So, I have recently noticed a flood of short news articles being published in quick succession. While I'm sure some readers are enjoying them, the flood has unfortunately overtaken editorial and review articles, pushing them off of the front page sometimes in a matter of 2 to 3 days. 

The result is that people who tend to check the website for thought/editorial articles once a week may have missed a good number of them. Not to mention that having them off the front page so quickly may also discourage authors from putting in the time to write them in the first place.

On the other hand, I understand the need to publish the news articles while they happen, for they need to be read while they are still relevant. And I'm sure there's a good section of the userbase who enjoy keeping up with what's happening outside of Films & Dramas. So getting rid of the news article is not really the solution. 

So an idea could be creating a section dedicated to them, apart from the editorial articles section. To drive traffic to that section, you could create a separate banner for only those articles on the front page, which can and should rotate quickly. 

Another idea would be to move the section to the feeds (perhaps a specialized section within that page), and have users subscribe to if they are interested in the content.

Just my two cents!


@Moonchild and I had an interesting discussion regarding the value of speculative articles, which are a big part of the flood of published bite-sized "news". So since both issues are related, I'm adding a link to her suggestion as well:

If you can, check it out and vote for that as well.


Agreed! Voted.

I'm an upcoming article writer myself so it kind of gets rid of my motivation to write because not many people will be able to view it before it disappears from the front page. 

Of course, news is always important but for me personally, I like to read editorials, reviews, etc. If I really wanted to see the news, I can go to soompi to view it because most of the short news articles right now written on MDL are of Korean news. 

Anyways, my words are always jumbled up and all over the place, but I think MDL writers and their articles show their individuality and it's fun to read those while these short news articles are just paraphrased and I can't view how the writer is and how they feel personally feel about this drama and movie they're reporting about.

And yes, I'm gonna stop there lol. I dunno how else to express my support xD

I have also noticed the flood of these in the past weeks. While I think having news articles are fine, I'm sure some people read them, I am one of the people that has found them annoying. I don't read to many articles (no what what kind they are) in general, but truthfully I don't care whether whoever was casted for whatever drama. Or if they are just "considering" the role. I'll find it out eventually anyway when I possibly see the drama on MDL, read the description, and maybe add it to my list. I don't need to know beforehand, especially if cast changes are made later anyway. (Not trying to be mean for whoever writes these articles). But since this is my two cent on it, I also think putting them in a separate section is better and will bother me (personally) less.

I'm an upcoming article writer myself so it kind of gets rid of my motivation to write because not many people will be able to view it before it disappears from the front page.

Exactly my thoughts in regards to this issue. I have since stopped working on articles I have been planning and organizing since months ago because the last article didn't even last a week (but I spent a year just collecting the data for it). And that was before the news started being published every couple of hours, so I can just imagine the frustration of recently published writers. 

Of course, news is always important but for me personally, I like to read editorials, reviews, etc. If I really wanted to see the news, I can go to soompi to view it because most of the news articles written on MDL are of Korean news.

I'm of the same mind. I would rather the content be opt-in, so if I don't really care about it, I could simply not subscribe to it.

I'll find it out eventually anyway when I possibly see the drama on MDL, read the description, and maybe add it to my list. I don't need to know beforehand, especially if cast changes are made later anyway.

That's my take on it as well. While news about production details may be interesting to me, news about "Actor A" got offered a role in "Drama B" seem more like a tweet than an article to me (and not at all interesting).

I definitely agree. I was almost about to unleash my  growing fury on feeds one of these days. 

Yes there is not issue with having news articles but it's getting to the point where its hogging up the front page displaying articles, dispiriting new article writers like myself and honestly isn't exactly the most considerate towards everyone on MDL. I'd say 90% of the news articles are mostly about new Korean shoes or Korean actors/actresses being casted and not all of us are interested in the Korean entertainment industry. If we are going to have an onslaught of news articles I feel like it'd be better if there was variety of news coming different countries. 

 Currently most of the articles are just short translations/paraphrasing of the source which is usually a Naver article at most taking a day to write (since they are usually published on MDL a day later than the Naver article). Like many other MDLers, I look forward to reading editorials, drama reviews, etc which are unique, one of a kind articles ranging from a variety of topics and countries. 

That was my share of thoughts on this. Feel free to disagree. 


 Luna Skylar:
Currently most of the articles are just short translations/paraphrasing of the source which is usually a Naver article at most taking a day to write (since they are usually published on MDL a day later than the Naver article).

Indeed, I think that like magazines and/or online newspapers, a way to section the articles would bring some order to what's happening. Precisely because these bite-sized news articles aren't unique to MDL (but they are taken from a source and simply re-published or shared) they could just be given a side-banner. Or, again, a specialized section in the feeds users could subscribe to. 

I still believe that the big, front banner should be reserved for editorial/review articles since those are unique to MDL. Meaning, they have been written with the MDL userbase in mind. The effort taken to write an article should be reflected in the way they are handled by the website, even more so since  MDL authors do this for the love of it (we aren't paid, even if writing is a job in and of itself).

Agreed. Honestly, one of the feature that got me hooked on MDL and become a regular user is the Editorial Articles. I used to go there everyday -before i discover feeds- just to see if there are new articles which I can get insights and recommendations from. Well, practicality is one of the most important aspect of a home page, as I've learnt from the Search:WWW drama. And that has become apparent in the Article section. Right now, I need to swipe once or twice to get to Editorial Articles, which is.. not really appealing. So, i don't check the Article Section often.

It is also a shame that the Articles in which the writer has put so much effort, time, energy, are easily burried by articles which might be copied/translated from news sites. Goodness, some of these people did research in a scientific manner with real data from MDL users. If they do that with topics within their field of expertise and publish them in credible journals they'll be making names and bucks. Sigh, i am simply dumbfounded.(I am not demeaning those who publish news articles, because my lazy ass just won't bother searching and making an article about that. You're amazing and because of you i've become more appreciative of news articles, thank you.)

Right now, I have become more appreciative of the Noodle Cart Article because it is really efficient and effective. I personally don't really need real time news about dramas.

Hi 3GGG, please also post your voting link in these two subsections in Forum for writers

[MDL Writers] Article Ideas & Discussion and

[MDL Writers] Currently Watching "CW" Articles List 

since not all writers are active in Feeds. Miraculously I saw your post there lol, cos I'm not active in Feeds

I have a Valentine's article coming up soon, as well as a MDL 10th Anniversary article, both which I will be contacting writers. I will put your voting link in my contact messages as well. 화이팅, lol!

[Copied from my comment on @3GGG's feed post]

Voted. Thanks for creating the thread.

I can't agree more, because really, if I want to check out the latest entertainment news, there's already tons of sites out there that cover those. I've always loved MDL editorials ever since I found this site, so to see them overtaken by all those news stuff is really jarring, to say the least. (I can't imagine how it feels for people like you, who actually write a lot of the editorials.)

Someone here (I forgot who you are, sorry) has mentioned this past week that it would be great to just cover everything news-related in the Noodle Cart series, as always. Because again, people who are eager for entertainment news can get them elsewhere, and people who don't routinely follow them can get them from Noodle Cart series, in summary.

I apologize for the word vomit. I'm just glad you've taken the time to actually bring this up.

Honestly, one of the feature that got me hooked on MDL and become a regular user is the Editorial Articles. I used to go there everyday -before i discover feeds- just to see if there are new articles which I can get insights and recommendations from.

Exactly, it was the same for me as well. And it was reading those articles that inspire me to write for MDL as well. I thought that an article a day was a sweet-spot since it allowed that article to stay in the limelight for a week, lending it weight. Alas, that is not the situation now, which is quite sad.

It is also a shame that the Articles in which the writer has put so much effort, time, energy, are easily burried by articles which might be copied/translated from news sites.

And it is this sentiment (that the effort is being wasted) that will dissuade people from writing more in-depth articles. At least, it has with me. I had a series ("Motifs in K-Dramas") planned in a similar vein to my "Popular Visual Cues in K-Dramas" which I'm putting on hold for now precisely because I don't think it's currently worth the time investment in an article that will be pushed off the front page in a matter of days (if not hours, at the rate we're going!).

 Cho Na:
please also post your voting link in these two subsections in Forum for writers

Sure, although feel free to share the link anywhere you'd like. I kid you not, I thought of you when I was writing this suggestion. I thought that at the rate things were going, we'd need Cho Na to do a gem compilation per month, lol! Oh, and yes, I barely use the feeds as well but I figured that was a good place as any to share the link.  I'll post the link to the forums you suggested tomorrow :).

I've always loved MDL editorials ever since I found this site, so to see them overtaken by all those news stuff is really jarring, to say the least. (I can't imagine how it feels for people like you, who actually write a lot of the editorials.)

Thank you for adding your vote! Indeed, I was lucky enough that my last article at least lasted around 4 or 5 days in the rotating banner (though it was pushed off the first spot hours after it was published). However, this week has been insane with an article posted every few hours. I feel for the authors that took time to think, organize & write their articles (as well as the editors who took care to get rid of any pesky grammatical mistakes or pitch in ideas to elevate the work) only for the said piece to live a few days before being swept away.

Voted. This is something we have been working on. Both news pieces and editorials that writers have spent many, many hours coming up with have a place on MDL and our solution will reflect that.


Voted. This is something we have been working on. Both news pieces and editorials that writers have spent many, many hours coming up with have a place on MDL and our solution will reflect that.

Thank you for dropping by, @Skye-N-Rain. It's really encouraging to read that there's a planned solution to have editorials and news co-exist rather than compete in MDL. I look forward to seeing the execution of your vision. :) 

Gave you all of my 3 votes since I love this idea. 


Gave you all of my 3 votes since I love this idea. 

Thanks for voting!

Yuanwei Volunteer Staff

Bumping this up. :D