Hello im looking for movies about North Korea mainly ones about defectors, spys, people escaping, thriller type movies if anyone knows any im pretty broad in what im looking for suggest anything with relevance to north korea thanks :) sorry for double thread no idea what happened
ross123456 wrote:

sorry for double thread no idea what happened

No worries. I took care of the extra thread for you. ^^

Shiri has really good reviews on IMDB. It's one I've had my eye on for a while.
thanks Sleepninja, both movies seem interesting im looking into both of them ^.^
"Myung Wol the Spy" is a romantic comedy and the heroine is a North Korean spy. "As One" is a movie about the two Koreas joining in the... ping-pong Olympics (?) "Secretly, Greatly" is about North Korean spies. That's all I can think of, at the top of my head.
Not sure if this movie fits what you're looking for but I really liked the movie Joint Security Area. It's about an incident that happens on the border between SK and NK which is how you get to learn about the relations between SK and NK soldiers involved. I'd also seocnd Secretly, Greatly which I haven't seen yet but heard a lot of positive reviews about.
Crossing - about a defector. it's been a while since I've seen it though
Secret Reunion - KDW plays a NK spy.

I second JSA. Probably the one I enjoyed the most out of the ones I've seen (which includes Secretly, Greatly).
The Journals of Musan - a human gritty drama about a North Korean defector in South Korea
The Berlin File - an action/thriller about a North Korean spy in Berlin

Ah yes and JSA was great
^ Those two look interesting. Thanks for the recommendations.