Hi! I've been a member for nearly a month now, I've just never gotten around to posting on here. Probably because I am a lazy bum. But regardless! I am here! Now where to begin...

I started watching dramas when I was around 6th grade, but I never actually finished what I started, and I always thought I could never focus on a drama. Then I saw Kurosagi and it all went downhill from there. Or should I say uphill... Anyways. I've usually watched Asian movies since I thought that's all I could muster myself to watch, which is the reason why I have a lot of movies, but only like two dramas and two mini dramas.

That's all I really have to say for now, since that's pretty much all I can think of. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I don't bite, much.
Welcome to MDL. I love your reviews.
Hope you enjoy yourself here:)
Welcome to the forums!
Enjoy your time on MDL!
And nice to meet you!
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
Welcome to MDL ^^
Hello Alphearia! :) Welcome to MDL!
hi. nice to meet you in MDL. Enjoy a lot
Hi Alphearia! :D Welcome to MDL.