(slightly spoilery examples below) 

Are there any dramas that feature love triangles with.. 

- NO competition? ie none of that "I'm gonna steal her from you" crap lol (at least not the "serious" kind) 

- an ACTUAL triangle? ie the girl being sincerely in love with both, not just obviously pining only for one person.. 

- friendship love? ie all three are ~friends who cannot even bear to be apart / separated for any reason #OT3 

- bromance first? the boys (or girls, lol) show as much love for each other as their connected third.. ♡♡♡ 

- ongoing cohabitation? ie all three being stuck living together or working with each other, awkward lulz.. 


You're Beautiful - 

good: working together, living together, no real serious competition (their group friendship came first), etc..  

bad: unrequited love x2! #stillcryingforJeremy 

Mary - 

good: at times the boys' connection was even stronger, I mean this series was an actual #OT3 waiting to happen! the 2nd guy even meets the main guy in quite a ~unique circumstance too- cue #loveatfirstsight buahaha ♡♡♡ then working together (brief living in same places too) 

bad: cliche writing took over, with no love for 2nd lead ;( 

Boys Over Flowers - 

good: a lot, actually, especially this- "friendship or love? BOTH." the trio potential was SO strong with this one.. btwn the boys AND main girl with the ~later 2nd girl ♡ 

bad: sloppy overly dramatic writing, unrequited love 

Flower Boy Ramen Shop - 

good: besides being one of the most adorkable 2nd leads ever, his constant teasing of & caring about the main lead guy was just the best.. + working / living together! 

bad: ends with separation & again.. lonely 2nd lead ;( 

My Love Patzzi - 

good: no one really pines for anyone - like they're kind of blind to their feelings until near the end, lol.. & almost miraculously, the girl realizes she does like them ~both! also, one boy saves the other.. & that ending, #CUUTE! 

bad: umm.. that there wasn't ~more? lol of everything.. 

Pasta - 

good: when the main girl has both the main guy & second ~girl "fighting" over ~her.. ♡ seriously there's even an elevator scene where they BOTH hold her hands, lol! plus the second guy is friends with them all too.. #OT4 lulz! 

bad: the main guy's overall attitude is a bit off-putting, the eps felt a bit redundant & ending was very rushed.. 

High School Love On - 

good: an angel girl unites two lonely boys.. then they not only go to the same school, but also work & live together too! siigh the potential for awesomeness, lovelovelove! cue many cuute scenes, including even a trio date ♡♡♡ 

bad: ugh where do I start.. senior angel all manipulating our quiet & lost 2nd lead into an angsty mess for way too long, what kind of LAAME writing! & that ending.. oyy ;( shoulda been a better story for these three soulmates.. #soruined #lastdramafinished #stillhaventrecovered 

Honorary Mentions: 

Reply94 - live together, not typical kind of love square 

SUFBoy Band - work together, love in every direction ♡ 

Answer97 - diff kind of triangle, was interesting to see 

Last Cinderella - blurred line btwn main/2nd lead guys 

Coffee Prince - no real triangle but still #OT4ish lulz 

And so if any others exist that fit these prefs (bonus points for multiple hits per series!), please share your recs for them.. also fanvid recs welcome.. thanks!! xD 

~ my faves list (updated recently): 


~ my ships list for various fandoms (year ago): 


(skip / scroll past all the ramble-y paragraphs lol) 

xoxoxo SimbiAni 

Beethoven Virus is already on your ptw-list, so go and watch it! :) I don't usually enjoy triangles, but this one was awesome. (I also liked Last Cinderella.) It doesn't fit all your criteria but I think you'll like it. 

- NO competition? ie none of that "I'm gonna steal her from you" crap lol (at least not the "serious" kind) There is some competition but not a lot. Definitely not serious and "evil" attempts to "steal" the girl (I just hate it when that happens)
- an ACTUAL triangle? ie the girl being sincerely in love with both, not just obviously pining only for one person..  I wouldn't call it being sincerely in love but she continues to like the second lead a lot. There was a time when I wasn't sure which one she was going to finally end up with.
- friendship love? ie all three are ~friends who cannot even bear to be apart / separated for any reason #OT3  Hm, not really. One of the leads is definitely NOT friendly at all for most of the drama -- but you just can't help but love him anyway; he's acting mean but he is not evil, his character makes so much sense, really.
- bromance first? the boys (or girls, lol) show as much love for each other as their connected third.. ♡♡♡  Not bromance first, but later. It's complicated, their relationship, and that's why I loved watching it; I liked seeing how they slowly turned dislike and animosity into mutual respect and caring for one another. 
- ongoing cohabitation? ie all three being stuck living together or working with each other, awkward lulz.. Not living together but working. 

I hope this sounds good enough for you? *lol* I understand what it is you're asking for; I do think this comes very close, but I might be biased because I have so much love for this drama, really!

I'm currently watching the lovely Chines drama Sound of the Desert. It's not as close to a perfect match for you as BV, but it's worth checking out for a romance drama with a triangle that actually makes sense (as opposed to triangles where one character is just annoying and evil). Both of the male leads sometimes acts stupidly but you won't hate them for it (or not for long anyway). It is an ACTUAL love triangle; I can't remember any other drama where I have felt that the girl is seriously in love with both. So far there is no cohabitation and no working with each other, but sometimes the male leads have to work together and help each other. One of the men is a lot more competitive than the other, which leads to some "stealing" of the girl, but I find that it is nothing that I can't stand. So far there is no bromance in this drama (at least not between the two male leads! there is a little bit between other characters, too - not to mention sismance!).

I apologize if my descriptions are too spoilery...  
Summer's Desire has the most different kind of love triangle with a crazy female lead
LOL your contribution is MUCH appreciated! ^-^ 

I added BthVrs aages ago just because of JKS, so it's very helpful to kno it's even ~more worth looking fwd to, lol.. I hadn't watched it yet tho because it seemed more ~dramatic than "cuute", & I'm always craving the latter ;P (I also like watching things from oldest-to-newest order whenever possible hehe #OCD issues but do love when smth gets my attn in a "okay #mustwatchasap!" kind of way) Will definitely try to check it out soon! (it's even in my Hulu queue) 

& now added "Sounds of the Desert" - may I ask where you watch it? I mostly use apps via mobile or my BluRay player.. Hulu is my fave, but I sub to NF, CRoll & Viki as well.. (haven't needed a DF sub yet, but I watch there too smtimes) 
@ 3ngin33r - thanks! added it to my list xD 
You should watch Share House no Koibito, Love Shuffle, Zettai Kareshi, Hello, God and Smile, You. They're all hilarious and I enjoyed them ^^
From what I remember, I think Powerful Opponents has everything you're looking for. I haven't seen it in a long time so I'm not to sure about the first criteria. After all, it IS a love triangle.
@lwyn - added, & I'm one ep (19/20) from finishing Absolute Bf, so ZK is also a future must-watch! ^-^ 

@nastou19 - that looks interesting, added! 

@Lily_B - found SDesert on Hulu, added it to my queue.. 

Thanks again all! xoxoxo 
Finished Absolute Bf so it moved a bit up in my faves. Still had tons of issues but the chars were quite entertaining & omg, that Lei WuWu was the best & hilarious sidechar! 

Started watching Panda & Hedgehog next & was smitten with squee within the first few eps.. but it only lasted til the beginning of ep09, when my #rewritemode was finally kickstarted, siighh well of course the second lead never really stood a chance (not looking fwd to 10+ more eps of unrequited feels) but that "do smth nice for each other" attempt for a first round in a love competition? #bestideaever ahaha.. also enjoying the idea of the trio connected as kids like omg #soulmates so yes new #OT3! 

I had a look at my list and I have to say there are only a few that tick 3 1/2 out of five and none that hit all.

1. NO competition? ie none of that "I'm gonna steal her from you" crap lol (at least not the "serious" kind) 
2, an ACTUAL triangle? ie the girl being sincerely in love with both, not just obviously pining only for one person..               (not at the same time? right?)
3. friendship love? ie all three are ~friends who cannot even bear to be apart / separated for any reason #OT3 
4. bromance first? the boys (or girls, lol) show as much love for each other as their connected third.. ♡♡♡ 
5a.ongoing cohabitation? ie all three being stuck living together or
5b.working with each other, awkward lulz..

Anyhow ...

Strawberry on the Shortcake  - 1, 2, 3 ish, 4, 5a ish
Sungkyunkwan Scandal - 1, 3, 4, 5
Dal Ja's Spring - 1, 2 ish, 5a ish, 5b ish
Discovery of Romance - 1 ish, 2, 5b ish
Heart to Heart - 1, 2, 5b ish
Stars falling from the Sky - 1ish, 3ish, 5a
Kimi wa Petto - 1ish, 2 ish, 5a ish
The Producers - 1, 3ish, 5a ish, 5b
Empress Ki - 2, 5a

I would also recommend I need Romance, all 3 of which have 'realistic' triangles with some competition but nothing too serious and 2 and 3 have cohabitation of some kind. 

Hope you will like some of them.

Enjoy, Luna
I didn't notice your question, sorry! I'm glad you found the drama anyway, and I hope you'll like it when you watch it. :) I watch my dramas on Gooddrama, Drama.net or Dramatv, sometimes Viki - it all depends on where I can find what I'm looking for at the moment. I see you got a lot of suggestions here, that's good. :)

Thank you!! 

It'd be a drama ~miracle for a series to hit every point, haha, so definitely have very low hopes there! 

Re: #2, yes, actually.. I have an issue with choosing btwn equally awesome things- chocolate or caramel? both!- & it is even worse when it comes to ppl.. o.o Since discovering Asian dramas, with their tendency to add in a third or fourth to every. single. story, it's become more complicated than ever! #whydotheydothistome 

Sungky, DJS, DoR, KwP & the INR trilogy are on my list, I'll keep them in mind. 

Re: Strawberry, the summary here includes "unrequited doom"?? @_@ #howmuchwillmyheartbreak #advancewarningplease 

& added the Producers ^-^ 

I know what you mean about choices, mh. 

As for Strawberry on the Shortcake, the synopsis is limited and misleading to some extend. Yes, there is some doom but there is also a happy ending.

Haha, my mostly-non-Asian shiplist linked at the bottom of the OP pretty much sums up how bad I got it.. also need to update said list at some point to include fave ships from all that I've watched in the past year.. I really can never resist- even my most recent US series, a paranormal thriller titled "the WHISPERS", they got me shipping Sean/Claire/Wes.. *___* 

And lool @ "some doom", yeah unrequited is the worst to me, I always feel it more strongly than any other emotions, whyyy do the writers insist on putting viewers & chars thru that torture in ~every story?? For once let there be NO one-way loves, pleeease.. either make it mutual in each direction or limit the chars involved in the first place.. (okay, maaybe I'm just a lil too traumatized, lol #toomanyfandoms) 


Thank you! I watch mostly via Hulu on my Samsung BluRay player, bigger screen than mobile. (my desktop is usually connected to the same screen, but FireFox is fussy playing vids in the browser, so whatever I can't watch via apps, I have to download the old-fashioned way, hehe) I look forward to it too! 


Ten eps in, & Panda&Hedgehog might just be a contender for top faves..
#unjinxunjinxunjinx #pleasedontletitgobadly #justgimmemoresquee ♡♡♡ 
(even if the unrequited love of the second lead will be the death of me, aahh..) 
You might also want to check out I Need Romance 2. Theres a little bit of cohabitation and both leads are extremely equal. This was one hell of a love triangle, I had no idea who to root for.