And XY is half demon, isn't she? She is only half deity.

From what I gather, Chi You was not a demon. In the translations I've read, he was called the Beast King when he lived in Jiu Li (just a name and not a real title) and later on when he became a general of Sheng Nong he built up a certain reputation that was even worse than Xiang Liu's... but he wasn't a demon. If I remember the conversation in this thread correctly (it was quite a while back) the general interpretation is that he was a deity that was originally a feral child with a very strong connection to and understanding of nature coupled with raw talent and spiritual powers that drew on all of the elements instead of the typical one or (much rarer) two. 

So XY was 100% deity but only half royal through her mother (but also doubly royal in a sense since her mother was both the princess of Xuan Yuan and the Empress of Gao Xing - and almost triply royal since her father was the Flame Emperor's only disciple and her grandmother was the Flame Emperor's sworn sister). 



Part 2 about the song which XY sang when Jing woke up from his 37 year sleep.


Four days later, in the osmanthus forest, there was a couch made of osmanthus wood, and Jing was lying on the couch. The splendid sunlight shone through the leaves and landed on him, it was warm but not scorching, just right. Xiaoyao had just washed her hair and knelt down on the mat next to the couch. While combing her hair, she hummed a song: "The cool, mild south wind is blowing, can this thought of you be soothed. when the south wind comes, can the memory of you be relieved!" Yixi..." Jing slowly opened his eyes and stared at the person in front of him. She had colorful hair, bright wrists and green clothes. She had beautiful eyes and a charming smile. There was moisture in the corners of his eyes. Xiaoyao was combing her hair and didn't notice Jing looking at her. Jingye brought a bowl of sour plum soup to relieve the heat. When she saw Jing staring at Xiaoyao, the bowl in her hand fell to the ground. Xiaoyao looked at her: "Are you okay?" Jingye pointed at Jing: "Young Master, Young Master..." Xiaoyao immediately turned around and locked eyes with Jing. Xiaoyao walked a few steps and came to the couch: "Why didn't you call me when you woke up?" Jing said: "I'm afraid it's just a dream, and I'll scare you away as soon as I speak."

“南风之薰兮,           The cool, mild southern wind is blowing

可以解侬之思兮!  can this thought of you be soothed

南风之时兮,               when the cool southern wind comes

可以慰侬之忆兮”      can the memory of you be relieved

The song that XY sang was adapted from "南风歌" ("Southern wind song" )

南风之薰兮。                     The cool, mild southern wind is blowing
可以解吾民之愠兮。    Can the anger of our people be soothed
南风之时兮。                      when the cool southern wind comes
 Can it enrich our people weath

South wind is actually the south east wind (from the sea to the main land). At this time, Xiaoyao was in the osmanthus garden in the Central Plains. Qingshui Town was located in the south east, so who & what was Xiaoyao thinking about? In addition, Jing was still unconscious at this time, and Xiaoyao was combing her hair and singing a song about missing her sweetheart. She didn't even know if the person in front of her was awake. Did she feel like she was in one place but her heart was in somewhere else? Yaoliu's feelings really become more and more flavorful and you can taste it more

 AH :
From what I gather, Chi You was not a demon. In the translations I've read, he was called the Beast King when he lived in Jiu Li (just a name and not a real title) and later on when he became a general of Sheng Nong he built up a certain reputation that was even worse than Xiang Liu's... but he wasn't a demon.

I remember that he was not demon. However, He was a kind of abandoned child. But I am not sure that he came from mortal race or deity. I don't remember which chapter it was mentioned. I intended to check this information some time ago but I did not managed

These additions in the leaked script, while highlighting just how much the Gao Xin king loves his two daughters, feels a little jarring, that he would risk his people and another war, on A Nian's whim after his well laid plans, when one would have thought he would have consulted her feelings before proposing the marriage alliance to Cang Xuan.

Leaked script Ep16 scene 2

[Gao Xin Shao Hao named Cang Xuan his successor and passed the throne to him, while also arranging for him to make A Nian his second empress, who will live on Five Deities Mountain, separate from Xin Yue. Cang Xuan was unhappy about marrying yet another woman he did not love, but ultimately agreed to the marriage. Xiao Yao prepared pills that she personally made as a wedding gift for them]

On the eve of her wedding, A Nian did not appear particularly excited or happy. There was sadness in her eyes as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Gao Xin Shao Hao waved the maids away and came up to her side.

GXSH: A Nian, are you happy?
AN (at a loss): I used to think that if I could marry Cang Xuan one day, I would be deliriously happy. However, now that my wish has been fulfilled, I am not as happy as I thought I would be.
GXSH: If you regret it, I will issue a decree to call off tomorrow's wedding.
AN (bitter laugh): Now, the entire Great Wilderness already knows that I am marrying the Xuan Yuan king tomorrow. The Four Noble Families, Gao Xin's four tribes, all the clans of the Middle Plains, Xuan Yuan's old clans have all gathered on Five Deities Mountain. This is not a wedding that can be called off just like that.
GXSH: I am the king of Gao Xin. If I say it is possible, then it is. A Nian, you only need to consider whether you want to or not. Leave everything else to me.
AN (moved): A king cannot go back on his words. Royal Father, are you not afraid of being mocked by the world?
GXSH: What is the mockery of the world compared to my daughter's lifetime happiness. (pondering) All the clans of the world have converged at Five Deities Mountain... that's perfect! It is expected that each clan would have sent their finest people, so there would be no lack of outstanding men among them, just perfect for you to take your pick and choose the right person as your husband.
AN (not knowing whether to laugh or cry): This marriage is not merely between me and Cang Xuan, but also affects the peace of the entire Great Wilderness. Royal Father, by calling off the wedding and changing the groom just on a whim, are you not concerned that the Great Wilderness will fall into chaos?
GXSH (calm, resolute): So what if the Great Wilderness falls into chaos? Back then, I could put down the Five Princes Revolt. Even now, I have nothing to fear.

Moved, A Nian's eyes brimmed with tears.

AN: Royal Father, you are the best royal father...
GXSH (gently, affectionately caressing A Nian's head): A Nian, Cang Xuan is the king. (hesitated) He...
AN (interrupted with a smile): I understand. I do not exist in his heart.

Gao Xin Shao Hao was stunned. A Nian smiled at him, her expression placid and calm.

AN: However, I have him in my heart. I may not be as happy as I once hoped after marrying him, but if I did not marry him, I will be unhappy for the rest of my life.
GXSH (pitying): A Nian!
AN (faint smile): Royal Father, don't worry. I am no longer the A Nian of the past. I do love Cang Xuan gege, but unlike before, he is no longer my everything. I am not the most important person in his heart, likewise he is not the most important person in mine. If I had to choose between Royal Father and him, I would choose Royal Father; between the Gao Xin people and him, I would choose the people of Gao Xin.
GXSH: In that case, don't marry Cang Xuan then.

A Nian shook her head, a proud yet sad smile on her face.

AN: Royal Father, I am well aware that Cang Xuan gege does not wish to marry me, but I insist on marrying him because between my happiness and his, I choose to let him suffer for my happiness.

Gao Xin Shao Hao was stunned, and stared at A Nian with helplessness and pity.
A Nian winked mischievously, though her tone was solemn.

AN: Royal Father, your daughter has grown up. (raised her hand to swear an oath) I promise! She will look after herself well.


This is followed by Cang Xuan reminding Xiao Yao not to congratulate him as usual; Xiao Yao meeting Xiang Liu outside Dragon Bone Prison, his melancholy that with the Xuan Yuan and Gao Xin alliance, the Shen Nong army would be the next target; Xiao Yao and Jing's passionate interlude and Xiang Liu's anger and grief when he sensed it.



Leaked script Ep16 scene 14

[After the wedding festivities, Gao Xin Shao Hao announced that he was abdicating in favour of Cang Xuan. He then chose to move to Xuan Yuan mountain. Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing accompanied him on his journey to look after his health]

As Gao Xin Shao Hao and Xiao Yao departed for Xuan Yuan mountain on the cloud carriage, Cang Xuan and a devastated A Nian knelt and bowed down, followed by everyone else.
In the cloud carriage, Gao Xin Shao Hao was not looking at them, his gaze fixed on the gradually receding Five Deities Mountain.

XY: Royal Father is a good ruler.

Gao Xin Shao Hao's eyes were filled with complex emotions, as if bidding farewell to his tumultuous, bloodied past.

GXSH: All my life, I was not a good son, nor a good brother, friend or husband. However, I was undeniably a good ruler.
XY (holding on to GXSH's arm): And also a good father! The best father in A Nian's and my heart!

Her words cheered Gao Xin Shao Hao up at last and he laughed, with Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing following suit.

I am not sure that he came from mortal race or deity.

Given his spiritual powers and long lifespan, I assumed that Chi You had to be a deity and not a mortal. I know each wuxia, xian xia and xuanhuan world has its own rules and in some Chinese historical fantasy worlds mortals can achieve immortality through cultivation, but in Tong Hua's world it seems like it's not possible for a mortal to become immortal. Or at least I can't recall the possibility ever being alluded to. In which case I assume that a deity like Chi You could only come into existence if he or she had a parent that was at least part deity. 

I don't remember which chapter it was mentioned. I intended to check this information some time ago but I did not managed

If you end up confirming the details, please let us know! ^^

Even Hong Jiang started having doubts, seeing the willingness of someone like the Gao Xin king to surrender. Why then would Xiang Liu encourage him to persevere? Was it to give meaning to the long, lonely struggle of their many deceased comrades, their sacrifices relegated to nothing had Hong Jiang chosen to give up?

Leaked script Ep16 scenes 16-17

At the Shen Nong main base camp, the soldiers continued to train, shouting in unison as they did so. Their clothes were threadbare, the old soldiers' faces weather-beaten, yet their spirits remained indefatigable. Among them were youthful faces.
Xiang Liu stood at the periphery, staring at them. The officer in charge of the training noticed him and bowed respectfully to him.

Officer: Military advisor!
XL (gentle voice): Give everyone an extra portion of meat from today onwards.
Officer (overjoyed): Have you managed to procure more provisions? I thank you on behalf of everyone.

Xiang Liu did not elaborate, and turned to leave. Behind him, the soldiers continued to train, their voices ringing out in unison.


Xiang Liu walked into the wooden house, where Hong Jiang stood in front of the map of the Great Wilderness, carefully scrutinising it.
On the map. Gao Xin and Xuan Yuan were now combined into a single territory. Only a small corner belonging to Qingshui town was different from the rest of the map.

XL: Adoptive father.
HJ: Did you manage to find out any news when you left the mountains this time?
XL: Nothing special. Xuan Yuan Cang Xuan had just ascended the throne. Even if he were to send troops to attack us, he would still need time to prepare.
HJ (smiled): What difference does it make if it were one day earlier or later? What is coming will surely come.

Xiang Liu's expression was cool, and he did not say another word.
Hong Jiang stared at the map thoughtfully, his eyes perplexed.

HJ: In my youth, the Shen Nong kingdom commanded great power. The Flame Emperor at the time set his eyes on Five Deities Mountain and sent troops to attack Gao Xin. At the time, the Gao Xin king was weak, so the Shen Nong great army breached enemy territory and approached the city. In the face of the impending threat, Gao Xin Shao Hao took up arms in bloodstained white robes and held off the Shen Nong army on his strength alone. That battle shot him to fame, and won him the admiration of many young men of the Great Wilderness, I among them. Who would have thought... a day would come where such a man would also surrender without a fight.

Hong Jiang glanced at Xiang Liu, his eyes filled with confusion.

HJ: Tell me, is there a purpose to our perseverance is our persistence worthwhile?
XL (coolly, clear-headed): No matter how many stand in the way, I will forge ahead.
HJ: Alright!

Hong Jiang's eyes immediately cleared up, and he laughed heartily. 

These additions in the leaked script

Thanks for the translations liddi! ^^

when one would have thought he would have consulted her feelings before proposing the marriage alliance to Cang Xuan.

In fairness to the Grand Emperor, it seems like even Ah Nian expected that she would feel differently. 

I'm surprised by how the drama script writers portrayed her feelings. Maybe they thought her change of heart would compliment the other ways she's changed and matured? But really this feels like a change they made for censorship reasons as an alternative to replace CX and XY's conversation.

Unless my memory is failing me, there was no discussion of Ah Nian's feelings at the time of her wedding and there was no conversation like this between Ah Nian and the Grand Emperor in the novel. Instead, when XY found out how much CX didn't want to marry Ah Nian, she was the one who told him he could call off the wedding, even if it meant jeopardizing world peace. 


Chapter 41:

Even though Zhuan Xu already married many women, Xiao Yao had actually never prepared a wedding present for him before. Every time Zhuan Xu had one prepared on her behalf and Maio Pu sent it out in her name. Many times Xiao Yao didn’t even know what the present was.

This time it was the wedding of Zhuan Xu and Ah Nian and also the first time Xiao Yao prepared a present personally. She really wanted Zhuan Xu and Ah Nian to be happy, even if she knew Zhuan Xu could get everything in this world but the simplest of happiness might be beyond his reach. So while she was wishing for Zhuan Xu to make Ah Nian happy, she was also hoping Ah Nian could bring some happiness to Zhuan Xu. At least Ah Nian grew up with Zhuan Xu and was not like all his other women.

The night before the wedding, Zhuan Xu walked in as Xiao Yao was inspecting the wedding present.

Xiao Yao spread her arms and blocked the view of the present. “Don’t look, you’re not allowed to look. This is for you to open with Ah Nian.”

Zhuan Xu wasn’t interested in the slightest, not even sparing it a glance, before grabbing Xiao Yao outside with him. “Go walk with me in Qi Qing Garden.”

Xiao Yao was dejected. “You don’t even care about my present.”

“Yes! I don’t care because I don’t even want it!”

Zhuan Xu took giant strides so Xiao Yao had to run to catch up. It wasn’t until entering Qi Qing Garden did Zhuan Xu slow down. Xiao Yao raised her head to look at Zhuan Xu. “Did you drink? You’re not drunk, are you?”

“No!” Zhuan Xu coldly scoffed. “Tomorrow is not just any wedding, it’s when the Xuan Yuan Emperor marries the Gao Xing Princess. The armies inside the Gao Xing borders and at the outskirts combined are greater than a hundred thousand men. This is a matter as important as the world, what right do I have to get drunk!”

Xiao Yao stared quizzically at Zhuan Xu. “I thought you would be a little happy at least to marry Ah Nian. In your heart, is Ah Nian the same as all the women living on Zhi Jin Summit?”

“Ah Nian is not the same as them! But that not the same is also not the same as me wanting to marry her!” Zhuan Xu angrily punched the water and sent a water spout into the air before the drops fell back down.

In the past, Zhuan Xu didn’t want to get married either but he controlled his emotions well, but this time he was losing control so Xiao Yao asked, “If you don’t want to this much, why did you agree?”

Zhuan Xu turned and stared angrily at Xiao Yao. “Why did I agree? Don’t you all think I would naturally agree? Did you even care what I wanted? All you cared about was that Ah Nian got to marry me! In your mind, I already had so many women, it wouldn’t matter to add one more Ah Nian!”

Xiao Yao’s temper flared up. “But isn’t that the truth? There are so many women on Zhi Jin Summit, what’s the difference in adding one more? Years ago you could happily marry Xing Yue, compared to her Ah Nian isn’t any bit worse off. Has Ah Nian given you less than Xing Yue did? She is bringing to you the peace and stability of all of Gao Xing!”

Zhuan Xu’s expression was dark and livid, his chest rising and falling fast as he pressed closer to Xiao Yao step by step. “When was I ever happy to marry Xing Yue? You tell me now what kind of happy I was to marry her!”

Xiao Yao took steps back and remembered that she ran back to Gao Xing during that wedding so she never watched Zhuan Xu get married. She sheepishly said, “The tea houses of Gao Xing said your wedding was lavish and exciting, the entire world saw you happy and thrilled!”

Xiao Yao backed up to the pavilion support beam and had nowhere else to go but Zhuan Xu continued to stalk towards her. Xiao Yao sat down on the steps and pressed up against the beam. “Zhuan Xu, don’t act drunk as an excuse to throw a fit! If you have the guts then you throw this fit tomorrow in front of the wedding guests!”

Zhuan Xu pressed both arms on the beam and encircled Xiao Yao right in front of him, bending down until he was face-to-face with her and spit out each word clearly. “Let me tell you, each time I’ve gotten married I’ve been miserable. The time I married Xing Yue, I was so miserable I hated myself, and even hated you!”

Xiao Yao leaned back acting like she was going to kick him off. “Let me tell you, if you keep acting up I’m going to fight back!”

Zhuan Xu stared at Xiao Yao as his head slowly lowered. Xiao Yao stared with her eyes wide as saucers. “I’m going to kick you!”

Just as Zhuan Xu’s lips were about to touch Xiao Yao, he suddenly turned his face and rested it on Xiao Yao’s shoulder, breathing heavily.

Xiao Yao softly asked, “Zhuan Xu, what’s gotten into you?”

Zhuan Xu raised his head and lightly rubbed Xiao Yao’s head before sitting down beside her. “You’re right, I don’t have the ability to do as you said! So tomorrow I’ll let the world see my happy face!” If he had the ability, then why would he have needed the Tu Shan and Chi Sui clans many years ago to help him win the throne, and in the process handed Xiao Yao to them with his own hands.

Xiao Yao looked at Zhuan Xu but his face was turned away so she couldn’t see his expression. “Why are you so upset today? In the past I could understand your feelings but right now I don’t have a clue. Fine, I’ll admit I only thought about Ah Nian and didn’t consider what you wanted. But I really thought……one more wouldn’t make any difference!”

“Xiao Yao!” Zhuan Xu’s voice contained his rising anger.

Xiao Yao quickly added. “Don’t be like this! If you really don’t want to marry Ah Nian then let’s find a way to call off the wedding.”

Zhuan Xu was silent and then said calmly. “How to cancel? The wedding is tomorrow and the entire world knows it. One hundred thousand soldiers are standing by. One wrong move and the world descends into chaos, and Ah Nian will hate you and me forever!”

“I don’t know! I don’t care if Ah Nian hates me, or hundred thousand soldiers, or world peace, all I care about is that if you’re not willing then I will support you! Let’s find a way, we can find a way together.”

For him, Xiao Yao was willing to risk her life, and be at odds with the entire world. But she wanted to live the rest of her life with another man. Zhuan Xu started laughing, and it wasn’t clear if his laughter was sorrow or joy.

Xiao Yao jumped up. “I’m going to find my dad!”

Zhuan Xu stopped her with a smile. “There are already tons of women on Zhi Jin Summit, it really doesn’t matter to add one more. I just drank too much today but am fine now!”

Xiao Yao stared at Zhuan Xu who patted the spot next to him so she sat down. Zhuan Xu said, “Same rules, don’t prepare a present for me, don’t say congratulations, and tomorrow don’t even show up at the wedding!”

“But how am I going to explain to Ah Nian and my dad?”

“You’re the Princess stricken from the Gao Xing royal family register, your attendance is what would be awkward.”

Even though Xiao Yao really cared about Ah Nian and the Grand Emperor, but neither was as important to her as Zhuan Xu so she said, “Fine, tomorrow I’ll hide myself away.”

Zhuan Xu lazily leaned against the beam and used his fingers to flick at the lake, and with each flick he would send a power surge into the water and a spray would burst from the surface.

Xiao Yao wrapped her arms around her knees and stared at the water bursts on the lake, and after some time suddenly asked, “You were never happy even once?”

Zhuan Xu’s answer was immediate, “Never.”

“I think you will be happy one of these days, eventually you’ll meet a woman you love.”

“I also want to know what it feels like to marry a woman I love. I want to feel genuine happiness, I want to accept other people’s congratulations with true joy.”

Xiao Yao’s heart hurt and she said, “You will!”

Zhuan Xu smiled. “I believe that too, I believe if I have the patience to keep waiting then I will wait for that day to come.”

“Yes, it will come. But when that day arrives, you can’t treat Ah Nian poorly because of her.”

Zhuan Xu tenderly smiled at Xiao Yao so she sassed, “What are you smiling about?”

Zhuan Xu smiled. “When I marry her, I will listen to her on everything.”

“What?” Xiao Yao jabbed her finger at Zhuan Xu. “You……you have some backbone, will you? What do you mean listen to her on everything? You’re the ruler of an entire kingdom!”

Zhuan Xu drawled, “This is different from having no backbone. As long as I marry her, then I will take her side on everything. Whatever makes her unhappy, I won’t do it.”

Xiao Yao started pinching him to get the point across. “What if she doesn’t like me, or she says bad things about me? Will you listen to her then?”

Zhuan Xu was laughing so hard his shoulders were shaking so Xiao Yao demanded, “Answer me!” Zhuan Xu kept staring at Xiao Yao and saying nothing so Xiao Yao continued to threaten him “Tell me clearly now! When that day comes, are you going to listen to her or listen to me?”

“Can’t I listen to both?”


“Maybe both will have the same point of view?”

“What if it’s not the same?”

“What if there is never a case when it’s not the same?”

Xiao Yao grew anxious. “Zhuan Xu, tell me now so that I can make preparations for the day when I’m not in your good graces anymore!”

“Then of course I will listen to……..” Zhuan Xu paused, “….you!

“Oh! That’s more like it!” Xiao Yao breathed a sigh of relief before realizing how immature she was being. But then she saw how Zhuan Xu’s expression had lightened up and he seemed very happy, so it was worth being teased by him.

Xiao Yao asked, “Feeling better?” Zhuan Xu nodded. Xiao Yao added, “Then when you’re unhappy tomorrow, think of all that you’ve accomplished, and even if you’re unhappy you can still make Ah Nian happy!”

Zhuan Xu stared at Xiao Yao so she quickly added, “It’s not that I care about Ah Nian more than you. It’s just that this is the best way for you……oh you know what I mean.”

Zhuan Xu could have said “Okay” or “Sure”, but he instead answered, “I’ll listen to you”, clearly still remembering their earlier conversation. Xiao Yao laughed and smacked him.

GXSH: What is the mockery of the world compared to my daughter's lifetime happiness.

GXSH (calm, resolute): So what if the Great Wilderness falls into chaos? Back then, I could put down the Five Princes Revolt. Even now, I have nothing to fear.

This seems in character for the Grand Emperor, more or less, given that he's said similar things to XY. 

AN (at a loss): I used to think that if I could marry Cang Xuan one day, I would be deliriously happy. However, now that my wish has been fulfilled, I am not as happy as I thought I would be.

AN: However, I have him in my heart. I may not be as happy as I once hoped after marrying him, but if I did not marry him, I will be unhappy for the rest of my life.
GXSH (pitying): A Nian!
AN (faint smile): Royal Father, don't worry. I am no longer the A Nian of the past. I do love Cang Xuan gege, but unlike before, he is no longer my everything. I am not the most important person in his heart, likewise he is not the most important person in mine. If I had to choose between Royal Father and him, I would choose Royal Father; between the Gao Xin people and him, I would choose the people of Gao Xin.

This is an interesting choice from the writers. 

AN: Royal Father, I am well aware that Cang Xuan gege does not wish to marry me, but I insist on marrying him because between my happiness and his, I choose to let him suffer for my happiness.

But this seems like a really weird take. 

In the cloud carriage, Gao Xin Shao Hao was not looking at them, his gaze fixed on the gradually receding Five Deities Mountain.

XY: Royal Father is a good ruler.

Gao Xin Shao Hao's eyes were filled with complex emotions, as if bidding farewell to his tumultuous, bloodied past.

GXSH: All my life, I was not a good son, nor a good brother, friend or husband. However, I was undeniably a good ruler.
XY (holding on to GXSH's arm): And also a good father! The best father in A Nian's and my heart!

Sorry if this has been covered already and I missed it, but in the drama how much does XY know about the Grand Emperor's dark side? Does she know about the bone ring and how he denied her mother's request to help CX's father? Does she know about his role in the lead up to the final battle between Sheng Nong and Xuan Yuan (including how he failed to keep his promise to Ah Heng's brother), and in the battle itself? Does she know that he killed his own father, and that's what sparked the "rebellion" where he killed his brothers, their wives, and their children?


@AH @H19279


Thank you windiaaa041293. This appears to be about Chi You the figure in Chinese mythology, rather than the character Chi You that appears in Once Promised, and like many of the characters in Once Promised and Lost You Forever (including Xiang Liu), the character in the novels is only very loosely based on the character with the same name from Chinese mythology. So it doesn't really provide insight into the childhood / origins of Chi You the character from Once Promised. 

Let’s talk about your understanding of the Sauvignon Blanc Dawangji fishing law enforcement incident that seduced Tu Shanhou?

First of all, I would like to say that I only analyze the character's behavioral logic. I do not judge the character's right or wrong, nor do I ridicule the character's personality. I have a relatively high degree of tolerance for every character in Sauvignon Blanc. I only analyze the character's psychology and behavioral logic. . The viewers have their own scales in their hearts to measure right and wrong.

This is a good question. The answer seems simple, but the analysis is more complicated and needs to be discussed together with the contents of the first two chapters.

The title of the chapter about Xiaoyao seducing Tu Shanhou: The east wind is evil, and joy is thin.

The source of this phrase is Lu You's " The Hairpin-headed Phoenix. Red Crispy Hands "

Red crisp hands, yellow wine, the city is full of spring scenery and willows on the palace walls . The east wind is evil and happiness is thin. Many years separated, my mind full of sorrow. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Spring is as old as ever, people are thin and empty, and the tears are red and raw. Peach blossoms fall, leisure pool pavilion. Although the mountain alliance is there, it is difficult to trust the brocade book. Mo, mo, mo!

"The Hairpin-headed Phoenix·Hongsu Hands" is a lyric work by Lu You, a poet and lyricist of the Southern Song Dynasty. This word describes the love tragedy of the poet and his original wife Tang Wan being forced to divorce.

Why does the author Tong Hua use such a love poem about Lu You and his first wife Tang's forced divorce as the chapter title here ? Who are the first couple who fell in love and divorced? Jing and Yiying ? Do Hou and Yi Ying? Yao and Jing? This chapter is only related to these characters, but the relationships between these characters are wrong. The title of this chapter is taken from the perspective of the heroine Xiaoyao. Who else does Xiaoyao have such a deep emotional entanglement with? Xiang Liu has the Lover Gu. The Lover Gu is the proof of their marriage. After the marriage robbery, Liu Baiyao was pushed to Qingqiu because they were forced to separate! This chapter seems to have nothing to do with Xiang Liu, but in fact it is closely related. This is a tear-jerking love poem. The use of Xiaoyao to seduce Hou is inappropriate. Why did the author intend it so?

Red crisp hands, yellow wine, the city is full of spring scenery and willows on the palace walls. The east wind is evil and happiness is thin. Many years separated, my mind full of sorrow. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

The city is full of spring scenery and the palace walls are filled with willows. What does this sentence mean? The city is full of spring, but you are already as out of reach as the green willows in the palace wall. Who is that unreachable palace wall willow? Who else could it be? When Xiang Liu pushed Xiao Yao away in Qingshui Town , why did his heart hurt like a sharp knife piercing his heart? "A cup of melancholy, a few years of separation, wrong, wrong, wrong"

This sentence refers to Shen Garden and Yuji Temple, which were places where Lu You and Tang Wan, the loving couple, visited together. Once upon a time, lovers were scattered, and beloved wives were easy to marry and belonged to others. Now, although the city is still full of spring scenery , everything has changed. " East Wind Evil " describes their pain after being forced to divorce. It writes about spring scenery and love, sweet and beautiful. At this point, the writing suddenly changes, and the anger bursts out. Corresponding to the plot of Xiaoyao and Hou traveling to their hometown together. The author wants us to understand why Xiaoyao acted like this. She was so confused and angry at Xiangliu that she went to Qingqiu, and she was filled with grief and anger. She had no one to talk to about Xiangliu's anger. She could only find someone to vent her anger to, and something to vent her anger to. Why did Tu Shanjing ignore her? Wangji's reputation had long been ruined because of her escape from marriage. Why did she need to step on her to improve herself? Jing was just smart enough to know that Xiaoyao needed to vent. Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu's Tu Shanjing has always been an outsider in his grudges. Xiaoyao seemed to be dealing with Tushan's affairs, but in fact, whatever she and Hou did was not to flog Xiang Liu (Fang Fengbei), and Tushan Jing was happy to see the results.

The same fish playing with lotus leaves, the same accompaniment for shopping and choosing accessories... But things have changed. Although Xiaoyao and Hou were doing the same thing as Fangfengbei back then, their true lovers were already far apart and out of reach. "Although the alliance is still there, it's hard to entrust the brocade book, Mo, Mo, Mo." Although the lover's Gu is still there, it's hard to place my longing for him. Forget it, forget it, forget it...what else can I do if I don't let go? Xiaoyao felt angry and irrational because Xiang Liu had kidnapped her and then pushed her away. Would she still care about her reputation?

Jing wisely chose to watch silently. It was not that he had no means and could not intervene, nor was it that Wang Ji, who was already notorious, needed to step on her to improve her status. It's because this is the love-hate relationship between Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu, and she can't let go of her feelings and return to her without letting Xiaoyao vent it out. Do you think she slapped someone in the face when she seduced Hou? To outsiders, Jing was already married and had nothing to do with Jing. As we all know, Fangfeng Bei had just died because of Xiaoyao's marriage robbery, and he immediately went to the romantic places that his predecessors had visited together with Hou. Whose "evil east wind" is this, and whose "thin love" is this? (The hateful east wind blows the old friendships and becomes thinner.)

The reason why the author uses Xinyue 's words to say this is because Xiaoyao said that she and Xinyue are very similar, both are indifferent people. This is what Xiaoyao herself wants to scold Xiang Liu.

Xiaoyao hated Xiang Liu for killing Fang Feng Bei, hated him for destroying the only person who could be together, and hated him for being indifferent to her, so she wanted to whip him in the same way. Didn’t you say that I was just a passer-by in the world of mortals looking for pleasure, and you didn’t care at all? Then I also want you to know that you are just a passerby. The news about her, Wang Ji, seducing men with her front and back legs will spread throughout the wilderness in a few days. Are you afraid that Xiang Liu won't hear about it? Therefore, after she succeeded in seducing Tu Shanhou , she would look like a villain and start talking about it. She doesn't care about her reputation at all, Xiang Liu is the one who can make her angry. Why do I say that Xiaoyao's seduction of Hou was the emotional catharsis of Xiangliu's marriage robbery? Referring to the time in the Great Eddy, Xiangliu just said, stupid woman, get rid of our poison earlier, and Xiaoyao immediately exploded. , and immediately sang a love song to the moon to Jing Lai to disgust him. Therefore, with Jing as a shield, it is not irrational to seduce Tu Shanhou. Therefore, I not only want to seduce, but I also want to make it known to everyone and do it vigorously.

If you look at the chapter titles of the first two chapters, you can better understand Xiaoyao's psychology.

The title of the chapter about kidnapping a marriage is: To whom does the shadow go? This sentence comes from "Moyu'er. Yanqiu Ci"

Ask the world, what is love? Directly teach the promise of life and death? Travelers from all over the world fly to the north and south, and the old wings return to the cold and heat several times. Pleasure is fun, parting is bitter, and there are even more idiotic children. Jun should say: Thousands of miles of clouds , thousands of mountains covered with dusk snow, who is the shadow going to?

The last sentence: Jun should say : Thousands of miles of clouds, snow on thousands of mountains at dusk, who is the shadow going to?

Dayan wants to say: I have traveled thousands of miles and am alone, and the road ahead is long and uncertain. Every year in the cold and heat, I fly thousands of miles and cross thousands of mountains. In the morning wind and dusk snow, I have lost the love of my life and am alone ! Where else to go? !

The author quoted the last sentence, why? This sentence is a portrayal of Xiaoyao’s mood after leaving Qingshui Town. Lover Gu Lovers who are supposed to be together life and death are like wild geese whose love is stronger than gold . But now I have been ruthlessly abandoned by you. Where else can I go?

The title of the chapter about meeting Tu Shanjing in Qingqiu is: The wind is uncertain, but people are still at first. The source is

Hold the wine and listen to the water tune several times. When you wake up from drunkenness in the afternoon, you will feel worried but still haven’t woken up. When will you send Chunchun back? Facing the evening mirror, it hurts the scenery , and the past events are empty and empty in the later period.

It's dark on the sand and on the pond, and the clouds break through and the moon comes to make shadows on the flowers . Heavy curtains cover the lights, the wind is unstable, people are still at first, and the path will be filled with red sunsets tomorrow .

The wind is unstable, but people are still at first (the wind gets stronger in the middle of the night, and people fall asleep). This sentence is not appropriate as a chapter title, but adding the two corresponding sentences "Looking at the evening mirror, hurting the scenery" makes it suitable for the scene. ( Looking in the mirror in the evening, feeling sad about the past years, the smoke of the past will make people ponder in the future.) The tone of this chapter title is to feel sad about the past in the middle of the night.

Who does the shadow go to?

The wind is unstable, but people are still at first

The east wind is evil and happiness is thin

The chapter titles of these three chapters all carry the helplessness and deep sadness and resentment of lovers being forced to separate. With such emotions, we can see why Xiaoyao's fishing, law enforcement , and seduction of Tu Shanhou are compared with the chicken-blooded charge and even refuses to let Tu Shanhou. Shan Jing's intervention is a revengeful psychological manifestation of the heroine's extreme grief and anger. All I can say is "Obviously deeply in love but seemingly heartless". These are lovers who torture each other!

Xiaoyao can really understand Xiang Liu's choice because of the heart-to-heart conversation between the two at the old man Li Rong who sells donkey meat. Xiang Liu explained why he could only choose Hong Jiang but not her. It was not because he didn't love her enough, but because There is love in this world that cannot be discarded even if we give up our lives.

This song "The Hairpin-headed Phoenix. Red Crispy Hands" by Lu You also expresses Yao Liu's tear-jerking affection and helplessness. Please read the full translation to feel it.

Red crisp hands, yellow wine, the city is full of spring scenery and willows on the palace walls. The east wind is evil and happiness is thin. Many years separated, my mind full of sorrow. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Spring is as old as ever, people are thin and empty, and the tears are red and raw. Peach blossoms fall, leisure pool pavilion. Although the mountain alliance is there, it is difficult to trust the brocade book. Mo, mo, mo!

In your rosy and greasy hands, you hold a cup filled with Huangdi wine . The city is full of spring, but you are already as out of reach as the green willows in the palace wall. How hateful the spring breeze is, blowing away joy so thinly. Full of sadness, my life has been very bleak in the past few years. Looking back at that time, I can only sigh: Wrong, wrong, wrong!

The spring scenery remains the same, but people are haggard and thin. The tears washed away the rouge on his face and soaked the thin silk handkerchief. The peach blossoms were blown down by the wind and spread all over the cool pond and pavilion. The vow of eternal love is still there, but the brocade letter can no longer be delivered. Looking back at that time, I can only sigh: Mo, Mo, Mo!

 AH :
Thanks for the translations liddi! ^^

You're welcome. Am trying to complete these soon as I expect to be very occupied in the next two weeks or so leading up to early next year, and may not have much time to spend here. 

 AH :
Unless my memory is failing me, there was no discussion of Ah Nian's feelings at the time of her wedding and there was no conversation like this between Ah Nian and the Grand Emperor in the novel. Instead, when XY found out how much CX didn't want to marry Ah Nian, she was the one who told him he could call off the wedding, even if it meant jeopardizing world peace. 

Those scenes between Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan are still included - she encouraging him to call off the wedding since it hurts him so much, even though she loves her sister (so it is clear where her own priorities are) but he insisting on going through with it. The thing is, it is one thing for Xiao Yao to say this because her worldview very rarely encompasses the greater good. Her wholehearted efforts into compiling the medical texts which would benefit the world is one very rare instance when she did, but then again, that was never in conflict with the people she loved. However, for Gao Xin Shao Hao to say this at this juncture feels extremely out of character, he who has planned so carefully for the greater good of his people and the world. It was one thing when Xiao Yao behaved recklessly, but in this situation, this impacts two nations and the entire Great Wilderness.

And yes, these are new additions in the drama. We also have scenes where A Nian decisively led the Gao Xin army and defeated the traitorous Bai Hu and Chang Yi tribes, even getting down in the trenches with them. So A Nian does undergo substantial character growth here. To be fair, I presume that because A Nian always made it known she wanted to marry Cang Xuan, it is possible her father thought that her wishes remained unchanged, whereas she was no longer the wide-eyed, star-struck girl she once was when her wedding finally happened.

 AH :
But this seems like a really weird take. 

Basically, she is prioritising her own happiness, never mind if it aggrieved Cang Xuan. Xiao Yao should have taken a leaf out of A Nian's book in that sense... but then again, there would still be that insurmountable block of stubborn 9 heads to contend with.

 AH :
but in the drama how much does XY know about the Grand Emperor's dark side? Does she know about the bone ring and how he denied her mother's request to help CX's father? Does she know about his role in the lead up to the final battle between Sheng Nong and Xuan Yuan (including how he failed to keep his promise to Ah Heng's brother), and in the battle itself? Does she know that he killed his own father, and that's what sparked the "rebellion" where he killed his brothers, their wives, and their children?

When Cang Xuan first declared war on Gao Xin, he told Xiao Yao how the Gao Xin king refused to send reinforcements to help his father, how she cut her finger as an oath to protect the reinforcements that she asked for but still was denied, how he sent spies to Chi Chen's side, and was instrumental in his death. When he recounted her parents' past in Ep15, the Gao Xin king also mentioned that he was also responsible for the deaths of her oldest uncle (Qing Yang) and 4th uncle (Cang Xuan's father). I don't see any description yet though of how he killed his own father and sparked the revolt.

Am trying to complete these soon as I expect to be very occupied in the next two weeks or so leading up to early next year, and may not have much time to spend here.

That's thoughtful of you. I hope you've been having a good time with your kids so far. ^^

Those scenes between Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan are still included - she encouraging him to call off the wedding since it hurts him so much, even though she loves her sister (so it is clear where her own priorities are) but he insisting on going through with it.

That's interesting. Even the part where he gets weird because of his feelings for XY?

However, for Gao Xin Shao Hao to say this at this juncture feels extremely out of character, he who has planned so carefully for the greater good of his people and the world. It was one thing when Xiao Yao behaved recklessly, but in this situation, this impacts two nations and the entire Great Wildernes

I see what you're getting at. But at the same time, once he finds out that Ah Nian wasn't that happy to be marrying CX and didn't love him the way she used to... I just can't see him going ahead with the wedding without saying something like this. And if Ah Nian did want to change her mind, I can't see him not supporting her decision 100%. He was deeply haunted by all the choices he made in the past where he chose power or the good of his kingdom at the expense of his family members and loved ones. At this point in his life, it was pretty clear that Ah Nian and XY's safety and lasting happiness were his top priorities. He definitely wasn't going to force Ah Nian into a marriage for the sake of ending the war (a war that CX started and very intentionally fought in a way that minimized the harm caused to the civilians of Gao Xing) a little bit sooner. 

We also have scenes where A Nian decisively led the Gao Xin army and defeated the traitorous Bai Hu and Chang Yi tribes, even getting down in the trenches with them.

That will be interesting to see. 

Basically, she is prioritising her own happiness, never mind if it aggrieved Cang Xuan.

Ah Nian said she wasn't as happy as she expected to be marrying CX and that he was no longer her everything (CX and her father were at war, and if she had to choose between them she would choose her father and her country). But she still says she loves him.

It just seems really strange to me that she would say that she loves CX but then also say that she was totally fine marrying him, knowing that he didn't want to marry her, because "I choose to let him suffer for my happiness". That doesn't sound like love. And it also just sounds miserable. 

When Cang Xuan first declared war on Gao Xin, he told Xiao Yao how the Gao Xin king refused to send reinforcements to help his father, how she cut her finger as an oath to protect the reinforcements that she asked for but still was denied, how he sent spies to Chi Chen's side, and was instrumental in his death. When he recounted her parents' past in Ep15, the Gao Xin king also mentioned that he was also responsible for the deaths of her oldest uncle (Qing Yang) and 4th uncle (Cang Xuan's father). I don't see any description yet though of how he killed his own father and sparked the revolt.

Thanks for this!

Who would have thought... a day would come where such a man would also surrender without a fight.

Hong Jiang glanced at Xiang Liu, his eyes filled with confusion.

HJ: Tell me, is there a purpose to our perseverance?
XL (coolly, clear-headed): No matter how many stand in the way, I will forge ahead.
HJ: Alright!

Hong Jiang's eyes immediately cleared up, and he laughed heartily. 


Gong Gong questioning his choice to fight to the death and Xiang Liu is the one who insists on that approach? That's insane. That seems totally out of line with his whole "He’s an idiot! He is a pathetic idiot. He leads a bunch of idiots, doing something pathetic.” outburst in chapter 7. 

 AH :
That's interesting. Even the part where he gets weird because of his feelings for XY?

Yup - including when he almost kissed her but then pretended that he was drunk earlier. 

 AH :
That doesn't sound like love. And it also just sounds miserable. 

Not in the purest, selfless sense, no. The way I see it, she wanted to grasp whatever happiness she could get, and if it meant being less happy with Cang Xuan vs being unhappy without him, she would opt for the lesser of two evils, even if it meant sacrificing Cang Xuan's happiness (whatever little he had) to gain it. Still, I wish Xiao Yao approached her love the same way, just as I still wish that Gao Xin Shao Hao's plans to enable Fangfeng Bei to marry Xiao Yao could have come true, even if he had to be dragged to the altar.

 AH :

Gong Gong questioning his choice to fight to the death and Xiang Liu is the one who insists on that approach? That's insane.

I know right? I couldn't quite wrap my mind around Xiang Liu's answer either except what I said earlier, which was perhaps his unwillingness to relegate their dead comrades' sacrifices to nothing, should Hong Jiang give in to his doubts and choose to surrender after so many had died for their cause. 

 AH :
He was deeply haunted by all the choices he made in the past where he chose power or the good of his kingdom at the expense of his family members and loved ones. At this point in his life, it was pretty clear that Ah Nian and XY's safety and lasting happiness were his top priorities. He definitely wasn't going to force Ah Nian into a marriage for the sake of ending the war (a war that CX started and very intentionally fought in a way that minimized the harm caused to the civilians of Gao Xing) a little bit sooner. 

That makes sense. He is categorically working through his redemption of everyone he had wronged through the way he ruled, and his blatant prioritisation of his daughters over anyone and anything else. I think I need to read Once Promised to see the man who erred so terribly, but the man he became in Lost You Forever is one of the few I really love, both in the novel and the drama.


However, for Gao Xin Shao Hao to say this at this juncture feels extremely out of character, he who has planned so carefully for the greater good of his people and the world. It was one thing when Xiao Yao behaved recklessly, but in this situation, this impacts two nations and the entire Great Wilderness

My take on reading the books was regardless of the marriage, he would still have handed the throne to CX. His daughter happiness was paramount and separate to the throne issue

I think in the book he talked about handing the throne over and then said something like 'let's move onto personal matter'. To me that meant they were separate issues in his mind. It just looks like he gave his daughter the biggest dowry for those not in the know.

For that reason I don't believe it's too out of characters. He would let his daughter marry whoever and still give CX throne so the great wilderness isn't in peril. His daughter can do whatever they want because they have a powerful daddy.