
Of course I would do the same. It's just that she was even willing to sacrifice Shangjue. She seems the scorched earth kind.

But only after he denied her request to help her. He always could have come up with other ideas, considering that he could leave the valley. but he didn't. that pillow talk after the bath scene was their make-or-break-it scene, and they just couldn't trust each other and therefore didn't make it, and in the end he chose his family and she decided on revenge and initiated the killing of the 4 Wangs. Both loose something and both win something.

Actually, i am hoping that if there is ever a season 2 qian and weishan team up ,  to go and destroy the rest of wufeng. lol


He looked pretty dead to me. What makes you think he made it?

Well because yws said that hys sent her letter on her identity. So I just don't wanna accept he is dead.

His death would be too tragic. Afterall he wasn't shown dead. He was just shown dying. So even tho he betrayed wufeng, I really hope he managednto survive at some corner.

And if he is really dead, then doesn't that mean, wufeng lost both their hanyas

Or do they have hanya er, hanya san, hanya wu, hanya liu, hanya jiu too

Like the numbering types when translated from mandarin


Or do they have hanya er, hanya san, hanya wu, hanya liu, hanya jiu too

Like the numbering types when translated from mandarin

No its just another giant hint that Wufeng came out of Gongmen.

Gong, Shang, Jue, Zhi and Yu are 5 notes in the pentatonic scale that correspond to 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. Yasi and Yaqi are the missing 4th and 7th notes to complete the diatonic scale. In all likelihood they followed the Wind Elder when they left Gongmen. The other related hint is of course the music Ziyi taught Ziyu how to play.


No its just another giant hint that Wufeng came out of Gongmen.

Gong, Shang, Jue, Zhi and Yu are 5 notes in the pentatonic scale that correspond to 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. Yasi and Yaqi are the missing 4th and 7th notes to complete the diatonic scale. In all likelihood they followed the Wind Elder when they left Gongmen. The other related hint is of course the music Ziyi taught Ziyu how to play.

Oh, I see that's deep, is it actually related to 7 tones of music?


I find it unnecessary.  It's nice to have a bit of comedy in this drama but not to be as silly as this.  We know that Jin Fan is GZS' love interest.  He shouldn't feel insecure.

It wasn't really insecurity. After coming back to life, I guess Jin Fan realized there are more to life than just duty and responsibility, and he's willing to express himself more. Like what Ziyu commented, Jin Fan had to hold himself back before because the uncertainty of his duty as the SW's guardian. Now that he has a second chance in life, I'm glad he's willing to break out of his old shell and live.


Oh, I see that's deep, is it actually related to 7 tones of music?

Yes it is and it goes to show how the writing has modern elements. Chinese music is based on the pentatonic (5 note) scale while Western music is the 7 note diatonic do re mi scale. The 5 notes in the pentatonic scale are named Gong Shang etc and  the numbers are just how the notes correspond to the diatonic scale. The 4th Fa and the 7th note di are missing from the pentatonic scale. 


I think she went back to take down Dianzhu and avenge Zhuomei. But it's ok it's just speculation we don't have to agree on it. 

Taking down Dianzhu on her own would not be a logical move.


I think the ending was as complete as it needs to be. In brief, Weishan was not fooled, she went back to Wufeng bc she still needs to take revenge on Dianzhu for Zhuomei. Its in more detail at the bottom of my review.

I read your review, and while I think your theory on Weishan''s revenge plot is interesting and worth exploring should there be a sequel to this, right now all we have is this drama as a standalone, and if I have to theorize the ending, then it's not doing its job for me. It's all fun and engaging while the drama is ongoing because I expect the plot to unravel by the end, but I do not enjoy speculating what could've, should've, would've, it feels like a cop out/lazy writing to me. The ending doesn't have to be happy or tied into a neat little bow, but it has to be finite in a way that you start a  whole journey with a clear end. Perhaps if there was a promise of a sequel, this would've been acceptable because now you know there could be something on the horizon. But for now, the ending is still a meh for me. One clear lesson this drama is giving me, life will always throw you shit.

What were Wufeng's mission objectives after all this?

- to find Anonymous (SGQ's mission)

- to distract GSJ (SGQ's mission)

- to find the location of the Infinite Heat (SGQ's mission)

- to get hold of the SW's tattoo as it contains the script on how to ignite the weapon  (YWS' mission)


Taking down Dianzhu on her own would not be a logical move.

I suspect she didn't act alone; Qian might have been involved, driven by her own desire for revenge. In that final scene, as Gong Ziyu waited and heard the door open, I speculate it was Yun Weishan entering, possibly injured but not fatally (Qian may have accompanied her after achieving her revenge). I find it hard to believe Yun Weishan was killed in that moment, as Ziyu's reaction would have been one of shock and grief, knowing him. Instead, he appeared awestruck. Additionally, only Yun Weishan and Qian were privy to the knowledge of the secret tunnel, making it likely that they were what Ziyu was seeing, all bloody but alive.


I suspect she didn't act alone; Qian might have been involved, driven by her own desire for revenge. In that final scene, as Gong Ziyu waited and heard the door open, I speculate it was Yun Weishan entering, possibly injured but not fatally (Qian may have accompanied her after achieving her revenge). I find it hard to believe Yun Weishan was killed in that moment, as Ziyu's reaction would have been one of shock and grief, knowing him. Instead, he appeared awestruck. Additionally, only Yun Weishan and Qian were privy to the knowledge of the secret tunnel, making it likely that they were what Ziyu was seeing, all bloody but alive. 

I don’t think that was the tunnel entry? By the looks of the steps that’s the main gate entry. Same scene where Jin fan originally escorted her out but the ZY came running to hug her after he had passed the second test? Or was it the first.. can’t remember. 

The tunnel entry was long and narrow. Didn’t have any steps. 

But either way I doubt it would have been wufeng strolling through the front 🙈 I thought the same that she might not be dead but maybe badly injured. 

The tunnel entry was long and narrow. Didn’t have any steps. 

Ah! You're right!

I thought the ending was a set up for her being used the same way Lady Wuji was. They hold her twin sister captive and she has to return to the Gong compound and spy for them.

The two weaknesses to this plot point: as others have mentioned, it made no sense, given her knowledge of Wufeng, for her to go home, much less alone. They let us know, not much earlier, that she was smart enough and skilled enough to have been promoted beyond Chi level, but she chose to stay back, because she didn't want more blood on her hands. So, if she's so smart, why would she go there? Even if she was leaving the Gong family, so that she could be free, she didn't have to go there; to people she's never known.

The second weakness of the plot idea is that, well, she has never known her twin sister. So, how much leverage would it hold over her?

if I have to theorize the ending, then it's not doing its job for me.

Yeah I  totally understand how you feel. I guess I just never approached these kinds of story as romances. It is more like those old wuxia mangas I used to read -  plot driven with often chilling open or sad endings for many characters. They are not character stories so the main characters are never the end game. Once the mission is complete, the story is over. These kinds of stories will always bomb out for you if you get sucked into rooting for the characters.  I am just relieved he didn't go and kill all of them off. 😅