jeanie65jh wrote: Beautiful Asian, almond shaped, chocolate colored, slashy goodness...He's so pretty.

Yup...I said it once and I'll say it again...
jeanie65jh wrote: Everyone has their own tastes girl! (how can you not like love shuffle?) ...jk I know you'll like this though...

Gosh...he's so pretty!

Okay I do so like the third pic
But the last one is terrible lol.
PinkDiamond wrote: That, my dear, is what Jeanie I call his trademark one can scowl like Shota! :)

and I love that picture! Scowl sweet baby! Scowl because your slashy eyebrows look even hotter! lol *sigh* I heart him.
He looks frightening. It's not so much the scowl, but the shadows.. But I really do like the third picture the most and I smile each time I see Lis post with that avatar lol. Number 2 is also very nice, very casual and relaxed.
Bladey..let me just say that I stand by my statement up there. I do love Pic #4 and Shota's Scowl makes me swoon. But I must confess that at the time I made that comment (approximately around midnight on Christmas eve eve) D and I had just come home from a little Xmas celebration with friends. This celebration might have included a couple of beers and a vodka cranberry. Needless to say, I was a bit enthusiastic in my response... LMAO!
I love his scowl, but I also like the look he has in my avatar and the one in Jeanie's and......OK, I like all his looks. LOL
haha, it's good to let oneself go, especially if this enthusiasm is so positive and even more so nothing quite like some holiday cheer. We established already that every woman has her Apollo and Haephastus and photos too come down to personal preferences anyway. I'm merely wondering - and sharing that thought process- what makes me dislike the Scowling Shota lol. I guess I like the more serene and/or pictures myself since I don't like scowling in general.

I also really like these:

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Yes..I agree..with you and Lis. I love his smile but then again...I love all his looks. I even commented on that a few pages back.
I found some more nerdy's. and he is still adorable.

I love that nerdy look!
I know...they make me all swoony.

Jajaja....omo! Why?!!?!
LisNoir wrote: Jajaja....omo! Why?!!?!

I am pretty sure this is from his character in Taira no Kiyomori. (at least it's not the bald shaved head SayitaintsoJoe warned us about) Remember Lis...we will take Shota-kun anyway we can get him!