Last NON Asian Movie you watched?

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bokami wrote: why did you watched it on the 1st place?

Have you seen it? I didn't know it ended like
Red. It was an action movie. You guys should watch it. Bruce Willis is in it.
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
Hugo :)
The Host - Thought I wouldnt like it because of monster stuff but it was actualy really good rated 10 ^^
The Cabin in the Woods (it was kinda weird. it was like horror/sci fi/Fantasy and surprisingly kinda funny at times. I would give it an 8)
H2G2 I love it, no matter how many time I watch this movie it still has its effect on me
The InnKeeper i wish i trust imdb...its rated 5.7 there.. and its true its s***s
The Princess Birde (one of my faves)

Benny and Joon (One of the few Johnny Depp movies that I hadn't seen yet and a new fave :D)
Voice of a murderer (korean)
The Avengers - It was awesome. It was just as funny as it was action packed
Enter Nowhere indie horror somewhat creative low budget but good
Mission Impossible 4 (again with friends)