
What were Wufeng's mission objectives after all this?

- to find Anonymous (SGQ's mission)

- to distract GSJ (SGQ's mission)

- to find the location of the Infinite Heat (SGQ's mission)

- to get hold of the SW's tattoo as it contains the script on how to ignite the weapon  (YWS' mission)

Obraining the weapon was everyone's mission and Wufeng's ultimate goal.


But only after he denied her request to help her. He always could have come up with other ideas, considering that he could leave the valley. but he didn't. that pillow talk after the bath scene was their make-or-break-it scene, and they just couldn't trust each other and therefore didn't make it, and in the end he chose his family and she decided on revenge and initiated the killing of the 4 Wangs. Both loose something and both win something.

Actually, i am hoping that if there is ever a season 2 qian and weishan team up ,  to go and destroy the rest of wufeng. lol

Did she really think the Wangs would die in that battle? She wasn't there for the planning meeting. And she didn't offer anything that would help the Gongs beat them. She said her revenge was against the leader of Wufeng. Dianzhu. Yet, we see her happily watering a garden in what seems like her new, cozy home, while we see Dianzhu and Wufeng are still active and threatening Weishan. Was her revenge story even real? It hard to know with her.

I just could not make my way to liking her. I could see why no one would ever trust her. She seemed to actually enjoy the intrigue and killing. Under different circumstances, I might have seen her as Yanzhi's partner - they both seemed rather sadistic.

Weishan had a different style. She didn't like killing. She opted for non-answers rather than lying, in order to maintain some integrity. Her vision for herself had long been to get free and live a quiet life. I don't recall Qian having that desire. She seemed to be committed to the role of assassin/avenger with no thoughts beyond that.


Yeah I  totally understand how you feel. I guess I just never approached these kinds of story as romances. It is more like those old wuxia mangas I used to read -  plot driven with often chilling open or sad endings for many characters. They are not character stories so the main characters are never the end game. Once the mission is complete, the story is over. These kinds of stories will always bomb out for you if you get sucked into rooting for the characters.  I am just relieved he didn't go and kill all of them off. 😅

That's the thing, I don't mind main characters get killed off as long as it makes sense, sure it'll gut me, but at least I get a closure. I don't enjoy investing so many hours into a story, only for it to end on uncertain fate and I have to speculate the ending, it doesn't give me the satisfaction of a payoff.

Btw, how does one quote shorter comment? It always quote the whole thing for me and I can't edit. I couldn't even put an emoji cuz it shows up as question mark. xD

Btw, how does one quote shorter comment?

Just select the part you want to Quote and a grey Quote box will pop up on top that you can click on.

Just select the part you want to Quote

Ah~ Thank you for the info. What about emojis? How do you add emojis? xD


Ah~ Thank you for the info. What about emojis? How do you add emojis? xD

If you are on a PC you can just right click your mouse and select emoji. On my devices I have the emoji keyboard added. 


If you are on a PC you can just right click your mouse and select emoji. On my devices I have the emoji keyboard added. 

No such option, I tried adding it from web but it shows up a question mark. Haven't tried on device. Oh well, I guess I won't be needing it much now.


No such option, I tried adding it from web but it shows up a question mark. Haven't tried on device. Oh well, I guess I won't be needing it much now.

You may need to enable it on your PC as well. Idk bc mine is a work PC some IT guys set it up for me. The shortcut is Win+Period. If you hit that an emoji menu should pop up.


You may need to enable it on your PC as well. Idk bc mine is a work PC some IT guys set it up for me. The shortcut is Win+Period. If you hit that an emoji menu should pop up.

Doesn't work. Testing on device now. 🤗

Ok, apparently it will only work on device.

Test again. 😀

Ah ok, it has to be unicode emoji for browser. Got it now.

Maryxia: That's the thing, I don't mind main characters get killed off as long as it makes sense, sure it'll gut me, but at least I get a closure. I don't enjoy investing so many hours into a story, only for it to end on uncertain fate and I have to speculate the ending, it doesn't give me the satisfaction of a payoff.

I'm right there with you. Kill everyone if you must but end it in a way ppl have closure lol. Btw I can't get small quotes on my ipad either. So I just copy and paste what I want to respond to. Btw did that meme I sent ever work out here? I've tried to stay off the threads and comment section from this drama because I don't want to get sucked back in lol. It's only partially working. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Any word on the novel? Someone's shared the link but it's all in chinese haha. Is it meant to be releasing slowly? I think the first two chapters or something is out.


Any word on the novel? Someone's shared the link but it's all in chinese haha. Is it meant to be releasing slowly? I think the first two chapters or something is out.

The model chapter release is following the drama VIP schedule so up to Chapter 20 is out but its behind a paywall. Out of curiousity I may buy the last chapter to see what it says but tbh, I think its gonna exactly match the drama.


The model chapter release is following the drama VIP schedule so up to Chapter 20 is out but its behind a paywall. Out of curiousity I may buy the last chapter to see what it says but tbh, I think its gonna exactly match the drama.

OOh, have you heard if the chapters so far are reflective of the episodes? How much are they making people pay for it? I'm hoping someone has tried to translate it or something haha.


OOh, have you heard if the chapters so far are reflective of the episodes? How much are they making people pay for it? I'm hoping someone has tried to translate it or something haha.

I read the first 2 free chapters they have a little bit more info but not that much. I didn't  buy any of the paid chapters bc I don't have time to read the book. I  bought the book for Lost You Forever weeks ago and still haven't had a chance to start it. 


Yeah I  totally understand how you feel. I guess I just never approached these kinds of story as romances. It is more like those old wuxia mangas I used to read -  plot driven with often chilling open or sad endings for many characters. They are not character stories so the main characters are never the end game. Once the mission is complete, the story is over. These kinds of stories will always bomb out for you if you get sucked into rooting for the characters.  I am just relieved he didn't go and kill all of them off. ?

Yeah this didn't strike me to be the overly romantic type of show. I just read your review and I like your ending theory. Seems plausible - especially with the whole dianzhu thing. I hope that's the case. But to your point about not getting everyone back - depending on the storyline of course, I feel this would also cause conflicts within the community haha. But I guess you can't please everyone. I wonder if there'd be the same hype if it was their story vs the gongmen storyline.