i was thinking "meh i'm not into monster type stories lately" but then i remembered Kame is in it, now i'll have to watch it. *adds to list*
I love the little kid. He is awesome. These kids in these Asian shows are incredible. They're really good actors. The little girl from Kaseifu also deserves a mention. She's really great too. They're so kawaii.
eragon92 wrote: Just finished ep 5. The past 3 episodes have been making me cry. This is an awesome drama and the acting is great from the core 3. Kame is hot and the little boy is just too cute, the little boy has won my heart. Its funny because in Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Nenge the little boy stole my heart also. Kame probably shouldn't act with cute and adorable little kids. They be stilling his thunder. lol

truth, after the first ep I pretty much only kept watching because of the kid. I like it now more though.

And about the clothes, what surpised me most is that they've been wearing them for like 50 years now lol.
I've decided that I solved the mystery of the clothes, lol. I noticed that their clothes always disappear when they transform, so maybe that's why they wear the same ones. They're *magical*. [insert glitter, fairy dust and unicorns here] hehe

Also, SayItAintJoe, I second your comment about the child actors. He's great and so is the little girl from Kaseifu (although sometimes she plays a little too cute for me).
Kawaikochan wrote: I've decided that I solved the mystery of the clothes, lol. I noticed that their clothes always disappear when they transform, so maybe that's why they wear the same ones. They're *magical*. [insert glitter, fairy dust and unicorns here] hehe

Also, SayItAintJoe, I second your comment about the child actors. He's great and so is the little girl from Kaseifu (although sometimes she plays a little too cute for me).

Hahaha thanks for clearing that up! I've been wondering what happens to their clothes after they change xD
Kawaikochan wrote: I've decided that I solved the mystery of the clothes, lol. I noticed that their clothes always disappear when they transform, so maybe that's why they wear the same ones. They're *magical*. [insert glitter, fairy dust and unicorns here] hehe

Ah, you're right. That kind of thing always bothers me in shows that involve transformation, but i guess having the characters carry clothes around all the time would get pretty annoying.

BTW I really like ep 4, it was the most touching so far.
Ok so, I can totally understand the monster's feelings in this show. They're dealing with all these humans that are ungrateful and don't appreciate what they have, and every episode they're telling these people, "Why are you so ungrateful when you already have everything I could ever want, which is just to be normal."

The reason I can relate so much to them is because 7 years ago I was in a car accident and now I'm stuck in a wheelchair because of it. Whenever I see able bodied people depressed, then I'm like, "Hey what's wrong with you? You have everything I could ever want, an able body, if I were you I'd be super extremely happy all the time." And when I hear about someone committing suicide I just wish I could have talked to them before hand and said, "Hey idiot! Wake up! It's not so bad. You've got an able body. If I was in your position I'd be elated! Don't kill yourself. You've got a lot to live for!"
Ok, so I've been trying to talk myself out of this, but I can't, so I'm going to share with my fellow addicts :-p

Does anyone else think Bem is hot??? lol

I like so many things about him. Shallow things, like his voice, to values, like his empathy and quiet strength. I can't stop laughing at myself, hahahaha.
Kawaikochan wrote:

I like so many things about him. Shallow things, like his voice, to values, like his empathy and quiet strength. I can't stop laughing at myself, hahahaha.

Jajaja, that's so cute.

Ok, I think I'm dropping this. It's been moved to my On Hold list and I'm avoiding doing it since it is Kame...lol
I loved this one ^^ Kame's voice is to die for *__* I loved his deep voice in this :D

Bem is sporting a new style, lol.

Movie is in production right now, and the teaser trailer is up at the movie website: http://www.bem-movie.jp/index.html
pink suits him very well XD I can't wait to see the movie :D