First of all, this drama had the workings to be something really great. It wasn't terrible, wasn't even bad, it's just I expected so much more from The Producers and it didn't deliver at all, but it could of and that's what kills me!
Majority of viewers hated the first two eps, but I absolutely loved them! I didn't love Kim Soo Hyun's character (Baek Seung Chan) as much as I did in the first two eps. He is completely lovable and adorable, and I honestly just wanted to jump into the drama and give him a big hug. But as the episodes progressed, little by little my love for him slowly started to dwindle, that eventually I just found him annoying (still cute but I didn't care about giving him hugs).
I loved every moment highlighting the PD's struggles, and I didn't think there were enough of them. I also really enjoyed Cindy's character arc and anything that had to do with her. I loved her storyline, and it was my favorite part about the last ep.
Where this drama went wrong is that it felt rushed. The last episode was completely rushed. Come on now, this is a kdrama, why was it only 12 eps. I'm left feeling so unsatisfied because there was so much more to the story. Yeah, Cindy's stuff was concluded, but what about everything else? I would have loved to see more about the struggles for female PD's, I would have loved loved loved it if they fleshed out and built a strong solid friendship between the four mains. I would have loved even more if Baek Seung Chan and Ra Joon Mo became best friends. I would have really appreciated it if they fleshed out Ra Joon Mo's character more, period, because I really loved him omg. I feel like there wasn't even enough of Ra Joon Mo and Tak Ye Jin scenes.
If this drama had delved more into the lives of PD's and worked on building friendships and establishing relationships instead of wasting all their time on a romance no one even really took seriously, then it would have been tremendously better. I think with 16 episodes this drama could have been perfect. But eh, what do i know.
The cast was honestly the best aspect of this drama. I couldn't have asked for better casting myself. I fell in love with these characters and I cared about them, which is why I'm so disappointed because I wanted and expected so much more. But listen, all my complaining shouldn't stop anyone from watching this drama. I still enjoyed The Producers, it was really fun and entertaining. Is it a must-see? Eeehhhhhh, i don't know about that. Depends, do u love the actors in this? For example, Kim Soo Hyun? Then yes, I'd say get your butt in gear and watch it. But honestly, this drama is just one to help u pass the time. It isn't thought provoking, and definitely not a 10. It could have been, but it's not. So it just is what it is. And nothings wrong with that. Now, would I watch it again? Well, maybe if I was bored, yeah sure. But considering how I just finished it, I don't think I'll be doing a rewatch any time soon.
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The story is so simple, but the messages are so very impactful, they hit u right in ur soul. This drama meant a great deal to me as a woman. Here you have Aki Nakahara, this beautiful successful business woman in her 40s who's judged by society because she isn't married and "behaves like she's still young." She's got two friends who are in the same boat as her. Haters to the left plz. Society judges women like them all the time. Oh, since you're over 40 that means you shouldn't have girl nights, be single and mingle, look or do anything young, or just have fun anymore. It's infuriating. But u know what, Aki Nakahara doesn't let that down, and neither do her friends. They don't have to try to be beautiful, because they already are. And they certainly don't conform to what society wants.
Nakahara, and her friends Moeko Osaki and Midori Sakata, each have their own stories. Nakahara's love life isn't that great, in fact, she goes through a lot of downs. But, she meets an author named Fumio Takayama, and by making his acquaintance she garners life lessons and their romance slowly blooms. Moeko Osaki also has some trouble in the love department. Her biggest crutch is her mother, but she's still successful in her own right. Midori Sakata is a divorcee (oh no *rolls eyes*) with three sons. I'm not going to go into all of their stories, but they're all pretty interesting and address topics I find important as a female. These are three intelligent hard-working BEAUTIFUL ladies who refuse to let their youth die.
Midori's love story was the least interesting to me, but it ended well so I didn't mind it. Plus, everything else about her story was so great and it's that which kept me captivated. Besides Nakahara, it's gotta be Moeko who I'm the most proud of. She grew a lot during this drama, was no push-over, and her resolve was fantastic. Now, I obviously enjoyed watching Nakahara the most. Her love story was the most interesting, she doesn't conform to society, and she's just so damn likable.
The acting/cast was excellent! Fantastic on all sides, especially Shinohara Ryoko. Wow, I was so excited to see her each week. Eguchi Yosuke was excellent as well! All of them were, but I already said tht lol. The music fits this drama so perfectly i can't even describe the feels I got hearing it! This drama is definitely rewatchable because it was such a good drama, but I don't really see myself doing tht tbh. And again, the story was just so well written. The ending was great, and overall it was just really well executed.
Lady Girls was a simple drama, but man oh man does this drama show you how a well executed drama should be. It has a similar feel to Last Cinderella (which also stars Shinohara Ryoko, but I absolutely hated it), but Lady Girls has got to be at least a thousand times better. More than anything, this drama was enjoyable, and I had a good time watching it. I totally recommend!
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1 Litre of Tears deserves nothing less than a 10. This is my third time around watching it, and the only reason why I rated the rewatch value a 6 is because this is not an everyday drama, something you watch just to pass the time. It can be emotionally draining, and you need to be in the right sort of mood to watch it.
I wouldn't watch this drama all the time, but I would definitely recommend it to everyone out there. Whether you're a jdrama fan or not, I think everyone should watch 1 Litre of Tears at least once in their lifetime. Especially if you are a jdrama fan. How can you call yourself one if you've yet to see this? It's such a powerful drama. All about Aya, a 15 year old girl who's diagnosed with such a cruel disease. Her disease gradually takes away her motor functions, and little everyday things you and I take for granted.
This drama will open up your heart and really make you appreciate the abilities you have now. Ako (Aya's sister) says what I think is a pivotal message in this drama. "To actually have the ability, but to do nothing, I really don't like that." After watching this drama, you'll reevaluate everything. You'll definitely have a new outlook on life. I know I did. If this 15 year old girl, with such a hopelessly cruel disease is able to find a purpose to keep living, to keep pushing through to the next day, why can't any of us do the same?
1 Litre of Tears is near and dear to my heart. I love it so much. Of all the jdramas I've seen, I'd say this is the one everyone needs to watch. If you absolutely hate crying, and it's a deal breaker for you, then I can honestly say it's your loss. It's such a profound story, with an equally amazing cast, and the soundtrack is breathtaking. You're not human if your eyes don't at least water. Excellent drama.
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Where to even begin? The feels! The freaking feels I get from this drama. Not only is it funny (seriously, it's impossible not to kneel over from laughter every episode), but it's so touching and heartfelt. The bonds each character has with one another is not easily forgotten, and it's hard to choose which interactions I enjoy the most. Honestly, I love all of them! That is probably a prime example why I prefer jdramas over all the other asian dramas. There is so much heart in this drama, it makes my own heart want to explode.
And can I just say again how funny this drama is. Honestly, it's one of the funniest dramas I've ever seen. Kotora, the main character, is yakuza but wants to do rakugo (a form of classical Japanese storytelling), and each episode he learns a different story and incorporates it into reality (whatever situation the characters happen to find themselves in that day) and performs it. It's really so funny, I seriously can't stress that enough. If you're going to watch this, be prepared to bust a gut.
Omg please watch this. Please? If you love jdramas and you've never seen this, you need to get on it. If you're new to the genre, WATCH IT. Just everyone should watch it. You really won't regret it.
Btw, Tiger & Dragon has THE PERFECT ENDING. Honestly, I was just so happy and giddy, and I was grinning from ear to ear. Just, everything comes together so nicely at the end. Outstanding drama!
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I can't help to compare the two versions against one another. Anyone who says they don't for any drama that has another version is a big ol' liar. Of course I had some problems with this version. I didn't mind the reality aspect of the drama at all, in fact i loved it. But I did have a problem with Da Jung. It's impossible to not compare her with Japanese version's Nao. In the Japanese version, the whole big deal with Nao is that she's just too honest for her own good. Too trusting. In the Korean version, Da Jung's whole thing is that she's just too kind. I thought this was incredibly stupid. Who's even heard of such a thing. And since when is being too kind a bad thing? I just didn't get it and thought it was completely stupid. Also, with Nao, even though she was completely naive and very stupid, the girl was genuine. I felt her sincerity in all her actions. She felt one of a kind. Da Jung does not feel unique at all. My problem is that there's nothing special about Da Jung that all these ppl are going out of their way to help her. What makes her so likable? She's not dislikable, but she's just there quite frankly, and I just didn't feel anything special with her other than her being the main character.
Also, the whole reasoning Da Jung has for sticking with the game is so stupid. I still don't even know why she just didn't get out when she had the chance. With Nao I understood and ttly respected her decision, but with Da Jung I'm just shaking my head.
I know it seems like I'm complaining a lot about this drama, but thats really the only big issue I have with Korean Liar Game. As I stated before, I loved the reality show aspect of it. Very original. I also love that the loan shark guy had Da Jung's back. And my favorite character of all, Ha Woo Jin. Loved him! I definitely love Japanese Akiyama more, but Woo Jin held his own. He was ttly likable, had swag, and I ttly ship him and Da Jung lol.
I also loved the ending. I think it was excellent, and this version definitely feels like more of a psychological thriller especially towards the end. It was especially creepy. I didn't like the games in this version. I loved the roulette game and the poker game in Liar Game 2, but this version definitely washed them down. Still Korean Liar Game definitely holds it's own against the japanese version. I just happen to personally prefer jdramas over kdramas. Anyways, since I just finished this drama, I want to write my review before I forgot my initial feelings. I'd say it's worth a watch. Definitely entertaining.
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I thought the first episode was kinda boring, but after that it really grows on you and finds a place in your heart. Unubore's antics throughout the drama have me rolling. I just can't even deal. He's too ridiculous it's adorable. His dances, his "Ore wa ore da!", he even starts singing his own theme song.
Unubore Deka has a great cast, and it's just fun to watch. It's just a fun time waiting to be had. I loved the ending so much, I couldn't decide whether I should rate this a 9 or 8. The plot is interesting enough, but it's everything else that really makes this drama gold. If you love Nagase, you definitely have to check it out. If you've enjoyed Kudo Kankuro's previous jdramas (Kisarazu Cat's Eye, Tiger & Dragon, etc.), you'd probably like this too since he also wrote this.
Unubore Deka is just a good time. I'd recommend it to anyone who's looking for something not so serious, but still has substance and is funny as well.
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The first one was funny, but Legal High 2 had me rolling. I'm still laughing just thinking about it. Not only that, but I felt the message much more deeply this time around. Love ugliness, that's what Komikado told Hanyu, the idealistic "antagonist" this season, if you wish to truly change the world. I couldn't agree more. Mayuzumi's desperate need to always search for and find the truth is truly admirable to me. And all the characters are so adorable this season i can't even handle it. I've never shipped a pairing so hard in a jdrama before (Komimayu), and it's really so much fun.
Legal High 2 is a bit ridiculous, and it has it's problematic moments. Like there was this one instance that I just couldn't get over, but the drama is so enjoyable and it's message overall is a good one, so I chose to ignore that little hiccup. Komikado's antics this season were enough for me to recommend this drama to others, but his truth bombs that he be spittin left and right is my favorite thing about Legal High 2. And, of course, Mayuzumi's growth and development. I really need a third season. I usually dislike sequels, but this is definitely one of the better ones. I highly recommend this drama. Please, please watch it. I promise you'll be entertained if nothing else.
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Attention Please is not a must-see, but it's a decent enough drama. It has everything a drama addict needs to make it "good enough". It's got drive and it's got spunk. You want to see Misaki make it to the end.
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The story is decent, but honestly, it's nothing that special. I don't even know what it is that made me genuinely enjoy it, but Lunch Queen left me with a warm, happy feeling.
Lunch Queen is just a feel-good drama. Nothing that outstanding or original about it, but you can count on it to put you in good spirits. The cast was really good and the actor's worked well off each other. The music was very nice and fit well with this drama, but I wouldn't go searching the internet for it to download. This was my second time watching this drama and I still didn't get bored, and I still have the same feelings, so I'd say the rewatch value is pretty good.
Not my favorite jdrama, but one of the good one's for sure.
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What a sweet and touching drama this is. It's the type of drama that will have you feeling nostalgic, and it'll make u want to hop on the phone or send a quick message to friends you haven't talked to in awhile. I was going to call this a coming of age drama, but it's not really, since all the characters are adults in their senior year of college.
The story is so much more than some deaf girl and the challenges she faces while trying to fit normally into society. It's all about deep friendships, forming bonds, creating memories, finding your way. Most of all, taking value and worth in yourself.
I just have so many feels just thinking about Orange Days. After I finished this drama for the first time, I wanted me and my friends to get a notebook and write in it just like in the drama. Omg this drama will have you missing simpler times (if you've already graduated from high school or college), or make you really appreciate the times you have now (if you haven't).
Overall, I rate this drama a 9.5 because it's not something I could watch over and over again, back to back. And the music, although nice and fitting, doesn't make me want to run and download it. Everything else is pretty much perfect to me. I recommend this drama to everyone honestly. It's really that good. I thoroughly suggest u give it a chance.
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MDL did a good job at summarizing IWGP, but honestly, I thought this drama was gonna be so cliche. Like I thought there would be a fight between Makoto and his best friend for the leadership spot of the gang, but no such thing happened. Makoto's best friend, Takashi, has his back throughout the entire drama. Not only does Takahi love Makoto, but everyone does. This character just has so much swag I can't take it.
There's also kinda sorta a love triangle, between Makoto, the main girl, and some other girl. I definitely liked the other girl better, but w/e. I'm not even upset with the ending because things get wrapped up, all questions are answered, and it all just ties together very nicely.
I wouldn't call this a detective drama to be exact, but if you like those types of dramas (the types where the characters are trying to figure out who committed a certain crime), u like laughing (it was kinda funny, u know anything with Nagase will have u laughing), u like dramas with friendship and loyalty, u may like this one. I'd definitely recommend, although some may not like the style/quality since it is a kinda older one (2000 I think). Of course the acting/cast is on point. And the music is pretty good (at least it is to me). The only character I didn't like was the main girl, I found her very annoying and self-centered. But that didn't stop me from enjoying the drama. It's good, definitely worth a watch.
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First of all, HAN YE SEUL. Need I say more? Me finding out she was in this already piqued my interest, but finding out this was a remake of one of my favorite Goldie Hawn movies sold me. If I loved Overboard and that whole set up, I just knew I'd love Couple or Trouble.
And it didn't disappoint. Couple or Trouble wasn't exactly like Overboard, but it was very similar. Just as the MDL summary says, Anna Jo is rude, feisty, and audacious. She's also a rich heiress who's married to Billy, and she considers him her only family. But everyone is uncomfortable around her because of her cold demeanor. While returning to Korea from America, she has an bad encounter with Jang Chul Soo all due to a misunderstanding, but because of that incident the two of them have bad blood between them. Jang Chul Soo is a hardworking handyman who can fix just about anything. One night while drunk because of an argument with Billy, she falls off her yacht overboard (haha) into the water. Next day she wakes up in the hospital with amnesia. Jang Chul Soo happens to be there, so to exact revenge against her, he tells her her name is Na Sang Shil, lies about being her lover and makes her come home with him to basically be a housekeeper. You all can guess what ensues from there.
It's a really fun setup. Overboard itself has a great setup, and Couple or Trouble does it justice. You can sympathize with all the characters (except the second female lead, ugh). Casting was great! Ji Ho was a great match with Han Ye Seul. Also, some of the scenes are just so cute! There were actual moments (as in more than one time) where my heart fluttered and I got butterflies. Some parts just had me smiling from ear to ear. This drama is pretty funny too!
I loved the fact that Anna Jo, even while she had amnesia, didn't lose the core of who she was. She was still full of confidence, she still had her own opinions about things, and she was no push-over. I loved how we slowly get to see her opening up her heart. And my favorite part about her and this drama is how honest she was. She remained honest to a fault, even for things where it'd be understandable if she lied, she was still truthful. Everyone knows Oh Ji Ho oozes sex right off the screen, so his portrayal of Jang Chul Soo was no different. Jang Chul Soo is just a good guy at his core, and he's all about saving his money. When the two of them eventually admit their love for one another, it's just the most touching beautiful thing.
The one and only thing that really annoyed me in this drama is the was Na Sang Shil would say Jang Chul Soo before every sentence while addressing him. I mean every. single. one. Idk, I just found it annoying, but it didn't take anything away from the drama.
After watching this, I now know not to trust the ratings on MDL. Even reading through the comments section, I don't understand why so many people didn't like this drama. It was seriously highly enjoyable. Not one episode was boring, it was marathon-worthy, and I'd totally watch it again. The only way I can understand someone not liking this is if they don't like rom-coms, or their heart is black. I recommend it, it's a fun watch!
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First of all, I absolutely loved the integration of season 1 and season 2 characters. I especially loved how Kaji made it back to the main hospital (ttly shipped him and Daimon in season 1), and I love the continuing joke of Daimon not remembering Hara (also from season 1). I LOVED THE ADDITION OF THE NURSES! Thts one of the things the first 2 seasons were missing. I'm so glad Doctor X 3 emphasized on their importance and role in the hospital. I loved tht the main guy in charge this season, President Tendo, understood Daimon and actually appreciated her skill as a doctor. There was much less of people trying to block Daimon from performing surgeries. And the other doctors seemed to be learning to appreciate Daimon's skills, and instead of fighting against her, trying to learn from her. I love tht we learn what Akira is doing with all tht money he seems to be taking from Daimon. And this season's surgeries and patients are even more cool.
Although the storyline is almost the same, I think it's more enjoyable. The only thing I thought this drama could've done without was the last minute. It was weird and just ttly unnecessary. Anyways, I really hope tht there will be a fourth season.
As I've stated about the previous two seasons, this one is also ttly marathon-worthy. It's just a really good watch and an enjoyable drama.
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- Namikiri Gaku
That quote sums up what this whole drama is about. At first glance, the concept of Zettai Kareshi might seem quite silly or even stupid to most. A robot and a human being falling in love? How dumb does that sound! Well, if you move beyond just the surface and pay close attention to all the layers underneath, you'll discover a truly heartwarming story about how love is the start of all miracles. Anything is possible through love, and this drama is just another showcasing of that.
All of the characters are likeable, my favorite being Night. The acting left nothing to be desired and was pretty believable. The music was excellent and went very nicely with the theme of this drama. Okaeri is one of the most memorable songs I've ever heard in a drama.
Zettai Kareshi/Absolute Boyfriend was the very first Asian drama I ever watched, and it is the one that started my love for Asian dramas. I was feeling nostalgic so I decided to rewatch this drama. This is probably my fourth rewatch, and I feel exactly the same as when I first watched it. Except, now I feel like I have a greater understanding of the message this drama was trying to convey and I absolutely love it.
When I was first rating this drama, I gave it a 9. I couldn't really decide if it deserved a 9 or something higher, so I rewatched it to make up my mind.
I have absolutely no complaints with this drama. None at all. It was just as funny as I remembered, maybe even more so. It is so heartwarming and truly touched my heart. The ending to this drama (and I'm talking about just the drama, not the special) was perfect. PERFECT! I gave the rewatch value a 10 because I could honestly rewatch this drama a hundred times over. And I'm not the type who enjoys rewatching things.
I shed a couple tears at the very end of this drama. My rating is 10/10. If your an asian drama viewer, or even if your not, WATCH IT. It's definitely worth it. Just remember to keep an open mind.
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Storywise, I thought Birth of a Beauty was gonna be similar to the korean movie 200 Pounds Beauty. While it is similar in some aspects, Birth of a Beauty takes its storyline above and beyond. I was expecting this to be a lighthearted drama, full of fluff to satisfy my craving, but it ended up being so much more. There were twists, it even got kinda dark. Sa Geum Ran is fat and ugly (even though i don't think she's ugly at all) and finds out that her husband Lee Kang Joon has been cheating on her. She ends up going to Han Tae Hee for help getting a full body plastic surgery, and if I say any more I'll totally spoil this drama. I know the plot sounds so shallow and superficial, as if BoaB is promoting plastic surgery, but i don't really think so. If you watch this drama and that's the only thing you walked away with, you've missed the whole point. BoaB is about discovering your true self and loving yourself completely for who you are. Sara/Sa Geum Ran is my favorite character in this drama, I love her even more than I love Han Tae Hee, and it really hurts me to see people calling this character stupid just because she acts like a normal human being. Anyways, I ended up rating the story a 9 because it wasn't the typical makeover/plastic surgery storyline I was expecting, and because it had to potential to be much greater.
Acting/Cast wise, it's a 10. I doubt I'm gonna get any arguments there. Cast was perfection. Han Ye Seul had chemistry with all of her male co-stars, that I actually shipped her with everyone! Jung Gyu Woon was such a sexy evil asshole, omg, he played that character with absolute swag. I loved everyone! Everyone suited there roles and did an excellent job at portraying their characters. Even that evil character Chae Yeon, played by Wang Ji Hye (no one else could have played her). I have no complaints in this department.
Music is absolutely perfect! The OST matched the drama soooooo perfectly. The music that they played when a scene was getting intense, or funny, or cute omg sooooo perfect. I'm just smiling recalling it all. I need to go download it. And, it's all catchy as hell. For the duration of this drama I kept singing the theme song lol. It was annoying to my sister, but i don't care, i loved it!
The rewatch value is a 9 for me. I was so obsessed with this drama at the beginning, I basically lived and breathed Birth of a Beauty. My every thought was about Birth of a Beauty. When I first started watching, I think there were only 5 or 6 eps out, I marathoned all of those, and then kept rewatching those eps until a new ep would come out. I loved this drama so much that I'd watch the raw version first, then I'd watch it subbed. I did all of this until about ep 14-16 (can't remember which ep). I started watching it raw again by ep 19-20, cuz that's when it started picking up again. See, the thing about Birth of a Beauty is that the first half of this drama was so powerful, that I don't think anyone was prepared for when the later episodes slowly started declining in quality (storywise). "Noble idiocy" played a major role, but all of that gets fixed by ep 18-19. Honestly, if you just understand the character's motivations, you'll be able to bear it. That's why I rated the rewatch value so high. This is definitely a drama I can see myself rewatching (I basically did).
Birth of a Beauty easily could have gotten a rating of 10 from me. Easily. But those later episodes messed it up. I base all my ratings off of my enjoyment, what emotions I walk away with and how strongly I feel them. It's hard to choose between a 9 or an 8.5, but thinking of how I rated all the other dramas I've seen, imma give it an 8.5. I enjoyed it immensely, but it wasn't perfect. It's actually the only drama in my all time favorite's list that I didn't give a 10. Hmm, funny. Anyways, I'd totally recommend this drama to everyone, but the sad truth is that I don't think it's everyone's cup of tea. But if you are in the mood for a rom-com, for a cutesy drama, I definitely definitely definitely recommend this drama. Oh, I forgot to mention the number one reason why I love this drama so much. IT SATISFIES MY NEED FOR REVENGE. The ending is very satisfying, granted it could have been way more satisfying, but satisfying nonetheless. I love this drama. I love it to the bottom core of my heart. Birth of a Beauty will always have a residence in my heart.
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