in the feeds we use the spoiler tag to hide all sorts of stuff, not just spoilers.  not drama related posts,  posts that might be of a sensitive nature and sometimes even just posts that are going to be super long.  once you've marked your post as a spoiler the only way you can let people know why it's hidden is in a comment, which might get lost under all the other comments on a post.

what i am suggesting is that, either, 1. we are able to type above a spoiler tag so we can explain why the post is hidden or that  in addition to a spoiler tag in the feeds we have tags like "not drama related/off topic" , "mature content",  "long post" 


Yesss!!!!! Especially those posts with over 50 comments. Some people get carried away and then the warning is gone lol! I support this 100% 


Yesss!!!!! Especially those posts with over 50 comments. Some people get carried away and then the warning is gone lol! I support this 100% 

yesterday i found that my "mature content"  warning had disappeared after only 7 comments. 

I dropped 3 votes because this is a MDL essential tbh

I dropped 3 votes too cos I am annoyed everytime I click on a spoiler and it's not a real one.

xxmai Volunteer Staff

Been wanting this since forever! 

 Cho Na:

I dropped 3 votes too cos I am annoyed everytime I click on a spoiler and it's not a real one.

you never know what's under there lol

YES! I hope it gets approved :D

*takes this post up*