This came up in the Suggestion "Separate News Articles into their Own Section" because recently there's not only the general increase of daily news articles but also the speculative ones aka "Actor/Actress XY in talks to star in drama Z". This articles were about role offers to celebrities and including a "if actor accepts, then he will play the role of" which is (excuse me for saying this) going quite far into the imaginary department when a role offer means there's no guarantee said offer will be accepted. 

I saw that featured actors of these articles were promptly added to the dramas cast on MDL even though there was no confirmation which lead to a lot of confused comments asking for proof/clearance if the cast additions are correct and confirmed. I know that this is already a problem we had before those articles but I guess they do not help clear up misunderstandings of this type but do the opposite and make it worse. As 3GGG said "These speculative articles can breed misunderstandings and cause misinformation to spread". 

I do not intend to suggest the article section should have strict censorship of content but maybe we can question if the MDL community needs "informations based on rumors" that can be easily found on other online sources already such as Naver, Soompi and co and have filters for this kind of article to avoid confusion and wrong cast changes. MDL has great articles so I do not see a need for speculative and irrelevant topics as this one. 


Excellent suggestion, added my votes and linked this suggestion with my own. :)

Voted.  Hope for the best!

Thanks everyone for voting! :)

Voted- I agree  bc there is loads of these Types of Articles & they are kicking out all the Editorials people have worked hard on, from the homepage  after a couple of hours.
And it can be discouraging for people to write articles