It would be nice to be able to differentiate between dramas that we are truly planning to watch, and dramas that we're interested in and want to keep track of, but haven't decided whether or not we really want to watch. 


Oh yeah me too. 

I wish there is a sub category in plan to watch list for same purpose


Yes. I also read some descriptions and am unsure if I ever want to watch them or not. I added all of them on my plan to watch list marked as low priority, but frankly I don't like them crowding up my plan to watch list when I'm not even sure if I want to watch them. Another list option would be nice.

My Plan to Watch list swelled out of control (70+), and it became a source of anxiety for me since it felt like a to-do list I could never complete. I ended up dividing the entire list into separate country lists and resetting my Plan to Watch to 0. Now I only use Currently Watching and Completed, and I just dig through my "junkbox" custom lists for watching ideas.

Right now I try to keep track of the dramas I really think I'll want to watch soon in a custom list, but it would be much nicer if we could quickly move titles between a Plan to Watch list and an Interested list.

Under "Advanced" when you click on each item's status, there's a "priority" option, in which you can prioritize how much you want to watch something.

You can also use one of the other lists, like "On Hold" as an alternative to "Plan To Watch" if you simply want things separated.

And to continue this above that @kapanak describes,  once u set the priority to High, Med, Low,  you will see the priority in a column by which u can then sort the PTW.    Low priority could be for stuff u are just interested in.   I too just create custom lists these days, but this  new Priority feature  was added for this purpose sometime in the last 1-2 yrs.    

I used to use the priority settings, but haven't in a while. Can't remember why I stopped, but I'll try using it again and see how it goes. 

I created Custom Lists for this but would prefer it to be included to my Watchlist in form of a new tag. So you got a vote from me. :)