I watched this recently and I have to say that I really didn't like it. I do, however, give it credit for introducing me to another eyecandy. I adore Kiriyama Renn. ♥ I can't say if I will watch the second season. If I do, it will be because he is in it. lol
I gave the drama full 10 :'DDD I absolutely loved it XDDD
I'm loving Season 2 as much as I loved Season 1! I already loved Kiriyama Renn (cho ikemen), but Syo Jinnai (Masamune)--he's just sweltering in season 2.
i really like this so i'm going to watch season 2. lately i found this i guess it would be funny too http://mydramalist.com/japanese-drama/120/otomen it is look like male version of switch girl.
I watched this several months ago. It was funny. But not something I would watch again. On a side note, Arata was hot.
HAVA-RAVA wrote:

I loved the 1st season. I'm gonna wait till the 2nd season is finish and fully subbed before i start it. It's a torture having to wait for subs.
Switch Girl!! ( ゚∀゚)ノ【LOVE】 Does anyone know when episode 8 of season 2 is coming out? The official website doesn't even say anything about it other than the title so I'm assuming it hasn't aired yet...? Also, does anyone know if a fansubbing group has picked this up yet? Because I could maybe sub an episode or two... they'd be softsubs (or I'm planning on them being softsubs when I figure out how to make them) though, if that works. They might take a little while as I have classwork and projects and such, but yeah. If anyone's interested, let me know?

Does anyone know if there will ever be a third season?