Hessa Volunteer Staff
Add a genre:

Variety Show/Reality Show: This is completely it's own thing and under a non-fiction category. It shouldn't be under the tag and there are a lot of variety shows in every country on MDL list. It would make it easier for users to find them if made into a genre as there is a main focus aside from comedy, a slice of life (which is mostly a fiction genre thing).

In a different suggestion, I actually asked for genres to be removed from variety shows. Genres should be removed since they are not compatible with variety shows and we should instead have types; which make it easier for people to search for different types of tv shows. Also, we should be able to choose multiple types just like the genre box works. Types I'm suggesting:

  1. Game Show
  2. Variety Show
  3. Music Show
  4. Survival Competition Show
  5. Travel Show
  6. Talk Show
  7. Food and Cooking Show
  8. Beauty and Makeup Shows
  9. Fashion and Style Shows
  10. Sport Shows
  11. Reality Show
  12. Comedy Sketch Show (Example: Gag Concert)
  13. Talent Show (Example: Star King)
  14. Documentary Show


I'd like to suggest changing the 'Music' to 'Art' or 'Creative Art'. It's okay if people disagree but I just want to share a suggestion.

Not to muddy the water, I agree 100 % with Hessa and the person with Wuxia,tokusatsu recs. But I am going to add that a lot of "tags" are being confused with "tropes" see tvtropes.com. 

Tags and genres are mainly for narrowing search parameters.

I see that would be cool to have its own set of subcategories! Makes finding a type easier!

Youth: Youth is defined as 0 - 25 age range which will involve school and a slice of life but the primary focus is on the age there so keep it separate with school falling under it. It could be changed to Coming of Age but that is long.

Investigation: Should be Police Procedural because it is very specific. Unlike Crime (which can just be about gangst and not about police or solving something) and Mystery (is too broad and has too many subgenres ) this will make it easier. There is a lot of police procedural drama about solving cases.

Ha, I see you're a woman of culture as well xD
I was writing my comment and didn't see you had already expressed the same opinions. I obviously totally support your suggestions.


Not to muddy the water, I agree 100 % with Hessa and the person with Wuxia,tokusatsu recs. But I am going to add that a lot of "tags" are being confused with "tropes" see tvtropes.com. 

Tags and genres are mainly for narrowing search parameters.

This is why I was going to suggest we have a page or a listing of tags so people can easily see them. Right now tags are just something we can write in or search for but it would be more helpful to have them written out to choose from, eliminate duplicates and we could define what the tag means if necessary.


Ha, I see you're a woman of culture as well xD
I was writing my comment and didn't see you had already expressed the same opinions. I obviously totally support your suggestions.

We just vibe well, now don't we?  It will simplify the genre list and be easy to deal with XD

Another Removal: 

  • Music: Not necessary unless this is a Musical genre rather than about any music. It can definitely just be a tag. 
  • Medical: This can go under the Procedural genre I mentioned for Law & Investigation. Especially if there are plans to remove Law. Tags will help identify the type they are but they all fall under the same thing.

I gave 3 votes cause genres/tags got out of control and need to be fixed and closed down. Too many people add stuff and the approval team is forced to approve everything cause there isn’t a clear list / rules that at least assures to not have duplicates.

Genres are the main theme of the drama. For example wuxia is just a type of historical so it shouldn’t be a genre. Genres should be reduced, all the other should be came tags, unless you want to add a sub-genres list. But it would be even more confusing imho. 

Let me know if you need help with lists tags. 


Another Removal: 

  • Music: Not necessary unless this is a Musical genre rather than about any music. It can definitely just be a tag. 
  • Medical: This can go under the Procedural genre I mentioned for Law & Investigation. Especially if there are plans to remove Law. Tags will help identify the type they are but they all fall under the same thing. 

I like having medical as a separate genre, and the the tags of Dr, nurses, or terminal illness or disability.

Music can go under art.  

What about genre western and manga, I think they're useless.


What about genre western and manga, I think they're useless.

Adapted from a manga is a tag so I agree since only Japan has manga, the other countries call their comics by other names.

Western I wish they used for shows that feature Asian born actors in the mdl database so we could have their full filmography OR have a text field we fill out their western shows on their profile page

For example wuxia is just a type of historical so it shouldn’t be a genre

I disagree with moving wuxia to tags. It's more than just a historical - it's a fusion of genres and by removing one genre, you'd have to replace it with several additional genres like historical+martial arts+action+adventure+fantasy. If there's romance, political intrigue and comedy, you are looking at dramas with 8 or more genres. 

Also, what about 'subgenres' of wuxia like xianxia? If a category is broad enough to have more than 1 subcategory, doesn't it deserve to be named genre?


I disagree with moving wuxia to tags. It's more than just a historical - it's a fusion of genres and by removing one genre, you'd have to replace it with several additional genres like historical+martial arts+action+adventure+fantasy. If there's romance, political intrigue and comedy, you are looking at dramas with 8 or more genres. 

Also, what about 'subgenres' of wuxia like xianxia? If a category is broad enough to have more than 1 subcategory, doesn't it deserve to be named genre?

What if it was a tag under action? Then you could tag it under any of the genres you described able to move it where it needs to be.


I disagree with moving wuxia to tags. It's more than just a historical - it's a fusion of genres and by removing one genre, you'd have to replace it with several additional genres like historical+martial arts+action+adventure+fantasy. If there's romance, political intrigue and comedy, you are looking at dramas with 8 or more genres. 

Also, what about 'subgenres' of wuxia like xianxia? If a category is broad enough to have more than 1 subcategory, doesn't it deserve to be named genre?

There isn't a wuxia type drama without those other genres hence why it just isn't needed. It is a combo of all those things but if everyone is going to add all those things anyway, there isn't a point to having it be under Wuxia. It is better off as a tag.