infinite Fire from her. Don't see how she goes back without them killing her.

Either FL is alive, either she is dead.

But  think she will be tortured and captive, maybe she will lost her memories and years later ML will see her, and another conspiracy rise


They are a toxic couple. He also sacrificed her to trick Wufeng. She got the 4 Wings killed. And he took back the Infinite Fire from her. Don't see how she goes back without them killing her.

Yeah, which is why I could never get on board with their pairing. Didn't care for them one bit until it was revealed that Shangjue has been helping Ziyu in secret and his one and only mission is to keep Gong family safe, that gets Shangjue on my good book. Qian could go to hell for all I care.


Either FL is alive, either she is dead.

But  think she will be tortured and captive, maybe she will lost her memories and years later ML will see her, and another conspiracy rise

I think u have watched alchemy of souls🤣🤣


Yeah, which is why I could never get on board with their pairing. Didn't care for them one bit until it was revealed that Shangjue has been helping Ziyu in secret and his one and only mission is to keep Gong family safe, that gets Shangjue on my good book. Qian could go to hell for all I care.

SGQ misjudged GSJ.  He is dead loyal to the Gong family knowing that no matter how powerful the Infinite Heat is, his family will never use it against their deadly enemies.  Compassion and kindness define GSJ.  He will always place his family before anyone.

I can never understand why he let SGQ go apart from he loved her and he could never kill the person he loved.

I can never understand why he let SGQ go apart from he loved her and he could never kill the person he loved.

Well he can't be sure that she is not pregnant. If she is lying, he can always get her later on. In some ways, by not saving her from Wufeng, we already can see he doesn't really believe her. 


Oh, I forgot to add. How cute is it that Jin Fan is now the clingy one in the relationship. BAHAHAHA The tables have turned!

I loved this part! Hehe

Oh, I forgot to add. How cute is it that Jin Fan is now the clingy one in the relationship. BAHAHAHA The tables have turned

I find it unnecessary.  It's nice to have a bit of comedy in this drama but not to be as silly as this.  We know that Jin Fan is GZS' love interest.  He shouldn't feel insecure.

If there's no real resolution to the main characters' fate and I have to interpretate a scene, then it is very much an open ending for me, especially considering how out of characters Weishan and Ziyu were in the final episode. If I erase the last 4 minutes from my mind, it was a really solid drama.

I think the ending was as complete as it needs to be. In brief, Weishan was not fooled, she went back to Wufeng bc she still needs to take revenge on Dianzhu for Zhuomei. Its in more detail at the bottom of my review.


Yeah, which is why I could never get on board with their pairing. Didn't care for them one bit until it was revealed that Shangjue has been helping Ziyu in secret and his one and only mission is to keep Gong family safe, that gets Shangjue on my good book. Qian could go to hell for all I care.

Qian is the most hard hearted person in the entire drama. Scary.

There’s are so many loose ends I do not believe the show is done and I hope there is a season two this cannot be left to our imagination. 

Thinking of the events in the show there is more to be reveled 

My journey to you is really a journey this is like one of the first shows that got me so so deep in thought 


I think the ending was as complete as it needs to be. In brief, Weishan was not fooled, she went back to Wufeng bc she still needs to take revenge on Dianzhu for Zhuomei. Its in more detail at the bottom of my review.

I read your review it's pretty cool, but I can not agree with you in that part that she knows that she has a twin sister from the beginning, because when HYS told him about a mission and that she has to stuck for her identity as YWS doesn't matter what happens and also where she thought she would be discovered when GSJ sent people to check her identity  and she was afraid and then was absolutely surprised that the news what GSJ received from Lixu town confirmed her identity as YWS,these are all contraindications for that that she always know that she has a twin.