I just finished Kurosagi and am on episode 8 of Proposal Daisakusen. I just posted some pics in the kiss booth.. like this one.

Go check the other three if'n you wanna!

Smokin' Hot.
This is one of my favorite Yamapi pics :D

SumiTheCat wrote: Although I haven't seen a lot of his dramas, he is certainly my favorite japanese actor, especially because Nobuta (Akira is so kawaï with the small heart on his cheek, and I really fell for his character), and Kurosagi. I like him playing cool characters, like in Code Blue (IMO good medical show, but i don't really watched such shows since E.R is over). But I was disappointed by his boring character in Buzzer Beat.
Plan to watch his new drama (don't remember the name). does anyone started to watch it? is it worthy?
ah... and I like his music too. his album "Supergood Superbad" his really nice, even if not original.

Saikou no Jinsei no Owarikata Ending Planner (didn't even need to look it up to spell it :D)
It's GREAT. It's darker than your average Jdrama, with hilarious moments thrown in. It's PERFECT imo.
Skye-N-Rain wrote: Saikou no Jinsei no Owarikata Ending Planner (didn't even need to look it up to spell it :D)
It's GREAT. It's darker than your average Jdrama, with hilarious moments thrown in. It's PERFECT imo.

LOL...Mr. I don't if I'll watch this...:p
Jeaniessi wrote: I just finished Kurosagi and am on episode 8 of Proposal Daisakusen.

im nearly finished with kurosagi just 2 eps left ....love it so far. I have been wanting to watch PD for ages but cant find good links with eng subs i found an excellent quality vids on YT but the subs were in arabic lol I can read arabic but unfortunately dont understand much except for odd word here & there..where did u watch PD????

Skye-N-Rain wrote: Saikou no Jinsei no Owarikata Ending Planner (didn't even need to look it up to spell it :D)
It's GREAT. It's darker than your average Jdrama, with hilarious moments thrown in. It's PERFECT imo.

is this the one thats set in a funeral home? i must say the premise put me slightly off but if its good (& of course it has yummy in it) then i will deffo give it a go :)
@Rainflower ~ I PM'd you lady!
Jeaniessi wrote: @Rainflower ~ I PM'd you lady!

thanks Jeanie ur ace !!!
Ooooh...that's very pretty!
I saw him in Nobuto wo produse and Kurosagi:X
He's a really great actor and he looks hot:X

*Gasp* lol Aya, you probably don't know the rule since you are newbie, but oorie admin, Skyekeiku, has a no shirtless pictures rule as awesome as they are...lol
Well, they were nice while they lasted! Yamapi doesn't need to be nekkid (okay, he does. But we can PM) he's gawjuss any way we can get him!
PinkDiamond wrote: Gotta Show Yamapi some love since I haven't visited his thread in a while!

love love love the hotness of the pic. this is my new avi. i love that jacket...i want that jacket!
Skye-N-Rain wrote: Saikou no Jinsei no Owarikata Ending Planner (didn't even need to look it up to spell it :D)
It's GREAT. It's darker than your average Jdrama, with hilarious moments thrown in. It's PERFECT imo.

I do agree. this drama is far better than expected, and I really like the bonds between the characters. IMO Yamashita is great (as usual?), but it's maybe just because his voice is bewitching.
SumiTheCat wrote: I do agree. this drama is far better than expected, and I really like the bonds between the characters. IMO Yamashita is great (as usual?), but it's maybe just because his voice is bewitching.

He really does have a classically beautiful face and yet he still looks like a man. I like that. His eyes are awesome.