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Hopefully I'll have Episode 17 done in a few hours (I'm almost half-way through), but I need to take a short break and vent a little... Ugh!!  What a horrible, jumbled mess.  I really, really loathe this two-versions crap.  :( :(
@Neyjour ... You're awesome for taking it upon yourself to do this!!....Thank you :D
@Neyjour You've worked so hard on this and your hard work is very much appreciated.  Well done and thank you.  
@Neyjour thanks so much for your efforts! I always come back to refer to your file to fill in the missing blanks. I now watch both versions but sometimes there a few details I would miss (like the change in OST/music etc) so I really appreciate your work. Thanks heaps!
Thanks so much guys, for letting me know that this has been useful and appreciated.  If it wasn't for your encouraging comments (and PM's), I probably would have thrown in the towel with this episode.  :P

But... it's finally done (yay!) and the .RTF document is updated.  :)

(EDIT: I spotted a couple typos.  They'll be corrected on the next update.)

Now to watch Episode 18.  I didn't even want to look at it until I'd done the comparison for 17.  :P
The 18th was not so bad, I only noticed one difference... the kiss on the cheek... the other "extended" scenes I don't even notice usually, before I read you recap :D Really, a big thank you, for all your work, I don't know how much patience you must have to do this!
VioletSakura - You're very welcome!  :)  And thanks for giving me a heads-up that 18 should be fairly easy.  You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that...  LOL!  :P
Scene differences for Episode 18 are done, and the .RTF document has been updated. :)
I know it's kinda a dumb question, but why does Queen Yoo (QY) hate Wang So so much, especially when she knew from the beginning that he has the star to be king or whatever.  To me, it seems that QY wants power (i.e. to be Queen Mother) more than anything else, and upon hearing that So has a king's fate, shouldn't she favor him the most? Why does she scar and banish him instead? Like, where is this hate coming from?  
Hessa Volunteer Staff
I believe she thought Wang So was unlucky and brings misfortune. That is why she abandoned him and favored her other sons. (I falsely assume that this was the case, since Shine or Go Crazy, which talks about the same character, had the same family hatred toward Wang So. But after reading about it, this did not really happen and it is just a weird coincidence. Now, I believe that Wang So reminding her of her own guilt about how she scared her own son's face.)

Thanks, must have missed that. I dunno, for some reason I remember Queen Yoo being aware that Wang So had the star of a King. 

Ok, here's another one: If Ji Mong supposedly time-traveled/"died" when he was 4 or 5, how does Go Ji Han (modern Hae Soo) meet him in modern times as an older man? Like, how is able to be in modern times as that age lol?  
@Hessa- Are you sure? I don't remember that. I thought she had just convinced herself that was the case. I thought she despises him because everytime she looks at him, she is reminded of her weakest moment and that has made her hate him. I also don't recall it ever being said that Queen Yoo was aware that he was born with the star of a king. Ji Mong and King Taejo knew, and then Ji Mong told 3rd Prince and So when they were children, but I don't think they told Queen Yoo ever, and on purpose.

@Hanah- I think he died/time travelled when he was an adult in modern times, quite possibly at the same time as Hae Soo did, but awoke at an earlier time, as a young child. That would account for him being able to remember all those modern inventions such as aviation. I am hoping the mystery surrounding his fate is explained tomorrow in the final episode because I am curious!
Hessa Volunteer Staff
I talk about this with mom, who also watched Shine or go Crazy, and she was the one who told me about it. Wang So's mother kept saying he was misfortunate throughout ML:SH Ryeo but they did not show where she got that. For what I got from mom, is that Wang So was also abandoned in SOGC because of that.
Here is part of the synopsis of SOGC:
"Wang So was born a prince of Goryeo, but because a prophecy foretells that he will turn the country into a river of blood, he is exiled from the palace and shunned by the royal family."

(I falsely assume that this was the case, since Shine or Go Crazy, which talks about the same character, had the same family hatred toward Wang So. But after reading about it, this did not really happen and it is just a weird coincidence. Now, I believe that Wang So reminding her of her own guilt about how she scared her own son's face.)
@Hessa, the exile is historically inacurate, I couldn't find anything about So's exile anywhere, both SOGC and ML:SH have added the event for the thrill of the drama, much like ML:SH added the scar on So's face.

@Hanah, I honestly cannot explain the Queen's feelings toward So, but I think much of the hate comes from self despise and fear, as she was the one to leave the scar on his face. She was obsessed on seeing her son as the next king and as Yo was the oldest, her affection naturally went for him, as he was the next in line after Mu, and So was just another child, until she scarred her face, after which he was the reminder of how she lost her place in the King's eyes, and later that she couldn't stop his marriage spree and countless princes being born from those marriages (of course, there is also Jong, for whom, I think she was just a mom, as he was not close enough in the line to aspire for the throne (but of course, we see her cross that line also, when she was making Yo abdicate in favor of Jong, while Yo was dying!), from the time we saw them together, she cared deeply for him, and was always afraid that So will hurt Jong as a revenge to her for scarring his face and exiling him, one more proof, that she was more afraid of what he might do because of her actions toward him.
I must say something about the incest. Yes, they did it to keep their bloodline pure but also because they did not wish to split the money between in-laws, but rather keep it in family :)