Hiyaa I'm Miriam, I started to get interested in dramas mostly kdramas when my fabulous sister introduced me to the beautiful land of kdramas :) i mostly watch Korean but i have watched some Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese as well :) my first drama was Playful Kiss so after I Boys before Flowers and then I got hooked :P I am from Ireland, but if you asked me what Dramas are on Irish television I wouldn't have a clue and anyone from Ireland would know that its basically just Fair City (and no it its 0% like City Hunter unfortunately) Rom coms are my preferred type of drama (after cyring my eyes out at the end of God's Gift - 14 Days). Im a lover of kdramas kpop and BTS. I'm a type of person who can only watch currently airing dramas unless something has been greatly recommended to me (I'm glad i actually took the time to watch coffee prince) idk i just love the anticipation of wondering what will happen during next weeks show or loving a drama so much you will watch it without subs until it is subbed :P And honestly its probably better for my health to not binge watch a whole drama over the weekend. Dramas usually tend to stick longer in my heart (and favourite drama list on mdl) when i take my time and learn to grow with the characters over the months a drama airs :)