
Up? Some users are really uncomfortable with lack of correct gender options

It's been 6½ years, how hard can it be to just add a field with "other" as an option? For both users and actors. 


It's been 6½ years, how hard can it be to just add a field with "other" as an option? For both users and actors. 

good question. Seems more like the programmer doesn't give a *


It's been 6½ years, how hard can it be to just add a field with "other" as an option? For both users and actors. 


good question. Seems more like the programmer doesn't give a *

Is the case for a lot of these suggestions- superficialities like the award system are being focussed on first- instead of topics like this, gtin a rewatch button, being able to sort titles into the times u completed them yada yada ;(  One can only hope!!

I hate that this isn't an option on a site as big as MDL. It's not like we're giving out 231+ pronouns list and telling them to get on with it. How hard is it to add just a custom option? 

Seeing this suggestion, things come to my mind which I would like to keep. 

1st thing all the users of this site have given wrong information whether it is gender or not. Doesn't matter.

2nd thing if you don't want to tell your gender then don't select any of the two existing gender it is not Mandatory. will count you in virtually other.

or actually their is three option when you open dropdown menu a dash ( - ). male and female .  may be dash count as other.

there's still a significant difference between "neither male nor female" and "non of your business".


there's still a significant difference between "neither male nor female" and "non of your business".

True. Also that option is not available for actors, only for users adding their own data. 

Upping this for both users and actors please.

Yeah, it would be great to add a non-binary / other option. for sure!! ))

I agree with OP and other commenters that this is needed for both users and actors. Not having it and forcing people to use an identity that is not what they are is so backward. Not to mention that we are forced to misgender some amazing actors and crew because there is no option to signify something closer their gender identity.

If this is a difficult change to make, then please let the community know so that we can find ways to assist in making this change. If it isn't, then please give it a higher priority in upcoming changes.

I can only agree with everyone else on this thread. It's a big yikes if you look at someone's profile that even says in the bio that they're nonbinary, and then you look at the Details and it's a binary gender listed on there.