Great news. B.A.P. is making a comeback on February 3 with a full album. Heard They are going to go for a sexy concept this time. can't wait :)

MV Teaser. I love the new sound already :)
I'm really looking forward to 1004/Angel, and the album. Not sure if I'll like it as much as some of their other stuff, but I like that variety they bring. I wouldn't mind another track like Power or No Mercy though, or an easy listening/swing track.
Kailakin wrote: I'm really looking forward to 1004/Angel, and the album. Not sure if I'll like it as much as some of their other stuff, but I like that variety they bring. I wouldn't mind another track like Power or No Mercy though, or an easy listening/swing track.

Not sure how similar the songs will be to Power but it sounds like we will definitely get a variety of styles with the new album. They released an album medley already: :)

Oh wow, that is some variety there. Sounds like we're in for a treat.

I wonder just how much the snippet for BANGx2 is representative of the track itself - it sounds 'harder' than anything else they've done, which'll be interesting.
Kailakin wrote: Oh wow, that is some variety there. Sounds like we're in for a treat.

I wonder just how much the snippet for BANGx2 is representative of the track itself - it sounds 'harder' than anything else they've done, which'll be interesting.

The snippet is too brief. I am really curious about a lot of the songs since they could change. I wonder how many title tracks they will have for the album.
I agree, it's really hard to judge these things from such a small preview of the song(s)...still I imagine they've tried to make the segments representative of the whole song. Any you're looking forward to the most? I'm looking forward to 1004/Angel, SPY, Check On, BangX2 and With You, going by what we've heard. Hm, not sure. It might only be the one.
Me too. I'm very curious about Bang(2x). SPY sounds interesting. I don't know how to feel about this album but like you said, it was too brief so I can't judge. I can't wait to hear it all!
I am really curious about 1004(angel), lovesick, bangx2, s.n.s, body and soul, save me, and with you. Only a couple days left now to wait. Hope they do a world tour again. I missed the last one. :)
Wow. They are really promoting the new album title track. B.A.P released another teaser for 1004(angel)

I really want to hear it all even more now :D
I'm not much bothered unless they come to the UK...but even then it'd be London. If they release many more we'll have the whole song! =P But I am looking forward this for the song and the visuals - looks really good.
Kailakin wrote: I'm not much bothered unless they come to the UK...but even then it'd be London.

If they release many more we'll have the whole song! =P But I am looking forward this for the song and the visuals - looks really good.

LOL. They released another teaser. This time it does pretty much give away the whole song :D

Yeah. It is hard to see them when they just go to major major cities. Closest a kpop group has been to my hometown is 5-8 hours away.
Whoa; the boys did good. The song really grows on you after listening to it a couple of times - I was really unsure the first listen through. Like there were parts I really liked, and parts I wasn't fond of. But the MV...Himchan....I'm not really a big fan of him but his acting was really good in this. Bangx2 and Spy are brilliant too - I think it's a real shame neither have an MV.
I really, really love it!!!

Kailakin wrote: Whoa; the boys did good. The song really grows on you after listening to it a couple of times - I was really unsure the first listen through. Like there were parts I really liked, and parts I wasn't fond of.

But the MV...Himchan....I'm not really a big fan of him but his acting was really good in this.

Bangx2 and Spy are brilliant too - I think it's a real shame neither have an MV.

I was the same way. I was paying attention more to the MV than the song the first time I saw it. I like it more after listening to it a couple times. :) Looking forward to the live performance version.