Our leading lady is exonerated and housekeeper scrambles to cover his tracks...the body count rises

1.My proverbial hat is off to the male lead whose killer line 'Even if no one in the world believes you, I will' really drives home the fact that he trusts her 100%....but how long will that trust last o_O

2.Our hero calmly shares a drink with his wife who is facing execution and she refuses to talk ( I don't know if this makes her a bigger fool or more admirable; I lean towards the former) and visits the corpse of Xi Er...and recognizes that the bruising from whoever strangled her were made from bigger hands

3.she is released and everyone is so HAPPY.....she kisses the hero on the cheek, blowing his mind I think

4.Now the concern is gossip about the Jin family yada yada

Random: When are these two going to consummate their marriage?  Probably never, it being a rom com...and censorship is pretty strict in Asia oh well I hereby abandon this idea //not worth my time//or worrying about

5. We get another chaste kiss on the cheek.  And a proclamation of love from our hero, or rather, of ownership 'You are mine' and the heroine breaks down in tears and hangs her head in guilt...

6.Oh no...gossip is afoot and some servants suspect Housekeeper who left his ring at the scene of the crime...bet they don't last long

7. yup,my prediction is correct--good thing they didn't have access to finger printing yet (I think)

8.more scenes of hero lounging negligently, like a boss--writers are really exploiting this actor's..frigid look? domineering look? stoic look? 

9.  more investigations....

10.more good lies by housekeeper and his underling deflecting the truth--good lies because they have a grain of truth in them

11.The new dead guy is set up to look like he killed Xi Er for finding out he was a thief...?

12.More 'it's all my fault' from the leading lady...hero is happy and not yet realizing it is his wife's guilt that is making her sad 

13.the two xuan's consider fleeing to avoid being held accountable for their lies--they are in it, life or death--the bonds of sisterhood!

....and it ends with some pretty fire flies courtesy of our hero....he has changed a lot from episode 1 all in the name of love...and chances are this drama will make love destroy him...and turn into a jerk....i have a strong feeling that will happen, based on his personality and the dramatic declaration of love and 'never leave me girl' in front of everyone....and instead of coming clean she tells even more lies and says she hates him...making it worse....why can't she just TELL THE TRUTH????? she is making it worse and worse on herself...

this writer can no longer pity her because she is still lying.  lies upon lies upon lies to cover other lies.  moral: try not to lie

I give this episode a 7;0 (remember, i am rating it against itself,)